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To get back on topic...

I am chomping at the bit for this figure, and am considering getting at least one more.

I have a couple neat custom ideas that utilizes a few parts from this figure as well, so looking forward to part outs too!

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One of the reasons I am so pleased I invested so much time and consideration into all the graphic novels, comics and novels that have gone before.

Some I loved and some I hated.
For every Tholme, T'ra Saa and Darth Talon, there was Yuuzhan Vong, or Chewbacca getting killed by a Meteor.

Star Wars is the OT. Everything else is based off that majestic platform of storytelling. Some are good, and some are terrible, and it is all conjecture.

In regards to the films I think the PT has it's moments, and lead to the excellent Clone Wars series. Rogue One was great, Solo is a fun, almost Graphic Novel type entry, and I am really enjoying The Mandalorian.

The ST just doesn't connect for me in any way, shape or form. A mess of storytelling, character building and force powers. It is very bad Expanded Universe for me. I have watched bits of Rebels so cannot form a full conclusion. Resistance cartoon looks terrible, so I am swerving that.

Well said.

The ST was completely destroyed for me when Admiral Gender Studies Kamikaze?d the FO capitol ship.

If that was a viable strategy, then why doesn?t everyone have hyper-drive torpedos? A couple of them would make short work of the Death Star.

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I think you're probably right, but I do wonder if the casting was less intentional and more a product of time and place that wound up working out exceptionally well? I don't know.

I'm able to enjoy Gideon's character anyway, to be honest I don't really think about it.

I have been a SW fan since I saw A New Hope at a drive-in theater on opening weekend in 1977 when I was 4 years old. And until very recently the Empire was always portrayed as space Nazis. And as SW fans we?re all fully aware, the Empire only had white men, with (mostly) English accents, which portrays them as racist, sexist, xenophobes. All of that does an excellent job of teaching the audience that the Empire is evil.

Fast forward to the Mandalorian. We see Giancarlo Esposito as Moff Gideon, which makes no sense, regardless of how good an actor he is, he is miscast as an Imperial Officer. It?s like seeing a Jewish officer in the Nazi military, or a black woman as a leader in the KKK. It?s just inconceivable and makes you scratch your head and do a double-take. What?s next, will there be aliens and females in the Empire next? It just makes the empire appear kinder and gentler, and thus less evil. It?s clearly retconning SW, and I don?t like it. I enjoyed seeing Carl Weathers as the leader of a bounty hunter guild, we?ve never seen anything to contradict that casting decision, and I?ve enjoyed Weather?s performance in everything I?ve seen him in, so I?m totally happy with that, but the further you get away from having a smug white old Englishman as an imperial officer the further you get away from the original intent of what the Empire is and the evil they represent.

The decision to make a more diverse Empire, reveals a complete lack of understanding of the dynamics of SW, and betrays the Kathleen Kenedy, and Lucasfilm Story-group?s agenda of identity politics. Other than maybe Pablo Hidalgo, they don?t understand anything about SW.

That?s all I?m saying. And no matter what side of the political spectrum you are on, if you are a SW fan you?ll likely pick up what I?m laying down.

I?m not married to my opinions though, so if any of you have a logical counter viewpoint, I?m sincerely interested in hearing your explanation. As a lifelong SW fan I?m very interested to see the new stuff in a way that makes logical sense to me so that I could enjoy it more.

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I have been a SW fan since I saw A New Hope at a drive-in theater on opening weekend in 1977 when I was 4 years old. And until very recently the Empire was always portrayed as space Nazis. And as SW fans we?re all fully aware, the Empire only had white men, with (mostly) English accents, which portrays them as racist, sexist, xenophobes. All of that does an excellent job of teaching the audience that the Empire is evil.

Fast forward to the Mandalorian. We see Giancarlo Esposito as Moff Gideon, which makes no sense, regardless of how good an actor he is, he is miscast as an Imperial Officer. It?s like seeing a Jewish officer in the Nazi military, or a black woman as a leader in the KKK. It?s just inconceivable and makes you scratch your head and do a double-take. What?s next, will there be aliens and females in the Empire next? It just makes the empire appear kinder and gentler, and thus less evil. It?s clearly retconning SW, and I don?t like it. I enjoyed seeing Carl Weathers as the leader of a bounty hunter guild, we?ve never seen anything to contradict that casting decision, and I?ve enjoyed Weather?s performance in everything I?ve seen him in, so I?m totally happy with that, but the further you get away from having a smug white old Englishman as an imperial officer the further you get away from the original intent of what the Empire is and the evil they represent.

The decision to make a more diverse Empire, reveals a complete lack of understanding of the dynamics of SW, and betrays the Kathleen Kenedy, and Lucasfilm Story-group?s agenda of identity politics. Other than maybe Pablo Hidalgo, they don?t understand anything about SW.

That?s all I?m saying. And no matter what side of the political spectrum you are on, if you are a SW fan you?ll likely pick up what I?m laying down.

I?m not married to my opinions though, so if any of you have a logical counter viewpoint, I?m sincerely interested in hearing your explanation. As a lifelong SW fan I?m very interested to see the new stuff in a way that makes logical sense to me so that I could enjoy it more.

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The Empire wasn’t evil. I never viewed guys like Motti, General Veers, Admiral Piett and Jerjerrod to be any more evil than Rieekan, Mom Mothma, Ackbar etc.

When I was a kid, I always thought they were cooler than the rebels. Vader really spoke to me when he called Leia a dirty lying traitor.
I think you're probably right, but I do wonder if the casting was less intentional and more a product of time and place that wound up working out exceptionally well? I don't know.

I'm able to enjoy Gideon's character anyway, to be honest I don't really think about it.


Star Wars didn’t have any black people in it because having non-white actors in mainstream film In the late 70’s was taboo. Hell, even casting Billy Dee Williams as Lando raised eyebrows in 78-80. I’m sure Lucas would have cast more minorities/women if he believed he could do so and still have studio support. I don’t believe the Empire was ever being portrayed as being xenophobic-focused like the Nazis, but more politically-focused, so skin color wouldn’t be a recruiting factor.
The Empire was and is portrayed as a ?species racist? evil nazi inspired regime. As long as they were humans I?m not sure skin color was the issue for the Empire. But it was (is) in the movie industry though.

Star Wars didn?t have any black people in it because having non-white actors in mainstream film In the late 70?s was taboo. Hell, even casting Billy Dee Williams as Lando raised eyebrows in 78-80. I?m sure Lucas would have cast more minorities/women if he believed he could do so and still have studio support. I don?t believe the Empire was ever being portrayed as being xenophobic-focused like the Nazis, but more politically-focused, so skin color wouldn?t be a recruiting factor.

Black actors were less common but certainly not "taboo" in 1970s mainstream films and TV, especially in supporting roles - hey, even OJ had supporting roles in Towering Inferno (1974) and Capricorn One (1978) Even earlier than that - in ensemble movies like "Dirty Dozen" a full decade before SW, one of that dozen guys was black.

A New Hope/SW was criticized for not having a more diverse cast and BDW was Lucas' specific and major response to that criticism (though it is true Lucas auditioned a black actor for Han Solo)

The 70s was the era of "Roots," Richard Pryor and Sidney Poitier, and the era of the OT spans the rise of Eddie Murphy and Michael Jackson. To say that black faces were taboo in popular culture is wrong.

I have been a SW fan since I saw A New Hope at a drive-in theater on opening weekend in 1977 when I was 4 years old. And until very recently the Empire was always portrayed as space Nazis. And as SW fans we're all fully aware, the Empire only had white men, with (mostly) English accents, which portrays them as racist, sexist, xenophobes. All of that does an excellent job of teaching the audience that the Empire is evil.

But ANH/Star Wars has a 100% all-white cast on BOTH the Empire AND Rebel sides. ESB is the same - every single rebel pilot, technician, soldier etc is white in SW and ESB.:dunno

It's one of the things that makes RO a bit odd in that they show the rebellion as heavily non-white and yet it's set in the same week as the all-white ANH rebels.:lol

Yet... as Slikk hints at re: Hollywood.... every single Disney SW film, despite the often heavy diversity/identity politics mantra... were both written AND directed 100% by white men.
Where's this doggone figure?

(My not so subtle way of asking everyone to get back on topic please)

But what is there to post other than "Where's this doggone figure?":dunno:rotfl

While there are occasions where people will derail threads, a lot of these types of discussions are like people chatting during commercial breaks - when the show comes back on again, that's what we all focus on.

As soon as videos and real in-hand pics show up for this fig, this thread will be cooking mud again.
It's one of the things that makes RO a bit odd in that they show the rebellion as heavily non-white and yet it's set in the same week as the all-white ANH rebels.:lol

All those non-whitey's got killed in RO paving the way for the white ANH. Pretty obvious really.

*note heavy dose of sarcasm*
Just bought one of these, love the look and the movie (best Disney SW movie by far imo).
Haha yes! Another plot hole filled by R1

But-but.... RO itself created that plot hole....:dunno:rotfl

All those non-whitey's got killed in RO paving the way for the white ANH. Pretty obvious really.

*note heavy dose of sarcasm*

But-but.... RO itself created that plot hole....:dunno:rotfl


Nah, since we have Lando in the Galaxy far far away, it means that humans could be of more than one color, but they were all missing in ANH - a plot hole... R1 makes it clear that they were all wiped out before ANH [emoji6][emoji6][emoji6]
Nah, since we have Lando in the Galaxy far far away, it means that humans could be of more than one color, but they were all missing in ANH - a plot hole... R1 makes it clear that they were all wiped out before ANH [emoji6][emoji6][emoji6]

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