Hot Toys: Prometheus - MOVIE SPOILERS!

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Nice pics...

There is increasing evidence that ancient civilizations had knowledge of the cosmos that extends far beyond what we know today including information that could only be learned from outside of our planet --
not to mention evidence of technology that we would today consider "modern" like the Ancient egyptian light bulb and the "Baghdad Battery" to which I believe it's commonly referred.

The late Zecharaiah Sitchin (also a Rabbi, I believe), who was an expert in ancient languages from Sumerian cuneiform writings, to Egyptian Heiroglyphs, to Aztec, and Olmec etc, had discerned that these ancient cultures had information and histories (what we refer to as "mythologies") that not only were similar, but actually corroborated each other in terms of time line and key moments in human history (the relation of Aztec god Quetzacoatl and Thoth Bird God and their histories in relation to transporting humans to various parts of the world) . They also all seem to point to a certain place in the galaxy - Orion's Belt as a very important location...(The Pyramids at Giza and other pyramids on Earth "point" to them via the interior tunnels)

The mythologies state that aliens (Annunaki, Nephilim, Giants "to Earth from Heaven's came") created human beings from their genetic material and the earliest of hominids on this planet in order to help them mine for "gold" which they needed for their planets atmosphere..."gaseous" gold. (Wonder why gold is SO important to most all ancient earthlings? -why not platinum or any other pretty element that has stronger tensil strength or better electrical properties etc? Why all gold?)
The descriptions describe Mars as a way station where they used the resources, created monuments to their travellers / astronauts (that face on the moon resembles the "helmeted Olmec heads in Middle America who were there before the Incas and Mayas)and also have accounts of "nuclear" battles on Earth -- (even today you will find obsidian and other volcanic (melted) glass near Sinai where there is no volcano and a nuclear blast was supposed to have happened - a war between the "gods" as per the ancient Sumerians)

Zechariah Sitchin (who is also a professor and author) has even presented his findings to the Vatican whose official stance is that YES it is not inly possible that humans were created by extraterrestrial beings, but it is entirely Probable....

However, there is a divine element that the God of the creation of the Universe, the one Jesus Christ refers to as "My Father", is the God above gods, not necessarily the scientist gods who have created the human species...(thus the Commandment I am Your God, you shall not have any gods before me) -- in fact the lost gospel of Judas refers to Jesus as laughing when one prays to god before eating -- as Jesus explains the god he was thinking of wasn' the God of Creation but the god of human creation

(capital G -God: The Creator of Nature / Universe, "all things seen unseen", The Supernatural (uncontained, undefined by nature)

god: or A god, lesser gods, a natural being who can manipulate from creation, be they references to such as Osiris, Or any number of gods, ancient astronauts, lords we may consider as myth - or even insidiously, inhuman (not necessarily animal, but monstrous) preternatural spirits.

The Bible, first handed down verbally, then writtenm and eventually printed, also contains stories from ancient Sumerian texts almost verbatim, that are included in the Pentateuch / the Old Testament. The the new Testament accounts of our relationship to God, in parable and biographical accounts in order to teach morality. Centering on Jesus.

However, there are other stories left out of the Bible even prior to the printing of the first version on the press - mainly there are too many to include, and the Church at the time had to figure out what was Divinely inspired and most Universally. (although there are references to REINCARNATION that were removed by pope Constantine because he felt that having "a second chance" at making mistakes may prevent people from trying to do right the first time...bad idea, since most of the worlds religions, and now scientific evidence (not proof) to imply the possibility of reincarnation - which was an ancient knowledge, again driven out by modern skepticism).

That being the case, there are references to extraterrestrial accounts ie. the great "flood" that are mixed in with some of the divine aspects like Christ's Death and Resurrection, and the miracles he had to perform to get people's attention and prove life beyond mortality...
"Karma" (though He didn't necessarily use that word) is a fact of life and death. Very basic ancient knowledge -
That actions determine fate - and Love is an action word...not just an idea. That's why Jesus sounded like a hippie....the Dude was right.

BUT i digress, long story short (TOO LATE, I know) the ideas in Prometheus, as the writers may say, are nothing new, BUT it is interesting to see that the Alien now plays a vital role in this mythology...I love that their creation is tied in with ours and that they are more relevant to Human kind's creation than any other animal in the universe ... that we are connected to them in a more personal way...that they were created specifically for our doom.

:goodpost: :exactly:
Everybody wants to get all DaVinci code-Chariot of the Gods-Jesus was Buddhist but it doesn't guarantee a great story. To each his own, but a certain amount of suspension of disbelief is required to believe a group of diehard followers would misinterpret Christ's teachings for religion when all he meant for us was to become aliens after death.

If that were the case, then perhaps the Engineers where going to kill us for being so stupid.

Still 14,5" Engeener or... one big ass GFTO.

Right on! I'll need someone to give Jake Sully a galactic space wedgie!

backs out of thread slowly...

:lecture I should probably take your lead...

Who is God?

What is love?



Whatever "Prometheus" figures are being considered, I hope they're packed with detail and display options....and no "PERS" please!!

PERS for all black eyes? Why not? HT knows I'll buy anything!!!
This film will do well on home rentals and blu ray/dvd sales don't forget.

I agree- home video will do really well. It made enough for a R rated film..the problem is what were the expectations from Fox and Ridley Scott himself to get going on a sequel?:impatient:
I agree- home video will do really well. It made enough for a R rated film..the problem is what were the expectations from Fox and Ridley Scott himself to get going on a sequel?:impatient:

The home video market sales will be epic for this one. I expect they're in good shape for a sequel.
I must admit, I will be a bit sad that there will be no xeno's in it.

Yeah, the xenomorph's not played out at all.

That dead horse still has lots of beatings left in it.



I need some Prometheus collectibles now please... :monkey2


You wouldn't settle for some cheap casted polystone painted by Chinese slave labor in a collapsed ecosystem?

Because the Hot Toys figs won't ship until the 3rd quarter of 2014.
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Well it's quiet now's out and gone, we await the Blu Ray and nothing from HT.........SDCC maybe a slight chance..probably just a placeholder...............sigh
Well it's quiet now's out and gone, we await the Blu Ray and nothing from HT.........SDCC maybe a slight chance..probably just a placeholder...............sigh

I was listening to the soundtrack tonight. Looking forward to the Blu-Ray and some nice collectables, maybe early next year! :)