Hot Toys new Superman teaser... he's coming guys!

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I hope they don't reference anything from the original films. Like Crow says, Singer gave us an updated love letter to those movies, so I don't really see a need to even give a minor nod to them at this point. Start from scratch and create an entirely new thing, I say. I just wish it wasn't Snyder doing some of that creation.
Imagine if tom Cruz had really played superman instead of reeves. That would be a 5'2"
That's your own appreciation for the theme talking. People with no exposure to it before may like it, sure, but it doesn't define Superman for them. If they're going to give the current generation their own Superman, which they have to do in order to be successful, they need to create something new from top to bottom. Part of the reason Superman Returns failed (for lack of a better word) was the strict adherence to the Donner version of the character and everything related to him, music included. Today's audiences flat out don't care about that version, and nothing about him holds significance.

We may not be happy about that, but that's just the way things work. To move forward, the current generation needs their own version of the character to identify with, not the version their parents grew up with.

I respectfully hope you're wrong. I'm hoping, anyone and everyone still associates Superman with that music, and that with Smallville using it the theme stays in the consciousness of todays audiences.

Superman Returns sucked because of the same old Lex Luthor plot, very poor pacing, the superkid and Kate Bosworth not being a particularly good Lois Lane. No other reasons than those IMO. The use of the classic music was one of the best things about it.

Take that music away in the new film and I worry...I worry.
I agree with both Cr0w and Kara, I'm frankly tired of hearing Williams theme along with NEW Superman ideas. I love the Reeve Films as that's what I grew up with (though not my reason for lovely superman, the comics did that by themselves), but just like Batman has gotten it's far shar of revamps/reboots, i'd really love to see a Superman flick nt at all related to the Reeve films whatsoever. Batman has done more than well without utilizing anything from Burton or Schumauker (or however you spell that guys name) to my knowledge al why can't we enjoy a new superman film with no connection to its predecessors?
I'm not disagreeing with you there at all, a-dev. The music in SR had me all misty-eyed at points, especially when he and Lois were flying through Metropolis. I have huge love for Williams' theme and it defines Superman for me, personally. Also remember I never said SR sucked. I own and really like the film, almost love it. It was a good love letter to the Superman most of us grew up with, though I wish the kid sub-plot had been thrown out and Lois had been cast differently. I just said it was a failure for lack of a better word.

I'm just trying to look at the issue from a marketing standpoint without any nostalgia for the Donner era and present the reasoning behind why I think that version needs to be put to rest for a rebooted Superman franchise to be successful, which I really, really want. I think it's a requirement that they create a completely new Superman universe to have a successful franchise going forward.
I'm not disagreeing with you there at all, a-dev.

I sensed that, sorry for not making it clear. I knew you were looking at it objectively. I do think you're right, they probably will pass on anything that connects it to the other Superman films and shows. I just wish they wouldn't. Well I say that now, who knows what the new film will turn out like. Perhaps, as with the Nolan Batman films, I'll be saying ''yeah, glad they didn't use the Williams theme..its a classic but it just wouldn't work here at all''
No worries. I think they may keep the general "feel" of the Williams theme, like Lois & Clark and the animated series did, but not the specific theme itself. I don't think it would be as out of place as, say, Elfman's theme would be in the Nolan Batman movies, because Superman's a pretty bombastic type of story/character anyway, so that general feel just fits the character.

I could be wrong, of course. I just don't see them completely abandoning the feeling the old scores evoked.
^yeah but one more thing...

One reason I worry about them not using the Williams theme is I remember watching that Doomsday animated feature, I can't recall the exact name, and although I thought it was a very good film I just really really missed the Williams Superman theme. It just didn't feel like a 'proper' piece of Superman without that music.
I did a photoshop of my own (if photoshop is going to a facebook wall and stealing a pic).



What do you think?

I see what you did there. ;)
^yeah but one more thing...

One reason I worry about them not using the Williams theme is I remember watching that Doomsday animated feature, I can't recall the exact name, and although I thought it was a very good film I just really really missed the Williams Superman theme. It just didn't feel like a 'proper' piece of Superman without that music.

I can see that. I guess it just all depends on the story and feel of the film. Like...Superman Doomsday, it would have fit. Especially when he comes back to life.

But in, say, All-Star Superman, I don't think it would have fit. It had a different tone. Here's the ending theme. It evokes the Williams score but does its own thing, which is what I hope they do with the new flick.

[ame=""]YouTube - ‪Soundtrack ALL STAR SUPERMAN by Christopher Drake‬‏[/ame]
^yeah but one more thing...

One reason I worry about them not using the Williams theme is I remember watching that Doomsday animated feature, I can't recall the exact name, and although I thought it was a very good film I just really really missed the Williams Superman theme. It just didn't feel like a 'proper' piece of Superman without that music.

Are you serious? The opening music is great!!! It has a subtle bit of Williams theme in there but not enough to be unoriginal to it have it's own theme. I love the music in Superman: Doomsday and is the best piece of the DC animated films next to Batman: Under the Red Hood. I personally felt I portrayed superman very well as well as a good recap of the important parts of the long series of comics that was The Death and Return of Superman (at least it felt like a long series when I was waiting for each new issue to be released)

And I know for many of you guys Reeve defines superman for you guys, and that's cool, bur Superman was/is from a comic first and that's my original Love right there. I didn't become a superman fan b/c of Reeve's portrayal, I was already one before that. As I believe Obi_Dave said, Superman isn't defined by Reeve (for me at least), he is defined by the source material, the comics. No movie nor actor will ever be able to capture how I see him in the comics especially with the lack of action in these films. Comics for me guys, movies are just another enjoyable medium to try to live up to the comics
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I'll go on record as saying I absolutely hate Superman: Doomsday. I blind bought it, watched it, then literally threw it away. Luthor was the worst part for me, but overall...what a disappointment.
Superman Returns sucked because of the same old Lex Luthor plot, very poor pacing, the superkid and Kate Bosworth not being a particularly good Lois Lane. No other reasons than those IMO. The use of the classic music was one of the best things about it.

Yep. Thats pretty much the gist of it:lecture

But I do agree they need to come up with something more fresh while keeping all the Suoerman essentials. I say this because I remember walking out the theater with my friends and the ones that didnt like it said it was trying to hard to be Superman:The Movie. Ive met quite a few people since then who feel the same way. Personally I think the movie was just alright and thats it. It had scenes that were neat(mostly due to FX) but I was kinda bored for the most part. Oh and I hated Kate Bosworth as Lois Lane and that damn super kid
Are you serious? The opening music is great!!!

Well I don't remember it. I'm not saying theres no possibility of any other Superman music being good, just that, for me at least the Superman character is hugely bound up with the John Williams theme. It makes it super-hard for me, as with the Doomsday music, to care for and commit it to memory.
just that, for me at least the Superman character is hugely bound up with the John Williams theme.


I'm not saying no new music, but every Superman movie from here on out till the END OF TIME should include some of the JW theme somewhere. Hey, when you experience genuine greatness it's hard to go back.
But in, say, All-Star Superman, I don't think it would have fit. It had a different tone. Here's the ending theme. It evokes the Williams score but does its own thing, which is what I hope they do with the new flick.

YouTube - ‪Soundtrack ALL STAR SUPERMAN by Christopher Drake‬‏

I just had a look at that and there again my response is its competent, nice music but ultimately forgettable. Certainly nothing I'd be pumping my fist to. :dunno

I also checked out a link to the Superman: Doomsday music. The same.

Y'know I'm not a major Reeve Superman obsessive. I wasn't born till '82, didn't watch the films much as a child, I don't even like any of the films - I just can't watch them, I think they're so outdated. The only things about them that stand the test of time for me are Reeve himself and the Williams theme. We have no choice but to do without Reeve but the music could and IMO should stay unless they intend to completely change the tone of the new film. Yeah Smallville uses it but y'know apart from having a few nods to the Reeve films by having some of the old cast do cameos over the years it actually doesn't acknowledge the Donner films. Its rewritten the whole thing...but still kept the music. So I think it could be done without falling into the same trap SR did of basically just trying to be another Donner film.
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Just an example of what I meant by evoking the spirit of the Williams theme without actually using it.

I will say, though, that I wish/hope they find a way to include Williams' love theme, because it's my favorite piece of music from any of the films, and my absolute favorite part of SR.
her expression is too serious aswell, I'd have preferred a smiling portrait. Who is that anyway? Looks like Kari Wuhrer.

To answer the question above, the actress' name is Irresha (just that no last name although she is from the Ukraine so it might something with like 26 letters and more vowels and Ks and tremas, the two dots over a vowel) and the scene was from Click. :lol
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