Hot Toys - MMS190 - Alien vs. Predator: 1/6th scale Scar Predator Collectible Figure

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2112 is also the number of preds he has :rotfl:duff

that's too much bro :lol

btw, i took the 2112 from this one

I actually like to see the pics. I agree that the lighting is horrendous, and Is in no way flattering to the figures, but it does give you a better preview of what you will actually be getting with zero gimmicks. I def would never cancel a pre-order based on these pictures alone or any picture for that matter. I think this figure holds up nicely even in these crappy photos. I really do hope they fix that visor though.
I actually like to see the pics. I agree that the lighting is horrendous, and Is in no way flattering to the figures, but it does give you a better preview of what you will actually be getting with zero gimmicks. I def would never cancel a pre-order based on these pictures alone or any picture for that matter. I think this figure holds up nicely even in these crappy photos. I really do hope they fix that visor though.

agreed with you :1-1:
What I'd like to know is how he got his chest busted behind back into his suit and behind the controls of his ship where they found him in Alien.


I think this mite help answer your questions.
Did you write the movie or play a role in it? Its not your baby you dont need to go on a crusade to defend it. And i try as much as i can to stay out of the official discussion thread of both the movie and the figures if i want to have a dig at it because the threads are only seemingly for the people who enjoy the movie. And god knows im sick of entering threads for franchises i enjoy and seeing it slated relentlessly. And its a hell of alot more than Prometheus gets. but i let it be because im not stuck up my own ass about my opinion being right and others being wrong. And when i was using the threads and i did say the reasons why i didnt enjoy it and think it sucked i get posts in reply telling me why im wrong. Asif i havent watched the movie for myself a few times and formed my own opinion on it. An opinion lots of people share. If you want to stop people from talking about it all over the board then you shouldnt chase people out of the official threads because they dont ass lick the movie as much as you do. They need to vent somewhere.
The problem with this is that I'm not "ass-licking" anything. I enjoyed the movie. It's a great movie. When people start bashing it for incredibly silly issues, or in your case because you have an irrational hatred for it...I'm going to defend it. I can't believe you're trying to play the victim after you're the one who started this. :lol

I don't just go out and insult people who didn't like the movie. I don't care if you liked the movie or not. I do however care when you begin bashing it randomly and then when being confronted, throw a ridiculously baseless list of reasons as to why the movie deserves to be hated.

You gave a list of "flaws" with the film. I explained how you're wrong on just about every one of those points. Not my opinions, but what is clearly presented to us in the film. If you want to bash the movie, you need to have valid reasons to do so. And since you never do, you're damn right I'll be here to defend it. :dunno
I do really like the design of the Scar Predator and the rest of the Predators from AVP. The movie was enjoyable, but I was disappointed. I hope Fox decides to do a true AVP film set in the future with Colonial Marines and Androids. IF they really give AVP a decent budget it could be a classic film. I always imagined an AVP film with a Corporal Hicks like star or Harrison from the first or second game, a female co-star and a military Android. Be pretty awesome to see an Android try to take on a Predator and Alien. always takes terribly washed-out pics. Oddly enough, they actually make Scar look fantastic here. P2 looked like crap, though. :lol
They should just follow the comic series. Or Prey at least. Excellent story.

The original avp comics would make a cool movie with more focus on the preds and the hunt, I would really love to finally see an elder pred in action on the big screen, I have always loved the blue dreds and preds are a warrior race so the alpha male is the leader which means ol blue dred would have to be one bad son*****