Hot Toys Jedi Luke

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I love PERS I wish every figure had it. I'm tired of the 1000 yard stare.

This might be the first figure I pre-order day 1. I'm still worried about the change between the production sculpt and retail. Since ANH Luke's prototype sculpt looked amazing and we all know how that turned out.
I'm tired of the 1000 yard stare.

That's still a better option than permanently painted looking off to the side for no reason. I understand that it's a Force Awakens figure and surely HT will come out with another Luke for Last Jedi, but they lost my interest in the old man Luke figure painting his eyes slightly to the side like he's turning to Rey, I get that's how we basically saw him in the movie, but don't limit collectors to that. I really like the Old Man Luke look and was excited about the figure from Comic Con but then the official pics gave a clear look and I saw the fixed position eyes like they are and I lost interest. I've always hated this practice, going back to even the Sideshow ANH Leia and snowbunny Padme figures where they did this, it's just so limiting, at least the straight ahead stair works in a wide range of poses and viewing angles.

PERS offers a lot of options and I really enjoy it on Jack, but looking at pictures her and my own experience owning PERS figures, it doesn't always look the best. The TDK DX Batman looked a little cartoony with it, yet the Keaton DX09 Batman looked amazing.
I agree that painting the eyes looking off to the side is worse. It really limits posing options.

I think the reason the DX12's eyes look cartoony is because they didn't paint around the eyes completely black. There is some skin tone which make his eyes look much bigger. They fixed that on the Armory sculpt which looks great with PERS.

I have 4 figures with PERS and I think they all look great.
What's funny is Hulk has posable eyes, not PERS though, but his eye sockets are so deep you don't even see the eyes really so it's almost wasted.
Hulk and Batman Returns Keaton have the best moveable eyes.

I hate PERS.
Hulk and Batman Returns Keaton have the best moveable eyes.

I hate PERS.

Yeah PERS sucks. I think Enterbay did the movable eyes first with Bruce Lee (same method as Hulk and BR Batman). Typical Hot Toys fashion they tried to outdo them by making it overly complex to be different. I like the eyes on Hulk and BR Batman, wish they did it that way with more figures, assuming it doesn't look goofy.
The PERS system works better overall at making them stay lined up, when I adjust Hulk it can be a bit of a pain vs a PERS figure, but, it's a fragile system prone to breaking, probably why they've walked away from it.
That's still a better option than permanently painted looking off to the side for no reason. I understand that it's a Force Awakens figure and surely HT will come out with another Luke for Last Jedi, but they lost my interest in the old man Luke figure painting his eyes slightly to the side like he's turning to Rey, I get that's how we basically saw him in the movie, but don't limit collectors to that. I really like the Old Man Luke look and was excited about the figure from Comic Con but then the official pics gave a clear look and I saw the fixed position eyes like they are and I lost interest. I've always hated this practice, going back to even the Sideshow ANH Leia and snowbunny Padme figures where they did this, it's just so limiting, at least the straight ahead stair works in a wide range of poses and viewing angles.

PERS offers a lot of options and I really enjoy it on Jack, but looking at pictures her and my own experience owning PERS figures, it doesn't always look the best. The TDK DX Batman looked a little cartoony with it, yet the Keaton DX09 Batman looked amazing.

Agree with this.

If the eyes are going to be fixed, I prefer them looking straight ahead because it at least keeps the posing options open. When they're fixed looking in a particular direction, it to me limits the poses you can do with the figure because you have to do a pose that fits with the direction the eyes of the sculpt are gazing. At least if the eyes are gazing forward and you want the figure looking any particular direction, you can just simply turn the head in that direction.

The only exception I make is if the gaze of the eyes do indeed conform to how I'm going to pose the figure anyway, such as TFA Luke. Like you said though, they shouldn't limit all collectors to having to do that particular pose.
When are we expecting to see the teaser ?

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I love PERS I wish every figure had it. I'm tired of the 1000 yard stare.

Just seen this comment - I agree up to a point (and it works best with figures like Jack Sparrow, Joker or Batman where having black make up around the eyes masks its limitations) but really refreshing to see someone speaking up for PERS, it gets a bad press but can work brilliantly. I also wouldn't have my DX07 Luke heads any other way.
To be fair the only figures I have with PERS are Armory Bats, DX06, DX11 and DX13. I think it works great on all of them. I'm not sure why it gets such a bad rap but maybe I've just been lucky.
I generally don't use PERS, but I don't have anything against it. I can see the appeal in it and how it could give figures even more life and expression. have a twin sister. Your thoughts betray you. Sideshow was wise to make it first. But now Sideshow's failure is complete. If you will not be released, then perhaps she will!

HT generally reveals some stuff right before SDCC. I imagine a preview prior and then we get to see it at SDCC.

I think they are saving Jedi Luke and Emperor for that, probably Royal Guard won't even be previewed, just shown at the show in conjunction with Palps.
Preview before SDCC and then shown at the show on display. My guess is it'll then be announced for PO sometime after SDCC, but before 9/1 Force Friday. So perhaps around August.
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