Hot Toys - Iron Man 2:Mark IV Limited Edition spec

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As long as all the IM stuff is spaced out a bit I'm fine with whenever they come out. From years of mail order buying of everything I have become a very patient person.

I just hope there's not multiple figures coming out in one month.
With all the ingenuity that I am sure Hot Toys has, why oh why do they still have the cheap black plastic tabs to turn on the palm lights? Make it flush, it just looks so toyish.
I'd bet you won't have it in hand until about this time next year, if it goes anything like the Mark III did.

I would think it wouldn't since the mkIII had a bunch of delays due to paint issues which they have since figured out. It won't be anytime soon but I wouldn't expect it to be the same as the mkIII simply because they're both from the same series of films. Think more like the mkII or I.

On the light switch subject I just simply wish they didn't light up at all. I never turn them on other than for pics and as I always say I can just photoshop that no need for it to be an actual light. It just added ugly battery compartments, switches, and reduces the articulation.
As far as the switches, I wonder why they don't hide them under the shoulder armor? I don't have the Mark III, but it seems there's enough articulation to it that you could possibly hide a button up there. Maybe.
Check this out -

2 things. 1) How awesome was that?

2) If you grab the 2nd interactive box, check out the armour display cabinet and scroll down you'll get the low down on the mkIV armour. It says "Wrist mounted deflector shields" and "shoulder deployed micro missiles". Does that sound like what this figure is boasting? It does not.

the only thing I wish they would do about figures that light up is if its possible to make the lighs remote control. I've seen someone do that to a custom batsignal and I wish they could come up with something like that if its possible.

My MK 3 is on museum display case so its a _____ to get to just to turn on the lights so I never turn them on anymore.
the only thing I wish they would do about figures that light up is if its possible to make the lighs remote control. I've seen someone do that to a custom batsignal and I wish they could come up with something like that if its possible.

My MK 3 is on museum display case so its a _____ to get to just to turn on the lights so I never turn them on anymore.
that's actually a brilliant idea. dont know how much that would add to the cost though. maybe for a dx? not every figure needs the pers anyway. i think we should alert ht of this possibillity just in case they havent thought of it yet.
This thread is borderlining ridiculous. The reality is simple. People should complain about Hot Toys, why? Because we know that folks over at HT do lurk the boards and a lot of the critics have been constructive showing what can be improved which is a move in the right direction even if nothing happens. Companies need to be aware that when they don't give fans what they want we'll tell them about it. Now for that ol' reality, they could give a ____ what three or four or even forty diehards are toy forum enthusiasts think. Sideshow has even come in here and said at one time that Toy Forum customers make up roughly 3% of the buying population which the other 97% simply buying because it looks cool. With the Iron Man movie in full swing and publications like Wizard, ToyFare and other magazines showing off these including things like the Marvel webpages and newsletter showing these off, they'll get the exposure, they'll sell and so in reality what does HT have to gain in changing it? Let them know whats wrong but be prepared to accept what we are given and anything beyond that is talking for the sake of talking. Not to mention we all know that HT's M.O. is to change things up until the last minute as they've done in the past.

Sideshow will be ordering these on Thursday and I will be ordering because despite the thin torso or whatever other laundry list of issues there are with it, I think its ____ing fantastic and that is all that matters really because it'll be on my shelf.

AMEN! And thanks for posting when they will be preordering as I'll DEFINITELY be there on Thursday bright and early.


You keep this picture handy don't you Mike!?!?! :)
I did a slight mod in photoshop in order to bring the actual figure closer to what I consider accurate movie proportions.

-shortened the neck
-made the upper torso thicker
-added a slight slope to where the mid-torso meets the chest plate and ribcage area
-increased size about 2% overall
everything else I left alone.

I did a slight mod in photoshop in order to bring the actual figure closer to what I consider accurate movie proportions.

-shortened the neck
-made the upper torso thicker
-added a slight slope to where the mid-torso meets the chest plate and ribcage area
-increased size about 2% overall
everything else I left alone.


Please send that to Hot Toys ASAP!!
I think if anything the head is slightly too small and think the modified figure really doesn't look right. Way too broad across the chest and shoulders. Looks more like the HT mkIII which is way off proportions wise.
I think that pohoshopped mod looks good.
The chest light needs to be a bit less high on the chest but I think the proportions look better.