HOT TOYS - DX15 - Batman Returns KEATON BATMAN

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I'm surprised Stallone hasn't asked Keaton to play a villain in the Expendables or something considering he blamed Keaton/Batman/Comic book films for "killing" the action hero or whatever.
He's certainly got the eyebrows of a villain.

His brow lines and pointy eyebrows form the top half of the bat symbol :)
That would be my only problem with Keaton as Batman to this day. I mean not only was he not built, nor did he get built for the role, he was also shorter than everyone else.
Nevertheless he sure looked cool and managed to give off an aura of asskickery and mystery in spite of all that. Great batvoice too.
The problem with The Expendables, in my opinion, is the fact that they try to make themselves relevant to a new audience, instead of playing to their strengths for their target audience. They're more "Transporter" than "Commando," and therein lies the problem. Nostalgia beats out modernization for fans of those guys.

I think Expendables 2 did that very well, and is the tone they should have stuck with.
No chance. More like Thanos, Obi Wan and Ultron being the next few preorders

This board will spontaneously combust when that Thanos PO goes up. Ultron will send it into full meltdown.

Shhh, you'll awaken it. :lol


I dare say, even with the DeLorean and BD Robo, that figure may have stolen the show.
January 15th

- Oscar nominations revealed
- Sideshow Tie Pilot 1/6 reveal
- 3 year anniversary of the week when the Returns license was announced as "coming soon"
- DX 15 Batman Retuens figure on the 15th???

DX 15 on January, 15th 2015?


I dare say, even with the DeLorean and BD Robo, that figure may have stolen the show.

The battle damaged Robocop did look phenomenal and was something I really didn't expect. But the Returns figure looks just gorgeous.

January 15th

- Oscar nominations revealed
- Sideshow Tie Pilot reveal
- 3 year anniversary of the week when the Returns license was announced as "coming soon"
- DX 15 Batman Retuens figure on the 15th???


Can't believe it's nearly 3 years since the announcement. I remember the morning seeing the announcement and being all excited, thinking we'd be seeing something by the end of the year at least. Man, I couldn't have been more wrong.
January 15th

- DX 15 Batman Retuens figure on the 15th???

DX 15 on January, 15th 2015?

There is no way this will be announced this month, or the next. The least it will be is around the summer, and again being generous. The people here are so emotional and insecure that they ignore Hot Toys track record with going from prototype showings to announcements, usually year to a year and a half, to release (which is another year).

I know ill be waiting with bated breath.

Can't believe it's nearly 3 years since the announcement. I remember the morning seeing the announcement and being all excited, thinking we'd be seeing something by the end of the year at least. Man, I couldn't have been more wrong.

Thats the thing. You THOUGHT that, but there was nothing definitive to tell you, you would see that. You can't believe it? Why not? What ever happened to the Green Lantern movie announcement with Hot toys, and now nothing there. There are plenty of announcements Hot Toys has made and never followed through with. Not surprising at all really.
I bet they're saving it for the day after he wins Best Actor for Birdman. They did it years ago for Heath and DX01.
I find myself having to repeat myself for those who din't get what I'm trying to to say. They reply with a lazy picture. I said the ****ing Oscar. Golden Globes ain't ****ing Oscars.
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