Hot Toys - DX13 - T2: T-800 (Battle-Damaged Version) 1/6-scale Collectible Figure

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I'm already finding all this to be true. I've had to sell a lot of stuff over the past year and I'm now gearing up for my largest selling spree since I began forum commerce (hopefully). With it I hope to end my 'need' for any figures outside of Terminator and Robocop. What worries me though is that the day will come when I won't even be able to keep those anymore. The way I feel right now thats gonna hurt if it transpires and it quite possibly will. I can't stay in this little flat forever, kids and whatnot. Hopefully by then I will naturally have had a huge (and willing) priority shift so it won't feel as traumatic as I'm currently anticipating. For example I'm having to come to terms with not being able to get the 1989 Batmobile - something I used to assume as a foregone conclusion that I would have one day - its getting easier to accept. Though I do have to avoid the thread for it.

Same here, actually. I don't know if it's quite the largest in terms of quantity (though there will be a lot of stuff), but definitely value. Looking to shape my future collection as well as purchase a Cintiq drawing tablet for college -- and those things don't come cheap. Prices have gotten higher, other companies are putting out equally -- if not more -- compelling work, I'll have more space once I'm on my own, and it feels like a lot of lines lately have started to plateau when it comes to impressing me. Maybe I've been spoiled by those once-in-a-blue-moon headsculpts that make everything else look toyish, but I'm starting to notice trends with a lot of things and I'm not the only one slightly turned off by them. Truth be told, it's actually more about that than the rising prices.
Re: Hot Toys - DX - T2: T-800 (Battle-Damaged Version) 1/6-scale Collectible Figure

The shape of the BD parts in general aren't quite right.

Then write to Hot Toys and let them know. Seriously, the more people who tell them something about a sculpt is inaccurate the more likely they are to change it. Some people are sure certain things will be fixed, but it's not something to take for granted. If you see a problem, please tell them.
Just noticed this post. Great stuff, Surf.

I've done it only to find that I actually feel freer when I do, not heartbroken.

By no means will I stop collecting, but even if you're doing this to simply rethink/refocus your collection and spending habits, it helps. I haven't quite reached this point yet, but it'll come some time next year. And I'm not dreading it, surprisingly enough.

It's funny, you start collecting and you get inspired by all of these people with their review videos and extensive collections. You tell yourself "I'm not going to be one of those guys with dozens of figures standing next to eachother on a shelf, emphasizing quantity over individual artistic merit. I'll just start small and keep it that way, after all less is more." Eventually though, you realize you slowly start buying everything because you can, fearing that some day, those pieces will not be as easy to get ahold of due to aftermarket prices. Well, they've already gotten pretty expensive so that argument is on its way out. Just an interesting time for collectors. So much good stuff is coming out, but because of that, it's forcing us to rethink which pieces really matter and which ones are impulse buys. We were once able to tell the difference between the two, but the line's been blurred since. Everything seems to have this "gotta have it" vibe, but does it really?
I'm starting to get buried BY mine! :lol

That nearly happened to me. A while back I was fitting cables and doing so taking all the boxes out behind the units, I sadly boxed myself into the corner of the room. I had to get help to get out.
Are that many of us in this boat right now? I'm with you guys. I've sold so much from when I had the completist mentallity (and **** wasn't so damn expensive), and I'm down to mostly just absolute must have pieces.

A-dev, let me encourage you a bit. If you feel torn between continuing to collect and living the rest of your life, start letting go of stuff you think will hurt. I've done it only to find that I actually feel freer when I do, not heartbroken.

Everything has a season in life. For me, this season is somewhat over, except that I still do custom work for people and paint for the industry. I still have a few dream come true, must have figures, but the mania I had once is definitely over. Prices forced me out to some degree, but also life. I spent so much time focused on this stuff that I think I missed out on some other life stuff. Family should always come first. Toys get dusty and outdated, but years with family will go by with or without you. Make them count.


Great post. It's all so true. You have no idea what you can live without and never think of again until you try it. I've also went through all the things a-dev is going but let me tell you, it will pass. Especially if you're marrying someone and want to have children. A part of you is afraid that you will become someone that you don't know or that you will be forced to become someone you are afraid to be. This is not the case. When it all happens it will be a natural transition that won't make you feel forced or alienated. In fact, now that I have children and a wife I couldn't imagine it any other way. And I never wanted either thing, in fact spoke out against many times in my youth. :lol You just gotta find the right person and time in life.

Anyway, that's why I've sold a lot of my old figures. NOW I know what really matters to me and what I bought out of compulsion etc. But I can say that this BD T2 is a figure that I've waited forever. With the price point in mind, if this was another figure I think i would have past but this one is a must.
Just went to the hot toys distributor in guang Zhou china(where I'm currently situated) and plopped down my deposit. They don't know the price as yet, but no matter what, i need this version of uncle bob.
This is a very unusual development of the topic, but also a very satisfying read.

I'm new to collecting myself and, coming from a country with a lower than average standard of living, I have to weigh my choices when it comes to spending a quarter of the salary on a single figure.

I don't have many figures, but the ones I do have are my pride and joy. Heck, I've finished writing my dissertation looking at Classic Predator and Bats 89 next to my monitor :)

I also had Loki on pre-order, but cancelled when I saw Carlito. Took me a while, but I came to the conclusion that, yes, Loki is a fantastic figure, and a cool characters, but Pacino is an icon and I knew from the moment I saw the figure that it would follow me wherever I ended up living once my gf and I decided to settle down.

So yah, I think I'll never really quit collecting (meager as my collection is at this time :)), but I'll only go after those figures that I "feel" will stay with me for good.
You have no idea what you can live without and never think of again until you try it.

So true, and so funny after the fact. I used to drool over graphix cards, laptop, cell phones and the like.

Recently, my contract expired and I was like.. get an SIII and shackle myself for 2 years on a lousy contract or switch to an unlimited contract without a new phone.. I kept my "ancient" HTC Desire, gave a laptop I never really used much to my gf and I'm perfectly happy with my 3 year old desktop rig and my 2 year old phone. (some of my friends think I've gone positively insane)
This is a very unusual development of the topic, but also a very satisfying read.

I'm new to collecting myself and, coming from a country with a lower than average standard of living, I have to weigh my choices when it comes to spending a quarter of the salary on a single figure.

I don't have many figures, but the ones I do have are my pride and joy. Heck, I've finished writing my dissertation looking at Classic Predator and Bats 89 next to my monitor :)

I also had Loki on pre-order, but cancelled when I saw Carlito. Took me a while, but I came to the conclusion that, yes, Loki is a fantastic figure, and a cool characters, but Pacino is an icon and I knew from the moment I saw the figure that it would follow me wherever I ended up living once my gf and I decided to settle down.

So yah, I think I'll never really quit collecting (meager as my collection is at this time :)), but I'll only go after those figures that I "feel" will stay with me for good.

That's actually a very good way of approaching this hobby. When you get figures such as carlito, scarface, or any of the corleones, You know they're just gonna be one offs. Like, there won't be a sequel featuring an updated look for that character. Like Loki, or any character in comic based movies, with each sequel, they're bound to get an upgrade. Some collectors are either in it for the long haul and must have every iteration of the character, or feels that the previous one is now outdated because of the new version and then sells off the old one.

But for characters like godfather, carlito, basically iconic characters portrayed by our favorite actors, all they need is that one definitive figure to represent them, and you're set. Characters like batman, iron man, Thor, captain America...they're never gonna get a definitive look and will continually get upgraded.

Let's face it, Loki WILL come back in a future Thor or avengers sequel. So maybe then you can get a Loki figure.

I wish I can think like you, but I'm hopelessly addicted to this, and will probably be buried with my to my future wife of course.
Re: Hot Toys - DX - T2: T-800 (Battle-Damaged Version) 1/6-scale Collectible Figure

Then write to Hot Toys and let them know. Seriously, the more people who tell them something about a sculpt is inaccurate the more likely they are to change it. Some people are sure certain things will be fixed, but it's not something to take for granted. If you see a problem, please tell them.

Got a contact email?
I like where this thread is going. It's like SSF is having an epiphany.

Having a family and providing for them is more important than being surrounded by lots of toys. Some times you can have both, but if you can't, the choice is clear. Hot Toys pricing has forced some collectors to make that choice, but maybe that isn't such a bad thing really.
I was just wondering...

on the pre-order page, it says

$25.00 Flat Rate Shipping
Canada, Great Britain, Ireland, France, German and Italy

The last figures I ordered, including Luke Skywalker DX, Joker PF and some others, all had $25 shipping, to The Netherlands.

I hope they're not going to increase the shippingcosts now for me, since my country isn't listed in their flat rate shipping list.
The way they wrote it, the list sounds pretty definitive and specific.

I would venture a guess that the carrier they use (fedex?) probably has direct flights from LA to those countries and offers them a discount for those locations only.
I'll be using one of those wallpapers, cheers Endosickness!

That's wicked cool! :clap

Thx, fellas glad you like'em.

I just woke up to find this thread in a critical state about this talk of selling stuff.
I'm happy I don't have that much figures.
My collection comprises of:
T4 Rubber & Sig T-600, MMS117 & 136 T-800, 2 T-1000's, T-700 Endo, Berserker, Falconer, Tracker & Classic Predator, CR Superman, Iron Man Mark 2 AU, IV and War Machine, TFA Cap and lastly I started with Nick Fury the Avengers line.
From ALL this figures...I'd really only sell one and that's cap. But only because I'll get the Avengers Version, but will deffo try to do it another way, cause I really wanna keep him and add Red Skull sometime.

HT-wise I think I really managed to collect very selective and I only have one character twice. The T-1000, but the T2 T-800 deffo will outrun the T-1000 and still...maybe...I'll get 2 BD's, but would have to find a REALLY great deal.
Time will tell.

But I love this set and seriously can't wait to get him and he will catapult me a big step into finalizing my Terminator collection.
Are that many of us in this boat right now? I'm with you guys. I've sold so much from when I had the completist mentallity (and **** wasn't so damn expensive), and I'm down to mostly just absolute must have pieces.

When I got some extra cash a couple of years back, I would buy whatever piece seemed sort of interesting. I probably topped out at just shy of 25 figures. And while that is probably a small collection for many people here, that was huge for me.

Then I realized I didn't like having that many, having a crammed case, and spending all this money on figures I was only sort of excited about.

I'm now down to two figures, SS Fett and DX06, and plan on adding DX11 and maybe a Vader.

This would definitely make the cut, but the sticker shock is too much for me right now. I might look into him down the road, but for now I plan to live vicariously through everyone's pictures.