Hot Toys Batman V. Superman Dawn of Justice Speculation Thread

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Yeah, I might have problems with certain movies each company puts out (Thor 2, Iron Man 2 and 3, Age of Ultron, Batman v Superman, Green Lantern, TDKR, Superman Returns) but I love marvel and DC characters so I'm happy when either puts out good movies too (Iron Man, Thor, GOTG, both Cap movies, The Avengers, Ant-Man, Mos). I don't really get why some fans feel they have to pick between the two.
Let's be fair, there are far more people who like both than there are who only like one or the other. I wouldn't waste my time getting angry about a few kids on YouTube. It's really not that bigger deal.

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Let's be fair, there are far more people who like both than there are who only like one or the other. I wouldn't waste my time getting angry about a few kids on YouTube. It's really not that bigger deal.

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk

It's the same with the whole Public media. The loudest voices are heard the most, even though they are the minority
Spoiler Spoiler:
My point is that Superman should be a beacon of hope, a good guy who wants to do what's right, who was raised by good people who instilled those values in him. The Superman Snyder gave us was inimical to this. I have no interest in Snyder's Superman at all.
I had to look up the word "inimical" to ensure I got point of the statement, heh. Anyway, I left out this part of your post because every bolded part of your post is actually addressed in the BvS movie. This is actually the reason I loved this storyline of the movie, because it shows Superman in different aspects. A symbol of hope, a god-like being to others, a man just trying to do what is right and the right choices (despite or in due to his powers); all of this, this Superman, because of a farmer's vision/dream.
To be honest, I didn't understand in MoS, why he turned towards a random priest for advice; but I understand now, in BvS, because Martha's advice makes sense; from a mother's point of view.

All I can say, is that for me; I have the Bluray copy of Force awakens now. I loved it when I watched in on screen, twice. But I still haven't watched my copy in its entirety. If I can find the time, I'd rather watch BvS again, for the fourth time, than watch Force Awakens.

I think there won't be anymore figures coming out of this movie because of the reception of fans. I hope they still go through with Apocalypse Batman as I think that might make another appearance somewhere down the road. The batmobile? I'm not sure about because of the new features they are trying to get in there. I think they are going to see the production cost escalating and weighing it against the movie reception.
... My point is that Superman should be a beacon of hope, a good guy who wants to do what's right, who was raised by good people who instilled those values in him. The Superman Snyder gave us was inimical to this ...

Like Amusedjester above, I have a very different view of the way Superman is portrayed in MOS and BVS.
He does the right thing throughout, he saves people and then the earth.
The Kents did instill these values in him, when Jonathan tells him that maybe he should have let the kids die, his expression tells us that he doesn't mean it, he's trying to make a point.
Some complain that he shouldn't have killed Zod or the terrorist at the beginning of BVS.
Well, he didn't kill the terrorist, he grabbed him and flew thru the wall at super speed.
Do you really think that Superman who has saved so many people would use the guy's body to break the wall?
Ridiculous, he shielded him while going thru, he's Superman!
Zod is a different matter, he committed suicide, suicide by Superman.
Zod clearly states that his only reason for living is to protect Krypton and that he has no more Krypton (therefore no reason to live).
He then tells Superman that he will never stop, he will kill all humans (which he knows Superman has chosen to protect).
He leaves Superman no choice but to kill him, it's not just about saving the family in front of the wall, Superman understands that Zod can never be contained and that he has to do it.
It is his only kill, and it happens in a very specific context.
In both films Superman is just as he is in the comics, an idealist driven to do the right thing and help, the world in which he lives however does not share these ideals, it is what defines his story arc in BVS.
Despite all that he sacrifices himself to save the world and manages to bring Batman back from the brink.
Not bad for a guys who "doesn't do what's right".
I have no problem with Cavill himself. And I have no interest in debating the entirety of Superman's history or the fact that he threw a slumlord off a roof in an issue of Action Comics that came out 67 years ago. My point is that Superman should be a beacon of hope, a good guy who wants to do what's right, who was raised by good people who instilled those values in him. The Superman Snyder gave us was inimical to this. I have no interest in Snyder's Superman at all.

So the Snyder Superman wasnt a beacon of hope ( eventhough people joke around and call him hopeman ) And he's not a good guy who wants to do right (eventhough he sacrificed his life to save earth...not to mention the oil rig guys, the girl in burning building, the astronauts when the shuttle exploded, the family who drew a magnificent "S" in the flooding, etc ) and was raised by good parents, like Martha and Jonathan (played beautifully by Diane Lane and Kevin Costner)?

Hmmm...I guess I'm gonna have to go watch it a 5th time cause I must have missed this part.

ps...did you even watch the movie?
So the Snyder Superman wasnt a beacon of hope ( eventhough people joke around and call him hopeman ) And he's not a good guy who wants to do right (eventhough he sacrificed his life to save earth...not to mention the oil rig guys, the girl in burning building, the astronauts when the shuttle exploded, the family who drew a magnificent "S" in the flooding, etc ) and was raised by good parents, like Martha and Jonathan (played beautifully by Diane Lane and Kevin Costner)?

Hmmm...I guess I'm gonna have to go watch it a 5th time cause I must have missed this part.

ps...did you even watch the movie?

No. I watched Man of Steel, not BvS.
No. I watched Man of Steel, not BvS.

Man, I dont mean to be mean, but this is probably the one of the most stupid post I have seen here in awhile.
I know there are lots of complaints about the movie, but none of the the ones you posted are the issues.
And the fact that you ***** about it when you havent even seen the movie is just mindblowing.

Its one thing if you didnt like the movie cause of the dark tone, prefer Reeve, dont like the actor specifically and cant stand his face, etc...whatever.
But NONE of those things you whined about are issues with the movie.
No offense, but it doesnt give you any credibility to complain about this things but only make you look ignorant.
Man, I dont mean to be mean, but this is probably the one of the most stupid post I have seen here in awhile.
I know there are lots of complaints about the movie, but none of the the ones you posted are the issues.
And the fact that you ***** about it when you havent even seen the movie is just mindblowing.

Its one thing if you didnt like the movie cause of the dark tone, prefer Reeve, dont like the actor specifically and cant stand his face, etc...whatever.
But NONE of those things you whined about are issues with the movie.
No offense, but it doesnt give you any credibility to complain about this things but only make you look ignorant.

I didn't criticize BvS. I criticized its earnings as being low when the novelty of Batman and Superman appearing together for the first time in a movie is considered. I criticized Superman's character in Man of Steel and cited that as the reason I have no interest in seeing BvS. You can defend BvS all you want, but that doesn't change the fact that I have no interest in seeing it. I'm sure glad you didn't mean any offense when you said I was stupid, ignorant, and whining, by the way. I do mean to be offensive, however, when I say that you're a complete ******.
I didn't criticize BvS. I criticized its earnings as being low when the novelty of Batman and Superman appearing together for the first time in a movie is considered.

Even if it isn't as much as Warner would have liked over 800 million dollars isn't "low earnings", get real.
It made all that money in spite of the terrible critics, and possibly people like you who feel the need to comment about stuff they haven't seen.
You also haven't explained why you think Superman isn't a good guy in MOS.
You didnt like MOS. Fair enough.
but dont say...again, I quote..."My point is that Superman should be a beacon of hope, a good guy who wants to do what's right, who was raised by good people who instilled those values in him. The Superman Snyder gave us was inimical to this. I have no interest in Snyder's Superman at all".
When BvS clearly makes a a lot of effort to illustrate these traits that you're having issues with.
There are issues with BvS, sure, but the main ones you're having a problems with are not the issues that most people are having problems with.
It doesnt make your complaints credible when you didnt even see the movie.

Does that make a ****** for pointing that out? Fine.
I'm just saying what most people are thinking reading your post.
I didn't criticize BvS. I criticized its earnings as being low when the novelty of Batman and Superman appearing together for the first time in a movie is considered. I criticized Superman's character in Man of Steel and cited that as the reason I have no interest in seeing BvS. You can defend BvS all you want, but that doesn't change the fact that I have no interest in seeing it. I'm sure glad you didn't mean any offense when you said I was stupid, ignorant, and whining, by the way. I do mean to be offensive, however, when I say that you're a complete ******.

Yet, here you are, in a BvS thread, stating how you have no desire to see the movie. I'm quite certain I've seen you in other BvS threads, talking about issues of a movie you didn't care to see but obviously cared enough to read summaries about it. You care enough to remind people what the box office take was for a movie you don't care to see, or consisntly bash on people who did care to go see it.

And you bring up points of Superman not being a good guy in MoS, yet the first time we are introduced to adult Clark, he is saving people, sticking up for a waitress who is being harassed, saving children, and then eventually saving the entire world. But he's clearly just a brooding jerk, who doesn't want to save people.

Clearly, a ******, you are not good sir! You would love my Granny's Peach Tea!! You could have a glass, and we could discuss the good old classic, Reeves Superman. It'd be fun!

Above is a link to analysing Superman's character arc in MOS and BVS. I recommend it. It may not change your opinions on the movie/s....can't force people to see the things present in the movie, but refuse to see....

I think MOS and BVS has given us the best Superman story ever told in film. You may not like the story that Snyder, Terrio and Goyer decided to tell, but it is as quintessential as a superman story can get. Intead of seeing him merely save little girls cats from trees, we get something far deeper that analyses his character and how he and his strong sense of idealism would fit into our reality.

Granted, I have issues with BVS. There are legitimate complaints. However this comes down to how heavily edited the theatrical cut is affecting aspects of narrative and pacing. Even then, I think the movie is an awesome piece of literature. This movie has ruined cinema for me at the moment. I doubt we will see anything as ambitious from any other event film this year or from many smaller films for that matter.

I think people are hearing the dialogue, but they're not getting the meaning to it....Would they prefer that batman constantly shout out "I'm not the bad guy" as he kicks superman in the face? Or that he say "Oh ****. I'm looking at myself in the mirror so hard right now...I'm looking right in the face of the man I should have become" instead of "Martha. Why did you say that name?". Literature and literary devices seems to be lost on most people.

That's what people think though. "They became friends because their mothers share the same name" :banghead . People don't get literature anymore.
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I think MOS and BVS has given us the best Superman story ever told in film. You may not like the story that Snyder, Terrio and Goyer decided to tell, but it is as quintessential as a superman story can get. Intead of seeing him merely save little girls cats from trees, we get something far deeper that analyses his character and how he and his strong sense of idealism would fit into our reality.

Granted, I have issues with BVS. There are legitimate complaints. However this comes down to how heavily edited the theatrical cut is affecting aspects of narrative and pacing. Even then, I think the movie is an awesome piece of literature. This movie has ruined cinema for me at the moment. I doubt we will see anything as ambitious from any other event film this year or from many smaller films for that matter.

I think people are hearing the dialogue, but they're not getting the meaning to it....Would they prefer that batman constantly shout out "I'm not the bad guy" as he kicks superman in the face? Or that he say "Oh ****. I'm looking at myself in the mirror so hard right now...I'm looking right in the face of the man I should have become" instead of "Martha. Why did you say that name?". Literature and literary devices seems to be lost on most people.

That's what people think though. "They became friends because their mothers share the same name". People don't get literature anymore.

Good example right here. The whole Martha argument in itself is a joke.
People don't get literature anymore.

I think many people (critics in particular) missed the movie entirely because they do not expect to have to think while watching a superhero flick.
Based on what many of them wrote it is clear that they truly did not understand what was going on.