1/6 Hot Toys 60's Batman figures!

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I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it. I'm about to loose control and I think I like it, YEAH, YEAH, YEAH!
damn it people. Superman 3 was not a bad movie. it wasnt as good as many other comic book movies, but its not BAD. Bad is superman 4. Bad is Batman and Robin. Superman 3 was decent, passing, even mediocre. Its vastly underrated. For its time, it was perfect. It capitalized on Pryor's appeal in the mid 80's and yet still offered up comic book fun. and when i was a kid, that metal wrapped woman in the end scared the holy hell out of me.

Who said Superman III was "bad"?

Disagreed. Batman Forever is a flawed film but still miles better than the piece of crap that is Batman Returns. That film is ridiculously awful.

What makes Forever better than Batman Returns? Just curious.

Forever is alright to me, I dug it when it first came out. It doesn't hold a candle to the first two Burton flicks or the first two Nolan flicks though. It's sort of just there. I remember liking the hype, promotion and advertising of it more than the actual movie.
What makes Forever better than Batman Returns? Just curious.

Nothing. Returns at least has a weirdness that makes it an interesting watch. Forever is like 60's Batman without the charm and self-awareness.
damn it people. Superman 3 was not a bad movie. it wasnt as good as many other comic book movies, but its not BAD. Bad is superman 4. Bad is Batman and Robin. Superman 3 was decent, passing, even mediocre. Its vastly underrated. For its time, it was perfect. It capitalized on Pryor's appeal in the mid 80's and yet still offered up comic book fun. and when i was a kid, that metal wrapped woman in the end scared the holy hell out of me.

The first two Superman films had a broad appeal and a massive budget, for their time. They went out of their way to please everyone. But the third movie never tried to attract a mass audience, it tried to be a comic book movie and it had a comic book movie budget and feel.

The backlash was from the folks who liked the first two but wouldn't, and didn't, enjoy a comic book movie. Like, the people who had fond memories of the character but would never pick up a comic or watch a rerun on TV, those folks didn't like it. But for everyone else, I think they thought it was sort of cool. Not as epic as one or two, but still sort of cool.
But the third movie never tried to attract a mass audience, it tried to be a comic book movie and it had a comic book movie budget and feel.

i disagree. i think the exact opposite. it tried like hell to attract mass appeal with the inclusion of a HOT Pryor. The story was less comic booky than the first 2, IMO. thats why some people may not like it, it tried too hard to be mainstream.
Nothing. Returns at least has a weirdness that makes it an interesting watch. Forever is like 60's Batman without the charm and self-awareness.

Not to mention the villains in Returns are actually compelling and have depth and aren't cracked out, acid using zanies. Riddler and Two-Face are the definition of HYPED the **** up. They're always spazzing out and chewing up each others screen time trying to compete.
Who said Superman III was "bad"?


i think you and spindrift were having a conversation about it a page or 2 back. i suspect most people would include superman 3 if you asked them to name a few bad superhero movies. i was just saying how i dont think it belongs in that category of bad. if superman 2 is a 9/10 lets say, id score superman 3 a 5/10 and batman and robin a 0/10.
What makes Forever better than Batman Returns? Just curious.

Forever is alright to me, I dug it when it first came out. It doesn't hold a candle to the first two Burton flicks or the first two Nolan flicks though. It's sort of just there. I remember liking the hype, promotion and advertising of it more than the actual movie.

I actually prefer Forever to Returns. With both Burton and Schumaker, I thought their first outing was a good rendition of what each director brings to a Batman movie.

In their second outing, its almost like both of them spun out of control ... their directorial style overtook the movie, and the quality plummeted. Batman 89 is a good, gothic Batman movie ... Returns stretches gothic to ridiculous proportions. Forever is a reasonably good campy Batman movie. B&R took campy to ridiculous proportions.

Its like both Burton and Schumaker became a caricature of themselves between their first movie and their second.

Not to mention the villains in Returns are actually compelling and have depth and aren't cracked out, acid using zanies. Riddler and Two-Face are the definition of HYPED the **** up. They're always spazzing out and chewing up each others screen time trying to compete.

Yes. Returns may not showcase the "hero" as much but what I find ingenious about it is that it presents us this utterly absurd world and then shows us a slice of how life might carry on in such a place. Crazy people who toe the line between "normal" and monster-selves, how they interact and what consequences they reap. It doesn't aim to please us with a satisfying and tidy resolution. It simply lets us peak into that world for a couple of hours.

We know that life goes on and the world isn't saved or changed at the end and the characters either die or deal with it. Amazing vibe for such a "silly" movie. It's not so much about Batman per se as it is in showing us that all the most important aspects of Gotham, good and bad, simply intersect with him at some point and how they react to him.

Crazy and amazing and a little off putting and not for everyone but totally brilliant.
i think you and spindrift were having a conversation about it a page or 2 back. i suspect most people would include superman 3 if you asked them to name a few bad superhero movies. i was just saying how i dont think it belongs in that category of bad. if superman 2 is a 9/10 lets say, id score superman 3 a 5/10 and batman and robin a 0/10.

I never called it "bad". It isn't all that good ... but, there's some good stuff in it. I said it wasn't terribly popular ... which it isn't. Superman III is nostalgic for me. I grew up with it. Its the one my mother always put in the VCR if I wanted to watch Superman.


Cant wait!

MINE. And I'll take the Batrmobile too.
I never realized how hot was Julie Newmar back in the day!!! Wow, how did batman not have a boner working around her...
Love Forever. The car, the suits, it was so awesome back in the day.

I still love it. It reminds me of a great summer back in 95. Chris O'Donnell was a great Robin. The scene with Alfred where he explains the name is really quiet and earnest. If they announce the license, I'll be quite happy.
Love Forever. The car, the suits, it was so awesome back in the day.

I still love it. It reminds me of a great summer back in 95. Chris O'Donnell was a great Robin. The scene with Alfred where he explains the name is really quiet and earnest. If they announce the license, I'll be quite happy.

Same here, I love forever, not only because it was my first bootleg movie I bought in New York's Chinatown when it came out, but also the fact that I had all Kenner Forever toys and I liked them.

I just noticed Jon Favreau is in the movie and that tim burton produced this...
All of Hot Toys' figures are starting to look the same to me.

I know it's just a teaser, but that Robin/Burt Ward sculpt looks like it could easily be one of their recent Captain America's or Coulson or the recent Bruce Willis. The skin texture, the paint jobs, the way more and more figures have separately sculpted head and necks instead of a portrait with an attached neck, it just all looks the same to me. It's like I can think of a character now, any character, and see exactly how it will look as a "Hot Toys version".

Not sure if uniformity is a good thing or not. It used to be I looked at the figure and thought, "wow, that's THE character", now it's like "HOT TOYS signature", especially with PERS and crap. I dunno. I can already visualize what these are going to look like, a combination of any of their Batmen (Keaton or Bale), Reeve Superman and their recent USO Cap.
All of Hot Toys' figures are starting to look the same to me.

I know it's just a teaser, but that Robin/Burt Ward sculpt looks like it could easily be one of their recent Captain America's or Coulson or the recent Bruce Willis.

I got this from the 66 batman forums:

Andy said:
I've only seen face progress and I know who is working on them, defitnitely the a team.
If they're off they will be tweaked I'm sure
All of Hot Toys' figures are starting to look the same to me.

I know it's just a teaser, but that Robin/Burt Ward sculpt looks like it could easily be one of their recent Captain America's or Coulson or the recent Bruce Willis. The skin texture, the paint jobs, the way more and more figures have separately sculpted head and necks instead of a portrait with an attached neck, it just all looks the same to me. It's like I can think of a character now, any character, and see exactly how it will look as a "Hot Toys version".

Not sure if uniformity is a good thing or not. It used to be I looked at the figure and thought, "wow, that's THE character", now it's like "HOT TOYS signature", especially with PERS and crap. I dunno. I can already visualize what these are going to look like, a combination of any of their Batmen (Keaton or Bale), Reeve Superman and their recent USO Cap.

You think the latest Bruce Willis is bad?! Wow man you are a harsher critic than me.
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