Hot Toys 1/6 Predator 2: What do you guys think?

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Super Freak
Sep 30, 2006
Reaction score
I have one on pre-order. But I was looking at the pics and he looks a bit skinny.

I know the AVP HT Predators were a bit bulky - but the Predator 2 looks scrawny.

What do you guys think?
My biggest problem with HT's predators are the size of their heads. They are oversized, plain and simple. Maybe its because they have removable masks or the fact that the tendrils are hard to do... i dont know for sure. I do know mcfarlane did fine with having the heads to scale to the bodies with 8" figures so hot toys making them with such big heads bugs me. Its the only drawback to the AVP figs which otherwise look simply fantastic.

However they featured alot of armor and as you said looked bulky so this meant the oversized heads weren't completely terrible. Now we have the same oversized head on the body but less armor, and the body seems way skinnier than it should be, mainly cause of that head. It's not that the figure is skinny im sure its probably the same body they used for their others, its that the heads so big... its almost like a tonner doll and it just totally puts me off. Sucks cause i love the Predator 2 predator from the film. If his head were better scaled i woulda preordered him in a snap but its just too odd for me.
All predator figures are awesome. Big head? I dont see it.

It's probably more of a problem when someone doesnt know how to fix up the dreds properly. But imo the head is fine and youre missing out on a great figure.
I like. It's a younger Predator going through his first trophy hunt. It'll be my first HT Predator.
I have a predator 2 preordered also. i think it looks great. predator 2 was slim,watch the movie. now if hottoys will make a predator 1 and a aliens alien queen, i'd die happy.

( anyone have a hottoys ancient predator ss exclusive or hot toys japenese exclusive ancient predator elder ,they would be willing to trade, i have some cool figures to trade.)
I will likely keep my pre-order and try to either swap out the body - or bulk it up a tad with filler.

I did take a look at a few stills from the movie - and he's definitely slimmer than the Predators in AVP, but still not as skinny as the new P2 figure.

Also - I'll need to see the figure in hand to truly judge.
I prefer Hottoys Predator Series from AVP more than Predator 2.

After I saw the pictures of Hottoys Predator 2, I think he's so thin and his weapon is not much as in AVP series.

I think I'll pass this one.
The body might be a little slim for a AVP Predator but not for the first and second films which I consider more canonical then AVP.
The heads however are a little on the large side. I feel this is because of the poseable dread locks. The AVP Preds did have heads this large so it's accurate there, but for them the bodies were more bulky in the film so it balanced out.

I really hope HT realizes this and corrects the head size for the Predator 2 figures.
I'd like to see any pics that can make the heads look better, but in the end the entire sculpt and shape of the HT heads is off. They are done more flat to the front and tall rather than sloping back. You compare directly to the movie and you see it:

The heads are just too tall, and with the single detailed dreads adding bulk, it just makes a mass of head on that body. Granted the predator body itself is a bit thin at least for the AVP predators who were very bulky. Its fine as a body for the Predator/Predator 2, because Kevin Peter Hall was a tall fit slimmer frame man, who when in full makeup was a proportionately fit 7 foot tall alien, not a football player sized 7 foot tall alien like the AVP aliens (which im not sure if that was due to the actor portraying them or the suit designs). The problem with the predator 2 fig is the same as the AVP ones its head is just designed improperly, yes the predators have a massive forehead but its not straight up and that big, it slopes back, and is slightly oval shaped. I think HT just stretches it too much and makes it too flat. Then add the hair and bam its tall and wide and looks huge, now without the AVP armor to bulk up the body the head stands out as even bigger than on the AVP figs...

It's not a knock against hte quality of the figures, and i know they are awesome, i just dislike the fact that something looks so obviously incorrect. And i know its common amongst these types of collectilbes for fans to turn a blind eye to flaws or mistakes because the overwhelming quality or design makes those things easy to ignore. I mean i love my Medi X3 wolverine, despite the fact he has pale cast skin color, the sculpt and costume and design are spectacular, his head looks like a cheap toy without paint but its one of those things. If you can look past it, mroe power to you, im glad you enjoy the predator figures, me personally i just have a problem with those head sizes. Its easier to accept with the AVP ones, but with predator 2 its waaaaaaay to noticable.
The helmet in the film is so much smoother whereas the HT helmet has a pitted texture. Wish it looked more like the film but I do like that the bodies are "slimmer" than the film versions.

And yes, I totally agree with you on Pred 2.
I'd like to see one, just one, example of a figure or toy that is exactly like the movie representation. Im buying a toy, not the real thing. with that said, of course some differences and discrepancies are going to be more tolerable than others. everyone makes their own choice on what they can deal with and what they can not. but bottom line is, NO TOY is going to match up exactly like it's Movie representation, or comic book, etc.
Yep, but for some reason people (and not pointing at anyone in particular) seem to have very unreal expectations for what a figure should look like.

So far I've been very impressed with the AVP figures, and I've already bought 2 of them even though I didn't think it was a very good movie. But the figures are just too kickass for the mediocrity of the movie to keep me from buying :lol

As for the Pred2, so far he looks pretty great, and I'm happy they switched up the bodies rather than just repackage the same predator over and over.
ONEYE said:
I like. It's a younger Predator going through his first trophy hunt. It'll be my first HT Predator.

That's pretty much how I saw it, also bring on OG Predator!
galactiboy said:
Yep, but for some reason people (and not pointing at anyone in particular) seem to have very unreal expectations for what a figure should look like.

So far I've been very impressed with the AVP figures, and I've already bought 2 of them even though I didn't think it was a very good movie. But the figures are just too kickass for the mediocrity of the movie to keep me from buying :lol

As for the Pred2, so far he looks pretty great, and I'm happy they switched up the bodies rather than just repackage the same predator over and over.

And THAT GB is the same reason why I overlooked the flaws in the Aliens Warrior. It was just too kickass to keep me from buying.
hehe. I agree that no figures match the movie versions exactly.

I've just always been really picky (nit-picky to some) when it comes to body proportions.

But - YES - the AVP figures are awesome. I have the Chopper and Elder.

For the P2 - only a slight modification to the body would be needed. Other than that - looks to be another awesome Predator figure.

MAGNUZ: I see what you mean about the forehead slope on the helmet.

Maybe applying a little heat (hair dryer) will allow us to bend the top of the helmet ever so slightly to give it that slope?