Horror Movies

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Oct 11, 2005
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Pensacola, Florida
sorry mods im not sure where this belongs so please take the appropriate actions.

So after watching Slither yesterday I became inspried to see who else loves the Horror movie genre and what your favorite movies / series are.

I have a wierd taste, but the worse and cheesier they are the MORE i love them. For one I've been watching the old George Romero movies as well as the Zombie series.(Yes I have all of them) I have the Nightmare on Elm Street and Friday the 13th Boxed Sets and I'm trying to figure out why there is no Halloween set yet?? But when I get bored I got into the living room and pick soem random zombie movie to watch and have a good old time.
mmmm Zombies.

My single fav zombie from any film is the fat zombie on the boat at the beginning of Fulci's Zombi.
My absolute favorite horror movies are Hellraiser I & II. I also love Bride of Frankenstein, The Invisible Man, The Creature from the Black Lagoon, Bram Stoker's Dracula, Dawn of the Dead, The Fly (Cronenberg) Lord of Illusions, Shaun of the Dead, and of course, The Exorcist. But there are quite a few that I haven't seen or can't remember right now. :monkey1
I'm not really a tried and true horror fan. I admire the classics and like films such as Jaws but slashers and zombies tend to leave me cold. However I love a good spoof and Shaun of the Dead was about as good as they get.

I also like different types of monsters and I thought Slither was a pretty good film in that respect. Not as funny as I'd hoped, nor as scary as it could have been, but all around a pretty respectable little film. You have to give them props for using mostly practical make-up effects too rather than all CGI.
screamingmetal said:
My absolute favorite horror movies are Hellraiser I & II.

Same here.....I also love the old Texas Chainsaw..Freddy & Jason movies are always a go to....not to big on Halloween movies....but i do like the first Halloween....theres a movie called Session 9,I dont know if that would be considered horror,but I freaks me out everytime I watch it...
ditto on the HR movies.
Ya know Clive said in an interview late last year that he was probably going to come back and pen & direct the last HR and kill Pinhead off. He said "It won't be how anybody expects"... i just hope it actually happens.

and ya know, I've had Session 9 in my cart on Amazon 3 times and deleted it before checkout. Will do that no more. thnx
occulum said:
ditto on the HR movies.
Ya know Clive said in an interview late last year that he was probably going to come back and pen & direct the last HR and kill Pinhead off. He said "It won't be how anybody expects"... i just hope it actually happens.

and ya know, I've had Session 9 in my cart on Amazon 3 times and deleted it before checkout. Will do that no more. thnx

Yeah ,I herd that he was going to be writing a new HR book..but hadnt herd about the possible movie and killing off Pinhead....that has me very intrested....let me know how you like Session 9...
Darklord Dave said:
I'm not really a tried and true horror fan. I admire the classics and like films such as Jaws but slashers and zombies tend to leave me cold.

I'm EXACTLY the same Dave. I love the classics like Jaws, Alien, and The Exorcist. I haven't seen the original Halloween in a long time, but I remember really liking it a lot. I also love the old Universal Monsters, with Dracula (both versions), Frankenstein, and Bride of Frankenstein being particular favorites.

For recent horror, I actually liked the first Scream movie, I loved The Ring, and I thought that 28 Days Later was awesome. Otherwise, I find traditional "slasher" movies really boring and repetitive.

I'm sure I'd love Shaun of the Dead, and I've been meaning to watch it for some time now. I never made it a priority simply due to the fact that I'm not big on zombie movies.
I'm a newbie Horror Fan, so I sated myself on the Fred and Jason movies, the Texas Chainsaw Remake (scared the crap out of me, I don't care what anyone says), FVJ (the romantic comedy of horror), every version of Drac and The Phantom I could find, Cujo, Pet Cemetary, and movies starring Madonna. After watching Swept Away, I got night terrors. :D
Horror movies? Did someone say Horror movies? They are my absolute favorite genre of movie! I fell in love with the classic Universal monsters, the stop-motion classics like King Kong and Mighty Joe Young, the 50's "big" monster craze, and continued right on into Romeo, the Slasher films (Halloween is still the best of that breed) and psychological horror like The Ring, etc. I haven't found a Horror movie I couldn't watch! I am still especially fond of the Universal Monsters and 50's Sci-Fi/Horror, but will watch a more modern movie like Halloween just about every time I come across it! If it is Horror/Fantasy/Sci-Fi... I usually can find something I like about it!!! :rotfl
i like horror movies.
I really like:
entity(why is it a true story?are ghosts real?)
i know what you did last summer
scream 2
freddy movies
jason films
jeepers creapers
alien(not scary though)
i hate :
halloween its crap and i h8 the music
I like horror movies as well. I've always been a fan of Jaws, Nightmare On Elm Street, Friday The 13th, etc. I just like the genre in general so I'll watch anything really from it and if I like it I'll watch it again.
I used to be really freaked out when I was little by horror movies, probably due to seeing the nightmare sequence from American Werewolf when I was like five or something. Shortly after that, though, I discovered that most monster movies were made in a similar fashion as the muppets, using makeup appliances and puppets, prosthetics, etc. and I was fascinated by them. I was hooked by the Nightmare on Elm Street movies, and remember seeing Part IV with Gene Siskel in the audience. I don't think he reviewed it too favorably!:rolleyes:

One of my all time favorites was Phantasm however, totally entranced by the trailer for part II.

That and I used to read the novelizations of all of the 50's horror movies in my library in grade school!
buffy-collector said:
i like horror movies.
I really like:
entity(why is it a true story?are ghosts real?)
i know what you did last summer
scream 2
freddy movies
jason films
jeepers creapers
alien(not scary though)
i hate :
halloween its crap and i h8 the music

But remember, without Halloween, and its huge success after being made for peanuts, NONE of the others would probably have been greenlighted.
And as for low budget horror:
Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things
I love Universal Horror and all those great movies from the 30's to the 50's. In the 60's Hammer was a bloodier and moodier era of colorized horror. The 70's made ground breaking movies but the damn wardrobe style make some decent movies unwatchable. The more contempary horror movies just don't cut it for me, with very few exceptions. My all-time horror movie is the moodiest, creepiest, make my skin crawl film: THE SHINING (1980).
I love late 70s and 80s horror.

Halloween did indeed start the "slasher" genre.

Classic movie and I love the music in it.

My favorites are:
Elm Streets
Friday the 13th 1-7
Hellraiser 1, 2
Phantasm 1-2
Halloween 1,2, 4

Scream and I Know were also pretty good and I loved they brought back the genre with those movies.
I am selective about my horror films. Slasher flicks don't do much for me.
I saw "The Hills Have Eyes" and it didn't make much of an impact, but I
watched "The Ring" and it still sticks with me. Gore is nothing as far
as scary (to me anyways) while psychological fear sticks with me.

So, here are some of my favorites:

Salem's Lot (original from 1978)
The Ring
The Exorcist
Se7en (I consider it horrible what happened)
The Howling
Fright Night
An American Werewolf in London

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Session 9 is a truly awe-inspiring film. Cruelly overlooked by a lot of people.

My favs :-

Nightmare 1
Friday 3
Blair Witch Project
The Wicker Man
Cabin Fever

There are so many others that I love (horror is my filmic staple diet) but these 5 are the ones that most excite me.

I saw nightmare 1 when it came on to rent over in the UK in 1984 - it scared the pants off me and started me on my love of the darker side of things...it's got a lot to answer for and is still a killer movie.
Ah horror...probably my favorite film genre. Slasher, suspense, campy, sci-fi horror, etc...I love them all. So some of my favorites...

Cabin Fever
28 Days Later
The Devil's Rejects
House of 1,000 Corpses
Dawn of the Dead
Sleepaway Camp 1 (Such a good twist at the end)
Evil Dead Trilogy
The Faculty
Event Horizon
Hellraiser series
Nightmare on Elm Street series
The Frightners
In the Mouth of Madness
The Lost Boys
Shaun of the Dead
Bubba Ho-Tep
The Blair Witch Project (the only horror movie to ever scare me…nothing has ever come close)

Just to name a few. The most recent horror flicks I caught were "The Hills have Eyes" (remake) and "High Tension". Both by the same director.

Oh and "Session 9" is on my netflix queue right now abstractharmony (and has been for a little while now). Nice to hear someone else's thoughts on it. The description for it sounded quite interesting.