Premium Format Hellraiser Pinhead Premium Format Figure

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On another note, I really hope Sideshow can some how continue with this license. I want a Chatterer PF something bad

On another note, I really hope Sideshow can some how continue with this license. I want a Chatterer PF something bad

Considering how well this is doing and depending on how it looks in hand, you may very well get another Cenobyte

Sent from the Cockpit of the Millenium Falcon
Considering how well this is doing and depending on how it looks in hand, you may very well get another Cenobyte

Sent from the Cockpit of the Millenium Falcon
I know a lot of people wouldn't at current prices, but if they did all four original cenobites I'd be sorely tempted to buy them all just to have the set. Then of course I'd have to track down a pillar of souls and finally decide which lament configuration I want.
I know a lot of people wouldn't at current prices, but if they did all four original cenobites I'd be sorely tempted to buy them all just to have the set. Then of course I'd have to track down a pillar of souls and finally decide which lament configuration I want.
Oh man a pillar of souls should've been made to accompany this piece

Sent from the Cockpit of the Millenium Falcon
That would have been a stellar EX
Had this been made, say when it was initially talked about, that very well couldve and probably would've been the Ex. Alas, those days are long gone, but you never know. Either way you can always get a custom made one I'm sure

Sent from the Cockpit of the Millenium Falcon
The only other Cenobite I'd want (and I really, really want her) is Angelique from the fourth film (which is also my favorite in the series). Chatterer and Butterball or whatever his name is gross me out too much.

The only other Cenobite I'd want (and I really, really want her) is Angelique from the fourth film (which is also my favorite in the series). Chatterer and Butterball or whatever his name is gross me out too much.

I liked her before she became one too

Sent from the Cockpit of the Millenium Falcon
Best news ever!! This is a must own just converted! Really wanted this from day 1. Finally got an ex! I don't care if I know much about him or not. All I know is he is a must own looks so cool! I'm the biggest horror fan ever! Thanks ss!

Good News, **********

We have found the Hellraiser Pinhead Hellraiser Premium Format(TM) Figure for you! Your waitlist reservation #W******* for this item is due to become a live order on 2015/01/15 and should ship out to you shortly after that. However, if your item is in PreOrder status, as soon as we have more information on a processing/shipping date, we will be in touch with email with more information for you. This notice is typically sent out 14-21 days before the item is charged and shipped.
Best news ever!! This is a must own just converted! Really wanted this from day 1. Finally got an ex! I don't care if I know much about him or not. All I know is he is a must own looks so cool! I'm the biggest horror fan ever! Thanks ss!

Good News, **********

We have found the Hellraiser Pinhead Hellraiser Premium Format(TM) Figure for you! Your waitlist reservation #W******* for this item is due to become a live order on 2015/01/15 and should ship out to you shortly after that. However, if your item is in PreOrder status, as soon as we have more information on a processing/shipping date, we will be in touch with email with more information for you. This notice is typically sent out 14-21 days before the item is charged and shipped.

Congrats, CBG! Now go watch the films!
No and thank the horror gods for that. He isn't a joke, like Freddy and Jason have become.

Ok, I love your posts, Josh, & have lots of respect for you. :duff

That said, as a Jason fan & a huge, Robert Englund, Freddy fan I feel the need to question this remark of yours. Pinhead hasn't become a joke like those other 2? To quote a legendary tennis player, “You cannot be serious!”

I'm not including Freddy v Jason or New Nightmare because they're separate films from the main series just like I wouldn't include an AvP film in the Alien or Predator series. However, I loved Freddy v Jason as it ticked all the right boxes for fans of both franchises, unlike AvP, which did not. Freddy was on top comedy form & stole the show whilst Jason did all, but one, of the killings. I thought that the first 30mins were poor, the second 30mins entertaining but the last half hour I absolutely adored as it was just Freddy & Jason going at it much more satisfyingly than we ever got to see with an Alien & Predator battle.

But I digress. Jason, I agree, had definitely become a joke. I thought that 8, 9 & 10 were unbearably bad. But it's a franchise that long outstayed it's welcome, just like the Hellraiser series.

The Hellraiser series has 9 films that, for me, stopped being good after the first 2 compared to just 6 in the Elm Street series, non of which were as piss poor as Hellraiser 3 onwards. F13 at it's worst was most definitely Jason X because you know a franchise has gone down a dark path when they think the answer is to send your characters into outer space. Which brings me on to Hellraiser: Bloodline. Hellraiser in space! Pinhead, not a joke? Come on, man. & when we finally clawed our way to the last one we had Doug Bradley not even bothering to play Pinhead in the 9th entry, Hellraiser: Revelations.

So as much of a joke as you may think Freddy has become, I don't quite know how you can say with a straight face that Pinhead never became one. At least Freddy never became an astronaut. :wink1:

So I think the message here is clear. Never piss off a Freddy fan because, if you do, he'll bore you with a really long post. :mwaha

All 3 franchises are, in reality, silly horror franchises so I hope that this 'rant' is taken in the tongue-in-cheek manner that it was written in. :)

But Pinhead has become a joke. :p
You guys take these movies way too seriously.

With that being said, It's disgusting (to me) to see CBG buying a dozen premium formats each month and knowing nothing about the characters. Talk about more money than brains.
You guys take these movies way too seriously.

With that being said, It's disgusting (to me) to see CBG buying a dozen premium formats each month and knowing nothing about the characters. Talk about more money than brains.

Huh? I know them and I've seen pinhead before on horror magazines, dvd covers, some toy packagings, etc. just because I didn't see the movie doesn't mean I don't like him. Actually I'm a massive horror fan so a long time ago I tried to watch hellraiser one I think, it grossed me out in 20 mins so since then I don't like gruesome bloody horror movies anymore. That's why those jason and freddy movies are still my all time favorites. They are funny and a bit suspense. See I know a lot about horror movies. I've been watch a lot until a few years ago with nothing good coming out. Also the first two wrong turn, scream, was awesome too!
Huh? I know them and I've seen pinhead before on horror magazines, dvd covers, some toy packagings, etc. just because I didn't see the movie doesn't mean I don't like him. Actually I'm a massive horror fan so a long time ago I tried to watch hellraiser one I think, it grossed me out in 20 mins so since then I don't like gruesome bloody horror movies anymore. That's why those jason and freddy movies are still my all time favorites. They are funny and a bit suspense. See I know a lot about horror movies. I've been watch a lot until a few years ago with nothing good coming out. Also the first two wrong turn, scream, was awesome too!

LOL I think you just proved his point.