HBO's Game of Thrones

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I loved the episode like I have every other episode this season. I'm very happy to see Bron back. His banter with Jaime is consistently one of the few lighthearted moments the show features that feel fluid and natural. Bron doesn't yet care for the big picture and this war that everybody is salivating over...but yet he's very talented in ways related to it. Bron and Tyrion and Jaime have both made for some very interesting humor and introspective.

Great to see The Hound back as well.

Blackfish didn't disappoint.

I thought McShane's role was going to be bigger so that was a surprise to me.

Arya was foolish. She really thought she could run away from these face of?

Next week's episode looks nuts. Can't wait!

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Anyone else getting real sick of these episodes being sponsered by the light of the seven a.k.a your church of lame @$$ old smelly shoeless saints of stinky feet.:lol

I miss the good old eps boobs every other killing scene lol. :horror:lol
In some ways, I think the show really has been a bit sanitized from where it was. You can say that they were going too far over the top in seasons 1 and 2 for the purpose of shock value, and maybe there's something to that. But apart from the often cartoony violence (like whatshisface getting a spear through his face in the first episode), the show doesn't seem nearly as edgy as it once did. Maybe that was inevitable, though. You can only stay fresh for so long.

Also, I didn't realize the Brotherhood Without Banners were giant *******s. I know the first scene with them was years ago, but from what I remember they were somewhat honorable dudes, carrying out justice and whatnot.
Seems like there have been some other cold openings (when Cersei saw the witch in the flashback, for example), but it's rare. Yeah, not sure what's going on with the Brotherhood.
I remember reading some report that Ian McShane straight up said he was bringing the Hound back and he got in trouble for spoiling it. So I thought this intro was kind of interesting in how they didn't waste any time in getting right to it. Have they ever started a show without the credit sequence first? I honestly thought I was watching an episode of LOST when it started.

Also, I didn't realize the Brotherhood Without Banners were giant *******s. I know the first scene with them was years ago, but from what I remember they were somewhat honorable dudes, carrying out justice and whatnot.

I totally got that Lost vibe in the opening scene.

And yeah, the whole Brotherhood thing threw me off...when we're first introduced to them in season 2 (or 3? I can't remember), they seemed like they were fighting for the people, and not taking sides in the Battle of the Five Kings. Now they're reduced to common thugs? I hope that was simply a rogue band using the name of the Brotherhood as a pretense to "liberate" goods.


I'm very happy to see Bron back. His banter with Jaime is consistently one of the few lighthearted moments the show fearures that feel fluid and natural. Bron doesn't yet care for the big picture and this war that everybody is salivating over...but yet he's very talented in ways related to it. Bron and Tyrion and Jaime have both made for some very interesting humor and introspective.

Yeah, Bron is a fantastic character. Happy to see him back as well.

Great to see The Hound back as well.


Blackfish didn't disappoint.

Yeah, the Blackfish is probably my favorite ancillary character. Clive Russell is great in the role.
What? No intro?! What a beautiful way to reintroduce my favorite character!

Loved the episode, what a masterpiece.

Regarding The North:

Spoiler Spoiler:

What's anyone guess?
That Mormont girl was really something, she's my new pick for the one left sitting on the Iron Throne when it's all said and done.
I was hoping Jon would be more forceful after coming back, instead he seems more vacillating and unsure then ever.
Kinda dissapointing.
I thought it was cool seeing how difficult it is to muster an army in their position. Even a house sworn to their family was like, "we followed your jackass brother. No thanks." :lol
I wonder if the reason the Brotherhood Without Banners men were so cold, uncaring and stone-hearted is because they have a new leader...


I was disappointed with Arya's bit. She was stabbed several times, I don't quite believe she could survive that, hold her breath underwater for however long, then continue to walk down the streets.

Not only that, but she shouldn't have been caught off guard so easily. She knew what was coming, she knew what the Waif was capable of, and it wasn't even that great of a disguise.

Loved Theon and Yara's scene. I've really enjoyed every Theon scene this season. The Greyjoy house and storyline has always been one of my favorites for some reason.

Ian McShane was fantastic, it's a McShame we won't be seeing more of him. Didn't care much for the Hound, but I think I know what they're going to do with him. Cersei's already mentioned a trial by combat, and that she's not bothered in the slightest because she has the Mountain. I Imagine that's where Sandor comes in.
I thought Jon Snow was gonna be such a cold badass after coming back to life. He seems even weaker than before, though...

You guys saying Jon looks weak, well he got the approval of the Giant, that's pretty good. Also, one can't just expect to go in and demand houses give up their army without really anything in return. After all, few still have seen how real the Walkers are. He has to be cautious with how he deals with these houses. He is technically not a Stark after all.
I was hoping Sansa was writing her for help at the end.

I'm pretty sure she's writing Littlefinger and going to bring him back into the mix. Hopefully she won't let him too close and will chop him down once she gets his help to build her army.

Would be cool if the Tyrells helped the Starks but they kind of set Sansa up for blame with the whole Joffrey thing :lol
I hope Olenna peaces out of Kings Landing before all the **** goes down.

Awesome, your posts reminded me of a question I had...

Spoiler Spoiler:
Awesome, your posts reminded me of a question I had...

Spoiler Spoiler:

Like your wifey, I thought it was the latter.
I was hoping Jon would be more forceful after coming back, instead he seems more vacillating and unsure then ever.
Kinda dissapointing.

I thought Jon Snow was gonna be such a cold badass after coming back to life. He seems even weaker than before, though...

Yeah, he seemed unsure of himself there, though it was partly for comedic effect (which is why it had a sitcomish vibe to me, in part). After he came back, I assumed he would have renewed purpose, and maybe even some spiritual drive. But he just seems like the same old Jon. And not even that, but Jon from a few seasons back before every the audience started really liking him.

I'm pretty sure she's writing Littlefinger and going to bring him back into the mix. Hopefully she won't let him too close and will chop him down once she gets his help to build her army.
Yeah, I assume the same. She has to do it behind Jon's back of course. Making an alliance with the guy who played a key part in killing her father (unbeknownst to her), and having her married off to the most sadistic bastard on the planet. I suspect Littlefinger's ruthless ambition is going to get the better of him sooner or later, and he's gonna pay for what he's done. But he'll probably be responsible for the deaths of several more, beloved characters first :lol
I, too, thought that had to be it for Arya. I guess someone is going to save her from the brink of Death because she sustained some wounds you don't just walk away from imo.

With this show, the death of Arya can be as sudden and shocking as that. Especially after all that time she spent with the man with no name or face or whatever. This show makes you feel like people are safe some times and boom. Dead.

Some of these storyline have to be getting tied up soon if there is only something like 13 episodes following this season. I can't imagine this show will end in a big battle Royale. We will probably be down to a few big-stake sides.

I thought Jaime looked awesome in his armor. Kind of wish this armor got used for a Targaryien instead of wasted on a crappy movie:

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