Harry Potter Theme Park Headed to Fla.

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Malalaking Gagamba
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Apr 2, 2006
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76, Totter's Lane
Cool. I'd go: https://movies.yahoo.com/mv/news/ap/20070531/118063398001.html

Universal Studios is opening up a Harry Potter theme park in Florida complete with the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the Forbidden Forest and Hogsmeade village.

"The Wizarding World of Harry Potter," will open in late 2009 in Orlando, officials said Thursday.

"The plans I've seen look incredibly exciting, and I don't think fans of the books or films will be disappointed," said author J.K. Rowling, who has been working with a creative team to make sure the park resembles the books and films.

More than a dozen artists and designers lead by Stuart Craig, the production designer of the movies, have set up house in the studio where the movies are being filmed to make sure every detail is considered, according to Scott Trowbridge of Universal.

"We're really going to the people who know this world best to ensure that level of authenticity," he said.

The Potter park will allow visitors to view the iconic locations in Rowling's magical world, like Dumbledore's office in Hogwarts and the shops in Hogsmeade. Some locations may be in upcoming books, Trowbridge said.

Trowbridge said while there would not be any character lookalikes at the park, fans wanting to see Harry Potter and his magical friends wouldn't leave disappointed.

"This is Harry's world," said Trowbridge. "Most every fan wants to have an encounter with the star of the show."

The Harry Potter book series has been translated into 65 languages with more than 325 million copies sold in over 200 territories around the world.

The fifth film in the series, "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix," will be released in theatres on 13 July. The seventh and final book of the series will be released on 21 July.

I read this at work today. While I haven't read the book and have only watched one movie. It still makes me excited. This might be really cool!
I was very sceptical of the books when the came out. Saw the first two moves only because my kids wanted to.

Then the 3rd movie was so good i went back and watched the first two again and made me excited for the 4th movie. Saw that and I couldn't wait for the fifth movie.

Decided that I should read the books so that I can at least see 5, 6, & 7 having read the books first.

Right now I am almost finished with 4 and loving it. When this park opens, I am there. I want to eat some chocolate frogs or some droobles. :lol
BadMoon said:
I read this at work today. While I haven't read the book and have only watched one movie. It still makes me excited. This might be really cool!

I read your post after Dave replied and now it is gone. What gives?
Well having been on some of the sets of the feature films, I can tell you if they create an accurate copy of those, then visitors will be in for a hell of a treat.

Hogwarts grand hall in real life is just a superb piece of design, as well as being gigantic!

All the Hogwart sets are beautifully detailed and dressed, and so I think anyone who's a fan of the books/films, young or old, will have a great time.
Just a note that the whole theme park is not Harry Potter related. They are adding a section to the current Universal Islands of Adventure that will be Harry Potter themed. Universal likes to think that IoA is actually a bunch of mini theme parks combined.

Living in Orlando I am very excited about this. I've seen the concept pics and they look great. Too bad Universal usually falls very short of their concept artwork.
This is great news in 2 ways. One, we are getting a cool new land at Universal but this may also push for MGM to do the Lord of the Rings theme park to compete with this announcement!

The LOTR concept has been bounced around in the past but it may be on a fast track now. MGM needs a new facelift, the Tower of Terror can only be refurbished so many times.
This is good news and sounds like it could be cool. But I'd almost rather see it built in England as a stand alone park.
Nice idea, but the UK has the most appalling weather, and we'd only mange to c*ck it up' somehow!

That is unless they got in some of the films effects and set people to work on it. Then things might work out a little better. :rolleyes:
Nothing says Magical British Wizarding School like 100 degree weather, palm trees and Mickey next door.

I get WHY Orlando, but still ask....why Orlando? I know, it's theme park heaven, and I kind of get why not in England, kind of, but at least if it was gonna be in the U.S. they could have picked a place slightly more fitting, I dunno, Northern Californias temps are a LITTLE more fitting. Whatever, who am I kidding, I'll go when I get a free package to from sitting through a 3 hour time-share sales pich I reject.