Han in Carbonite 1/6!!!!!!!!

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I wonder what the edition size will be.

If it is a lot smaller than the jabba set, it may hold it's value - otherwise this will be available on ebay for $100 in due time.
I like it a lot. I think SS did a great job. The wall really adds to the feeling.

I think a plant spot light on the carbonite block will look cool.
$200 + Jabba and/or other 12 inch figures to display around it





I think Leia is the more impressive display item from Jabba's palace and the better value.

People who go the distance with Jabba, the throne, Bib, Boussh, Carbonite Han, and the creature packs are definitely going to have one heck of a 1/6 scale ROTJ setup.
People who go the distance with Jabba, the throne, Bib, Boussh, Carbonite Han, and the creature packs are definitely going to have one heck of a 1/6 scale ROTJ setup.

That's what I'm going for.

With a limit of 2 per person, the edition size can't be that small. I'm pretty sure this will be easy to come buy later at a cheaper price. At least that's what I'm hoping.
Added it to my cart, but I know I'll more than likely cancel it at the last minute. $200 is pretty ridiculous given what it is and how the economy is, but I'm trying to keep in mind that this piece is going to be rather large and the quality will be excellent.
$199 is a little much but I still have to get it.

If a 1/6 Han is $199, how much would a 1/4 PF go for???
looks awesome but i dont have the jabba display and i dont foresee myself owning it in the near future so for $200 it's a pass for me as well. altough it would look pretty cool with my boushh. hmmmmm....decisions, decisions.
Well if you figure the area of where han solo is actually in is 12" you can pretty much figure out that piece is fairly large.

$199 is steep, but I think is that must-have centerpiece to display with Boussh Leia. I did pre-order this.

I actually already canceled the PF Slave Leia I had on order. I love the Slave Leia garb and all, but I just don't think it's as powerful as the 1/6 Gentle Giant one they put out that I bought. I really like that one a lot better and something just doesn't sit right with me on that piece. Bummer cuz I like that outfit of Leia and am a ROTJ collector, but I'm gonna have to pass on that.
Anyone getting this just for the wall? Because I'll buy Han from you. :monkey1

Seriously, it is very cool. A bit more than I need though. If I ever ended up with Jabba, it will be worth it to have this too, but $400 for Jabba, throne, Bib and Crumb makes this $200 more expensive than $200.
$200 and no light up feature, what the ^^^^ are you smoking SS :duh
It seems that the wall here is not as broad as the actual thing seen in the movie...:confused:
What if we are just interested in a high quality plastic block that gives us nice colorful lights?
No exclusive looks like i won't be getting it through SS. I really thought we get another little creature like Hoover.
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