Gun collecting

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Hey Ed, what keeps you from getting this one?

Thanks Ed! It's the full version. Looks like this

800$!!! holy crap

Now what happens if you lose that gun, your responsible for it right?

Do they ever randomly check if you still have it??

One is responsible for all of their possessions. They can be insured, of course.

Fortunately we "still" live in the United States of America, where there are no "random checks" made. The "Gestapo" are not currently present... ;)

I never started collecting guns. I think I saw them as having no higher function than tools designed to end life or cause grief, couldn't get myself to idolize them after that no matter how cool they looked

Some people "collect" guns for "historical" reasons.
Some collect guns for "intrinsic value" reasons.
Some collect guns for "hunting" reasons.
Some collect guns for "target shooting" reasons.
Some collect guns for "self-defensive" reasons.
Personally, I collect guns for all of the above but most importantly for an even greater reason, which Thomas Jefferson warned us all about:

""The beauty of the second amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it." –Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers

The "higher function" of firearms is that they are the great equalizer. They actually work in favor of the weaker defender. Those defending their families, homes and even country. It is the tool designed to save lives and prevent grief. I think I can speak for everyone posting in this thread that no one "idolizes" their guns. They respect their power, enjoy shooting them and live with the understanding that they have the ability and means to protect their loved ones, should someone(s) threaten their lives or safety.

dropped my kim at the shop for her new rail today. woohoo.

Sweet! Looking forward to the pics!
but then all I did was walk into the gun store ,tell them which handgun I wanted and since I was still in their system from purchasing from them before they made a phone call I filled out some papers and walked out with it.

i envy you!
I think I can speak for everyone posting in this thread that no one "idolizes" their guns. They respect their power, enjoy shooting them and live with the understanding that they have the ability and means to protect their loved ones, should someone(s) threaten their lives or safety.

i couldn't have said it any better.
i idolize my guns. every night a 3:33 am i kneel before my safe and leave an offering of blood, spent brass, and carbon residue in my kevlar helmet whilst chanting the 2nd amendment repeatedly.

in all seriousness, my guns are tools to defend my/my family's life and maintain my marksmanship skills in pursuit of the former. same goes for the knives and swords i own, (except the 700 year old wakizashi) and the dark colored belt that i sweat, ache, pull muscles, endure broken bones, bruises on a weekly basis to maintain the right to wear.

for the PC's reading our gun stroke fest. these are lines of defense. i always, ALWAYS, go to my gift of gab or sheer intimidation to defuse a problem before even considering action. I've never even thrown a punch in anger since grade school.

so before passing judgement on us, put yourself in the position of the victim. what would you do if you were in a situation that called for physical action to defend your/your family's lives? would you turn the other cheek? would you lay down and accept your fate? would you let someone you love be brutalized/killed because fighting goes against your philosophical standards? i doubt it. so before you go quoting Jesus, Dr King, Mahatma Ghandi, or even John Lennon, remember, all of them died at the hands of another. And before you throw the whole "died for a cause" axiom at me remember this, YOU (whoever, I'm not calling anyone in particular out) are not a world leader, are not a great activist, and are not anyone that the masses pay much credence to if at all. If YOU were to lay down your life for peace by passively accepting death at the hands of another, the MOST you'll be is a sound bite on the local news and labeled another helpless victim.

But having faced death multiple times, i can say this with a certain amount of confidence. when the rubber hits the road, EVERYONE fights to survive. it's hardwired into our being. every true martyr i've ever heard of became such by accident. not one of them walked up to their attacker and said "sure, kill me and my point will be made"

sorry for the tirade. just thought i'd try to explain/clarify why some of us do what we do. hopefully i was able to come across in a somewhat sensical manner.
that's a smooth piece! let us know how it shoots. unfortunately we can't get that one in CA. i'm going to get this one.


That sucks about it not being on the list but I like your choice! I'm planning on taking my new baby to the range this weekend to fire a bunch of rounds.

My next purchase will probably be a Sig P238 for my carry.

that's a nice carry pistol. again, too bad it's not on the available list for us. i've personally been eyeing the P232.

btw, i ended up ordering the H&K USP Compact .45 which was in stock. i'll pick up the Full later down the road. now i just have to wait a couple of weeks before i begin the paperwork on it. my FFL guy will be holding it for me till then. i'll be picking up a couple of 10 rounders too.

check out this comparison between the Compact and Full.

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getting shot with an Airsoft gun, would that be strong enough to deter would be intruders per say??
sure. it didn't stop David versus Goliath. :D

you may also want to back it up with a Louisville slugger for any necessary followup. :)
There's also stun guns and pepper spray type of dispensers to consider.

If one is dead set against the use of a firearm, there are other alternatives available. Range is considerably less but incapacitation of would-be bad guy is still possible.

Check your state and local laws as well.
What do you think of those collapsible batons?

i like em, however they are illegal in some areas, like mine.
pepper spray is ok, but you also run the chance of inhaling some yourself OR the house guest may not be affected as much as another. we had guys getting exposed to clouds of CS in the smoke house and standing there like nothing was happening. i WASN'T one of them. :yuck