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Body, yes. Equipment, no. If there is one thing the guys at Sideshow know as well or better than anyone else, it's how to make kick-ass 1:6 weaponry and gear.
$179.99 would be too much for a Joe I think, especially the first entry. I am going to guess $69-$79....or at least it should be in my mind. the license can't cost as much as SW and they won't have the clothing that the LOTR figs have.

Price range for the license starts at $79.99... with no idea given on the top-end price. My guess is they will offer him for between $79.99 or 89.99. They won't want to alienate too many people with a high price for the first figure.
Body, yes. Equipment, no. If there is one thing the guys at Sideshow know as well or better than anyone else, it's how to make kick-ass 1:6 weaponry and gear.

I don't know about that. Have you seen the equipment that comes with their military figures? Bar none the best stuff out there.
Sideshow generally makes very good accessories... HT definitely has more volume when it comes to modern military, but I think Sideshow will rock these out :rock
I also don't think HT had any hand in the development of the new Promethus body, otherwise Sideshow would have said so. The armored body is the body HT helped with (which Sideshow does state).
This what we got. Sorry if this was posted before. I didn't see it in the thread.


It isn't really a version 1, 2, or 3. Closest to the Bradstreet.

I like him. Wish he was a actual version. BUT it looks like he comes with enough stuff to make a a 82 or 85 style.
"...start shipping next year." :monkey2

Sideshow Collectibles rocks WWPhilly by revealing Snake Eyes

By TJ Dietsch
Posted 5/31/2008

Sideshow Collectibles’ panel offered up a few interesting points, like a behind-the-scenes look at the creation of the Premium Format Indiana Jones and a look at a few upcoming projects, but the big news was the premiere of the very first figure in their highly anticipated 12-inch G.I. Joe line which will start shipping next year. The first figure revealed is the Snake Eyes you can see here with more to be announced throughout the rest of the year including SDCC.

Shipping next year fauking blows :duh:duh:duh:duh:duh:mad::mad::(:(
I wonder... not sure if anyone has asked this... but is the base included? Freakin awesome base. :rock

The GI JOE fan of my childhood just might return they keep up the awesome figures like this... I will be a very broke man. :lol
I realy dont like it ..not to say the completist fool in me wont get it .
but I was so wishing that this was going to be the iconic body suit with the visor and single bandolier across his chest. oh well I hope they dont take these liberties with the other classic looks

Whoa. Visor: Check. Sword: Check. Uzi: Check. All-Black Suit: Check. That's Snake Eyes all right. I still wish he was a literal translation of a classic design but since apparently this is the only one they're making its a good compromise. I really hope Timber is included! It still could be the exclusive accessory since Timber was really only a part of his '85 look in the vintage line. That might lead SS to believe that the wolf is "take it or leave it."

As good as Snake Eyes looks I really hope there are minimal deviations from classic card art designs. No Shipwreck in a black sweat and beanie please. :nono

Its kind of strange having my "grail" Joe previewed as the first piece in the line. All downhill from here. :lol There's still a ton to look forward though. Cobra Commander (NO BRADSTREET, classic card art please!), Snow Job, Firefly, Zartan, Blowtorch, Scrap Iron, Beach Head, Snow Serpents, Alpine. The list goes on and on. Hopefully Baroness and Scarlett can still look cool on the female buck.
I like him. Wish he was a actual version. BUT it looks like he comes with enough stuff to make a a 82 or 85 style.

I'll be tempted to remove some of his harnesses to better emulate 85 but to tell you the truth I kind of like the "walking arsenal" look SS has given him. It may not be totally accurate but it still seems fitting to the character to me. I'm glad the special forces commando/ninja doesn't have a huge red tatoo on his shoulder.

There's no way that I can be a completist with this line as I am with others (SW, LOTR, Bond, Indy...) but there are some ones that I'll definitely have to get and this is at the top of that list...

I agree Khev, that I think I'll remove some of his harnesses to give him a sleeker look more akin to the comic (83-85).

Can't wait for more pics and the next few announcements... Major Bludd?
Shipping next year fauking blows :duh:duh:duh:duh:duh:mad::mad::(:(

this is what I WAS AFRAID OF...the longer the wait, the more chance of the line not taking off and fading away....unless they announce many figures for this year...interest will carry...I still think Hasbro needs to make Sideshow step up on producing these faster....were looking at 5 years just to get 10 figures...:(
There's no way that I can be a completist with this line as I am with others (SW, LOTR, Bond, Indy...) but there are some ones that I'll definitely have to get and this is at the top of that list...

I agree Khev, that I think I'll remove some of his harnesses to give him a sleeker look more akin to the comic (83-85).

Can't wait for more pics and the next few announcements... Major Bludd?

He's awesome... BUT not shipping till next year??? You can afford to be a completest in this line... it will move as slow as the LOTR line. :monkey2:monkey2:monkey2

oh.. and they'll only get to a few a year... I'm afraid it will fade as well.
... does it look like he's wearing a cloth hood (instead of the whole head just sculpted?) It has a texture and sheen to it you normally don't see on sculpted plastic. I'd prefer that to be the case, even though I won't be buying one. I'm going to be sticking with Cobra.