Gamorrean Guard 12"

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I did the head mod!!!

I finally had the guts to attack my Gammy. I pulled on his head slowly and low and behold it wasn't a ball joint as I had thought but just a twist head. The head works but twisting on the top connection but resting on a black plastic ring.

Seen here:


So I got the idea to just use the black ring as the connection and to widen the neck hole. I just took my trusty dremel and SLOWLY widened the ring. A few things to note, the head is very soft plastic and the back of his eyes are close to the widened hole so take it easy.

So the mod is simple, remove the head and slowly widen the hole until the head squishes on the black ring and just touches his shoulders. The best part is you don't lose the movement of the head and... NO MORE NECK HOLE IN THE BACK!!!! That's 2, 2, 2 mods in one!

Check the pics!!




Now I just plan on repainting his nose (which is actually very sloppy anyway) and dirty him up. I'm even thinking of using Customikey's tips on the Hasbro and making his fur diaper really wet and nasty with paint.

Here you go.
Still impressed by how much of a difference that simple mod makes. Can't understand why Sideshow didn't do that in the first place :huh
Still on the fence about this guy. Wor-Gar and GB I need and honest review. Worth it?
Still on the fence about this guy. Wor-Gar and GB I need and honest review. Worth it?

I think so, yes...IF, and that's IF, you don't mind a two-second background creature taking up space with more significant figures.

He's a fun figure, definitely one of the most unusual ones I have, and is very eye-catching.

If you have the room and you like SS creatures, then you definitely won't be disappointed.

I have Gammy and Yoda coming Thursday so I'll be able to tell you how Hammy stacks up against those two.
I think so, yes...IF, and that's IF, you don't mind a two-second background creature taking up space with more significant figures.

I'd say the guards are more like a 60 second background characters... you got the meeting with the droids, the meeting with Luke, one getting eaten by a Rancor, etc., etc... Gammys actually got quite a bit of screen time for a SW alien :lol

Hammy... now that guy is a perfect example of a 2-second background character :lol
I got my Gammy today (along with Yoda), my first impression was "Man, I was not expecting him to be that big".

I saw the accessory panel first, and when I noticed how big just the hand was, I was like "Oh snap, this mufuggah is huge" haha. I will be able to mess around with him this weekend. I want to do that head mod, so it sits lower.
I'd say the guards are more like a 60 second background characters... you got the meeting with the droids, the meeting with Luke, one getting eaten by a Rancor, etc., etc... Gammys actually got quite a bit of screen time for a SW alien :lol

Hammy... now that guy is a perfect example of a 2-second background character :lol

My bad, I was in fact answering about Hammy not Gammy. Got mixed up in the threads. I meant that Hammy was agreat figure if you don't mind a 2-second character taking up shelf space.

Sorry, Stickman, my answer may not have answered your question here about Gammy.

But I have Gammy now and I have to say I'm impressed...sheerly for the size of this figure. I haven't had time to take him out of the box but so far I'm more impressed with him (in the box) than I am with little Yoda.

I still see fault with the dark paint -- but that's apparent on Yoda as well --but the lack of articulation is something that never bothered me. I love the look of the outfit, even though the round "badge" on his chest always has some paint slop on the 'buttons'. The beady blue eyes aren't so bad in person, but the brown nose still bugs me. So there's definitely pros and cons.

That all said, when you stand back, he looks awesome. Big, fat, brutish and just sooooo Star Wars. He will definitely stand out amongst the sea of Bucks and Pros.
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Honestly, Greedo, Hammy, Gammy and Yoda have all impressed me a lot! And I love having them in my collection... I was a bit disappointed with SS SW offerings from last year (except Palps), but this brought things back on track for me! :rock!
Sideshow is definitely releasing some quality pieces right now :rock

Yes definitely, I thought I was pretty much done with the SS SW line but for a Boba but after reading about how cool Greedo was I had to order him followed by Hammy who turned out exceptional to. Ended up buying Gammy today, one of my most memorable Aliens of SW from when I was a kid, PO Gartogg & the environment to. I just wish I was in to this hobby when SS made Jabbas throne :(
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Check eBay for Jabba and Throne... that set still sells for below retail. I'm sure shipping would be a nightmare; but at least its not a super expensive item.