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:rock :rock :rock :rock

Behind the Conan PF, I think this is the best news from SDCC!!!

The likenesses are awesome!! I hope we dont wait a year from pre-order to ship though.
These little ones are awesome!!! I agree KG... these guys and Conan are the must haves of the Con!
I'm surprised at how every one is praising BOTH sculpts. Frodo is good, but Sam... ? :confused:

I was gonna say the same. While I like what can be seen from the clothing and accessories so far, the face sculpt doesn't appeal to me at all... :eek:
I was gonna say the same. While I like what can be seen from the clothing and accessories so far, the face sculpt doesn't appeal to me at all... :eek:

Really? I guess it's all in the eye of the beholder. I think both sculpts are FANTASTIC and really capture the essence of the characters. I guess Sam could be a bit more 'round' in the face...but other than that, I think he looks almost as good as Frodo. More photos at SDCC will tell, but that's my opinion so far from the preview pic...
Really? I guess it's all in the eye of the beholder. I think both sculpts are FANTASTIC and really capture the essence of the characters. I guess Sam could be a bit more 'round' in the face...but other than that, I think he looks almost as good as Frodo. More photos at SDCC will tell, but that's my opinion so far from the preview pic...

Ah, I see... you are in the camp of "essence of the character".... :rolleyes:

It's based on the movies so the sculpts should look like the actors, IMO. :D

I'm definitely in for these. Frodo's likeness is the better of the two for me, almost perfect. Sam is another story, almost there but not quite.

Still a great looking set overall though.:clap
Sam is a little iffy, but I think it is more the lighting in the photography. I think the shadows are creating some lines for Sam's face that might not exist. I think he is really close, but Frodo is great. I also like the PF sculpt, though, so what do I know?:rolleyes:

I love this news, and I can't wait to see all of the pictures of this stuff from the convention floor. This is a huge announcement for the line!:D
:rock :rock :rock :rock :rock :rock :rock

These two just made SDCC a Freakin' SUCCESS !!!!!

FANTASTIC Sculpts!!!!!

I just hope SS has already dumped the factory that painted Faramir and sends the Halflings to the factory that painted Boromir or Obi-Wan.

Where's that dancing Chewie??

Man I'm so excited that we're getting Hobbits. I've been in love with Lord of the Rings since I was 5 so it's nice to see this line moving again. It's what brought me to SideShow in the first place.

I really hope they come with a lot of extras including the extra cloaks.
:rock :rock :rock :rock :rock :rock :rock

These two just made SDCC a Freakin' SUCCESS !!!!!

FANTASTIC Sculpts!!!!!

I just hope SS has already dumped the factory that painted Faramir and sends the Halflings to the factory that painted Boromir or Obi-Wan.

Where's that dancing Chewie??


Told ya guys. Just wait till SDCC before we go getting all the pitchforks ready. :)
Man, this just SUCKS! We finally get the hobbits in the 12" line, and they go up for order the day (in fact the very hour) that I go into the hospital for (minor) surgery.

I really don't want to miss these, but of all the LOTR 12" exclusives, I fear these will be the fastest to sell out. Anyone want to do a fellow freak a favor? :monkey3
Since day one I have been on the fence about this line and debating about collecting the 12" figures.

Now that day has ended. This is the announcement that has finally pulled me into this line.

Unfortunately, now I have to hunt down the other 12" figures before they vanish for good. I already can see I am going to have a hard time finding Aragorn now.
I think Sam looks fine, but Frodo looks spectacular, so that when they are side by side Frodo takes away from the gardener a bit.
Man, this just SUCKS! We finally get the hobbits in the 12" line, and they go up for order the day (in fact the very hour) that I go into the hospital for (minor) surgery.

I really don't want to miss these, but of all the LOTR 12" exclusives, I fear these will be the fastest to sell out. Anyone want to do a fellow freak a favor? :monkey3

I guess I'm in a slightly better position than you on that day, but I start a brand new job/internship at an architecture firm on the 6th. Hopefully by 11am my time (PPO time on the Pacific Coast) they'll have me on the computer so I can sneak my order in before they sell out. Otherwise I'm going to have to con someone else into doing it for me.
Man, this just SUCKS! We finally get the hobbits in the 12" line, and they go up for order the day (in fact the very hour) that I go into the hospital for (minor) surgery.

I really don't want to miss these, but of all the LOTR 12" exclusives, I fear these will be the fastest to sell out. Anyone want to do a fellow freak a favor? :monkey3

Sorry if I missed it somewhere, but when do these go on preorder? And good luck on your surgery RoboDad, I hope all goes well.

EDIT: Nevermind, it was in the post right above me!
Since day one I have been on the fence about this line and debating about collecting the 12" figures.

Now that day has ended. This is the announcement that has finally pulled me into this line.

Unfortunately, now I have to hunt down the other 12" figures before they vanish for good. I already can see I am going to have a hard time finding Aragorn now.

I've been in about the same position. I originally purchased the Exclusive Aragorn from Sideshow but sold him shortly after because I didn't think I would be able to continue with the LOTR line. I had to cancel my Exclusive orders for Legolas and Boromir as well.

However, I was lucky enough to score an Exclusive Aragorn from a fellow boardmember, and I just snagged an Exclusive Legolas on ebay. I've got a $30 Sideshow gift card that I think I'll put towards the regular Boromir which is still available on the SS website. Luckily I kept my order for the Exclusive Faramir (I blame my LOTR resurgence on that figure).

There are plenty of regular editions of all of these on ebay to be had for around $50 or so, and if you keep looking you should be able to find an exclusive here or there. Get on the search as soon as you can and you should be able to find what you need.