Final Fantasy

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here it is, AS BEST as I understand it.

In japan, the rights to characters and product like games is shared equaly by the creator and by the publisher ( unlike in the states, where it is wholy one or the other)

This is to prevent Either party from screwing the other, and only allows for further product to be made if and only if the two parties cooperate.

Now, the creative team behind chrono trigger and chrono cross are the same people who made Xenogears.

And after square cut xenogears budget in 1/2 to fund final fantasy 11, MOST of that creative team Quit square, and went on to form monolith soft.

Square can re-release any game tehy've already published, with any extras in it they like, but they can't make NEW entries into the series without the approval of the creators.
FFVI was great because it didn't really focus primarily on a single protagonist. It was about each individual going through their own personal trials and demons and using their friendships to tackle the bigger issues. Not to mention Nobuo Uematsu did one of the greatest Videogame Compositions ever (every single PC had their own unique theme), especially considering it was done on basically midis. And more importantly it didn't contrive a love story (cough FF8 and 9) into the main plot just for the sake of having one, just a few very subtle ones, again as part of the characters own growth.

YOu forgot the weird, self-loathing, Contrived love story in Final fantasy 7.
YOu forgot the weird, self-loathing, Contrived love story in Final fantasy 7.

Me and a friends few days talked about the story in FFVII we got confused halfway though the conversation maybe not as good as I remember.
here it is, AS BEST as I understand it.

In japan, the rights to characters and product like games is shared equaly by the creator and by the publisher ( unlike in the states, where it is wholy one or the other)

This is to prevent Either party from screwing the other, and only allows for further product to be made if and only if the two parties cooperate.

Now, the creative team behind chrono trigger and chrono cross are the same people who made Xenogears.

And after square cut xenogears budget in 1/2 to fund final fantasy 11, MOST of that creative team Quit square, and went on to form monolith soft.

Square can re-release any game tehy've already published, with any extras in it they like, but they can't make NEW entries into the series without the approval of the creators.

That sounds extremely complicated. But, regardless, it might not be a bad thing for creators to retain control over the use their series. I remember several months ago, when Ubisoft fired the director/creator of Assassin's Creed and ejected him out of the building. From what you mention, it doesn't seem as if something like that can happen as easily in Japan.
That's every Final Fantasy game from FF VII and onward :lol.

i guess.. but i mean the whole, CLoud Loves sephiroth, but sephiroth rejects him, and stabs him. then Cloud spends his life emulating Sephiroth's lover Zach to the point where he Starts To belive he IS him...

Then he makes the dsecision that if HE can't Have Sephiroth, no-one can, and dedicates his life to killing him...

it's just a little out there EVEN for square.
i guess.. but i mean the whole, CLoud Loves sephiroth, but sephiroth rejects him, and stabs him. then Cloud spends his life emulating Sephiroth's lover Zach to the point where he Starts To belive he IS him...

Then he makes the dsecision that if HE can't Have Sephiroth, no-one can, and dedicates his life to killing him...

it's just a little out there EVEN for square.

No kidding :lol. I also remember that cross-dressing scene with Cloud, and his implied rape by some big, burley men in the sauna. That was creepy as hell.

FF VII was an extremely odd game, to say the least.
i guess.. but i mean the whole, CLoud Loves sephiroth, but sephiroth rejects him, and stabs him. then Cloud spends his life emulating Sephiroth's lover Zach to the point where he Starts To belive he IS him...

Then he makes the dsecision that if HE can't Have Sephiroth, no-one can, and dedicates his life to killing him...

it's just a little out there EVEN for square.

Did the real Sephiroth die where they held Jenova ?or did he survive to where Cloud brings him the black materia? Also was that sephiroth that killed Aeris or was it a clone im confused.
the REAL sephiroth Is the one who wounds cloud in Nibelheim during the flashback. He is also seriously wounded, and eventualy retrieved by his father, Professor Hojo.

Somehow he ends up in the Crater, with jenova. you fight that one at the end of the game.

Amusingly, the one that you chase through 90% of the game,

it's also worth noting that while all the other Sepherai are clones, they are being psychicly controlled by the real one at varying times though their Jenova cells.

When the clone kills Aeris, for example, the REAL one is controlling him.

Its worth noting that the clone that kills Aeris is just a mutated Jenova body part.

Even Cloud is being controlled to an extent. It's possible this is why he's in Love with sephirtoh. no one is really certian if that's really him, or the influence.
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the REAL sephiroth Is the one who wounds cloud in Nibelheim during the flashback. He is also seriously wounded, and eventualy retrieved by his father, Professor Hojo.

Somehow he ends up in the Crater, with jenova. you fight that one at the end of the game.

Amusingly, the one that you chase through 90% of the game,

it's also worth noting that while all the other Sepherai are clones, they are being psychicly controlled by the real one at varying times though their Jenova cells.

When the clone kills Aeris, for example, the REAL one is controlling him.

Its worth noting that the clone that kills Aeris is just a mutated Jenova body part.

Even Cloud is being controlled to an extent. It's possible this is why he's in Love with sephirtoh. no one is really certian if that's really him, or the influence.

:goodpost: thanks for posting this.
Wtf :lol. FF VII is messed up! Been years since I played it, and I was too young to remember all of that.
most of that is only aluded to in FF VII.

They go into more detail with the add on games. Crissis core, Dirge of cerberous, etc.

As well as advent children and the anime.

But it was in the bible that was created for the original game.
Ok that doesn't look like the FF I remember. That was awesome though. Let's hope most of that gameplay makes it into the actual game.

I just hope that they return to a more traditional form of gameplay. I tried to play FF XIII, but there was too much going on screen to make sense of the battles. I hated all of the bright flashy colors, and characters running all over the place.
Did they ever actually make the Sephiroth Masterpiece Arts?

I actually just got done playing through 7 for the first time. The love story part...if anything, it was Cloud and Tifa due to Cloud "taking over" Zack's life. As per Lerath's comments, the reason Cloud can so easily do this, is because like the other, he is a clone of Sephiroth. When Hojo realizes who Cloud is, he refers to him as being the "successful" one/subject/experiment. So Cloud is never "in love" with Sephiroth, he is being called/controlled like the others, hence giving over the Black materia for example. You can tell these times from when cloud falls in pain, etc. Over time with his crew, he realizes and learn how to stop him and so on.
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Personally I love almost every game in the series for different reasons.
I don't understand people who complain about the 'k-pop' look of XIII considering the series has had that look since VII and some might argue even before that.

I love IV, I love VI but I also love VII-X.
VII was my first real j-rpg and it will always have a special place in my heart. I love the setting, the world, the dark feel of the story. It's just a great game.

The only one I just could not finish is XII, the story is nice, the characters are ok but I can't stand the gameplay. It's basically an MMO system and i couldn't stand waiting 30secs to use a freaking potion.

Now XIII I actually enjoy and don't mind the linearity because the story is fun. Plus unlike some of you I like the futuristic setting. Medieval fantasy rpg are a dime a dozen so it is a nice change.