Enterbay IP MAN

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Mine's on the stock body of earlier batches & faces the same problems. Did EB ever update the body for newer Ip Man releases?

I understand that EB are selling him with the RM4 (Matt Damon) body. I haven't heard any complaints about floppy joints on that body, but a lot of people are saying it's too big for Matt Damon. If that's the case, it's too big for Ip as well. But so was the original RM Ip was on. I don't know why they made him so massive :dunno
Thanks Lejuan, yeah these are issues EB ought to have foreseen, but they'll probably blame it on the factories.
My Ip Man had tight shoulders, but floppy hips and loose ankles :)

EB, far out!!! So much to love about this figure, but some frustrating shortcomings. The long robe gives Ip Man a stately presence on the shelf - I've just got him posed next to the wooden dummy and he looks classy. The wooden dummy is beautifully rendered, and the metal plate-magnet sole set-up is a neat feature and really useful for this figure.

But the posing is somewhat limited by that idiot blank stare they gave him. If I was being kind I'd say that it is an appropriate gaze for someone who is working the dummy, like he's focusing just beyond his outstretched fingertips. The likeness falls a bit short for me, though some of this could be due to his expression. And he's too tall out of the box with somewhat of a giraffe neck. The HT TT fixed this issue along with the loose joints.

I didn't get the red hands some got because the dude painting that batch was overzealous with the paint; and I got no rubbed off paint on any part of the HS that some got.

All in all he remains a happy buy that I don't regret one bit - even if it was Ip Man + TT. I have to say that my perception of EB changed after I got this first figure from them. It was my first taste of the proto-to-final product discrepency thing they have going on, and my first taste of their poor handle on QC.

But he does ooze class, so I forgive them, just this once :)
LJ I can't argue anything you said, but I do give Enterbay a pass on the sculpt expression. It seems every company plays it safe with the expressionless sculpt, even HT did it with the current Thor release (which was a major reason I canceled the Po).

[The reason this made me crazy on Thor b/c in that film Thor never has an expressionless face, he either has a huge grin or he is shouting/screaming engaged in battle.]

Like you stated, the expression works for Ip Man b/c he should be posed working the mook jog and there are 100's of technical poses you could give him on that accessory alone. Also, you can have him posed standing tall and proud in the robe where the expressionless face works too.

The loose joints issue is inexcusable, and let's hope it's something they learned from and dedicate themselves to correcting in future releases.
lejuan....good points! i agree that he is a very classy looking figure. overall, have to say he is one of my favorite figures as he has a very distinct look to him.
I personally prefer this head over Chen Zhen's one, cos rather than a blank stare, I'm seeing more of discipline & composure, his long neck plays a part too...that's probably the reason why I hesitate to change his body to a truetype cos in certain attire, the neck looks too short for me.

I love this pic, and can't get my Ip to hold this pose! Argh! :monkey4
It took quite abit of patience to do that pose, in fact for all of 'em....chances are he probably won't hold on to those poses for long too LOL
I personally prefer this head over Chen Zhen's one, cos rather than a blank stare, I'm seeing more of discipline & composure, his long neck plays a part too...that's probably the reason why I hesitate to change his body to a truetype cos in certain attire, the neck looks too short for me.

It took quite abit of patience to do that pose, in fact for all of 'em....chances are he probably won't hold on to those poses for long too LOL

Sounds like somebody needs two Ip Mans, one on a TT for dynamic posing and one on the stock RM for gravitas :lol
people talk of switching the ip man head over to a hot toys body? anyone got a tutorial on how to do this?
Step 1: remove Ip Man head from EB RM body
Step 2: place Ip Man head onto HT TT body

no modding required :)

This procedure is way too simplistic. You need to try thinking outside the box.

Step 1: Remove IP Man's head from the Enterbay RM body
Step 2: Remove the left hand from the Hot Toys TT body
Step 3: Replace said left hand with the right hand of the RM body
Step 4: Remove both legs of the TT body and replace with Medicom Kamen Rider legs
Step 5: Put Enterbay IP Man clothes on the Hot Toys TT body
Step 6: Add aviators onto Enterbay IP Man head sculpt
Step 7: Put IP Man Enterbay headsculpt onto new body

No modding required.
I got mine weeks ago, and it came out great, the arms are not that loose at all, and no over redish hands and stuff, I guess I got lucky ?. The figure rocks.
thanks for the replies guys. I thought it wouldn't be this easy because the head is a peg hole and the body i "tried" with is the asian muscular body, ALSO with a peghole.
I still gotta see IP Man 2. Bought it on blu a few weeks ago but been to busy. Love this fighure though.
thanks for the replies guys. I thought it wouldn't be this easy because the head is a peg hole and the body i "tried" with is the asian muscular body, ALSO with a peghole.

There's your problem: It fits a standard, advanced, slim, or narrow-shoulder TrueType, not the muscle body. You need a body where the neck comes off and there is a ball in the space between the shoulders to attach a neck.
Mine is on a TT narrowed shoulder,(works perfect) because the Enterbay body RM broke the left hip joint :monkey1

Neverthless, some joints were too loose.. and that body is massive for IPMAN so he needed a new body ASAP