Enterbay HD: 1/4 scale Rambo III

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I'm a huge fan of this sculpt as is but I must admit the changes to the eyes make it look a lot better. I'm happy if they change it, happy if they don't.
The sculpt we're getting looks meaner and more aggressive, IMO. He's killing commies not going for a stroll through the woods...

Now lets see how the rest of the figure looks. :impatient:
Are the PS fixes the right expression, maybe not, but they look like Sly, the sculpt as is doesn't.
I think in the Enterbay poster, they displayed Rambo 4.. Enterbay might be on to something here.. They just did Rambo 3 first, but wow, will I get my hands on a Rambo 4 :clap
Well after this episode I hope to hell there aren't any glaring issues with the EB Bale/Batman or Joker, because chances are, we won't get a chance to influence the final sculpt as we (arguably) do with HT.
I'm a huge fan of this sculpt as is but I must admit the changes to the eyes make it look a lot better. I'm happy if they change it, happy if they don't.


I have a question for those that thought they might change it based on the bigger eyes. Wouldn't it cost Enterbay a lot of money to reproduce a better head sculpt? I would think they already made at least 1,000+ heads with the smaller eyes, what would they do with all those heads? I can't see them just throwing them in the traah, that would be very costly. One last thing, I think the bigger eyes sculpt is great, what I would love to know is, if the collectors here spotted the fault with it right away why didn't the creative artists over at Enterbay notice it first? and make the changes on there own.

I have a question for those that thought they might change it based on the bigger eyes. Wouldn't it cost Enterbay a lot of money to reproduce a better head sculpt? I would think they already made at least 1,000+ heads with the smaller eyes, what would they do with all those heads? I can't see them just throwing them in the traah, that would be very costly. One last thing, I think the bigger eyes sculpt is great, what I would love to know is, if the collectors here spotted the fault with it right away why didn't the creative artists over at Enterbay notice it first? and make the changes on there own.

You're right on the first point, if they've already entered production theres no way they'll change anything. Thats why some of us wish they'd go the HT way of showing a full prototype long in advance that there may be some hope of changes being made if need seems to be.

On the point I've put in bold - they evidently didn't spot it, they didn't recognise that this was an area that could have done with improvement, so no, they won't necessarily see these things independantly of fan photoshops etc. Some of you guys seem determined not to give any credit to fans for their input - sure, some of it isn't constructive - but a lot of it is. EB were mostly there with this sculpt - and credit to them for that - its a stunning piece of work, but clearly in this case if there had been time enough to make changes the fan input would have helped bring this up to a pretty much 100% likeness.
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I have a question for those that thought they might change it based on the bigger eyes. Wouldn't it cost Enterbay a lot of money to reproduce a better head sculpt? I would think they already made at least 1,000+ heads with the smaller eyes, what would they do with all those heads? I can't see them just throwing them in the traah, that would be very costly. One last thing, I think the bigger eyes sculpt is great, what I would love to know is, if the collectors here spotted the fault with it right away why didn't the creative artists over at Enterbay notice it first? and make the changes on there own.

The answer is that in the eyes of everyone who had to approve the head going into production, it must have looked good, or there were time/cost factors and they had to go with good enough. Tese artists all put their twist on things and licensors give different inputs. There are a number of factors why some figures are not as authentic as others.

What was wrong with the body?

Nothing of the figure is going to stay clothed, but the rubber on his torso is loose and floppy, not as defined as Rambo will need, and the elbow joints look very toy like an don't have te slight realism HT has worked into their muscle body arms.
This is why, like in the video game industry where they hire Beta testers.. These manufacturers should hire real collectors to have a level of approval in their corporation, and validate their work & give feedback based on the perspective of the one who will buy the collectible :lecture
The answer is that in the eyes of everyone who had to approve the head going into production, it must have looked good, or there were time/cost factors and they had to go with good enough.

Yeah thats also possible. Maybe they did see areas they would have liked to improve but just no longer had the time. And then they're hardly going to come out and say 'yeah guys heres the figure, not as good as we would have liked ourselves but its the best we could do with the time we had'. They have to stand behind their product.
This is why, like in the video game industry where they hire Beta testers.. These manufacturers should hire real collectors to have a level of approval in their corporation, and validate their work & give feedback based on the perspective of the one who will buy the collectible :lecture

Except there will never be a satisfactory consensus. Look at this thread, I'd say half love it as is as half want to fix it. Unless you get everyone to agree on changes to make, someone will lose, and it'll be more frustrating. Right now, anyone unhappy will be upset with Enterbay, buy or not an move on, but say Bill listened to us and changed the head, and Hal of us loved the new head and the other half wanted the old one back, now they have EB an all of us asking for changes and this site would get chaotic.

All a company really could do is broad polls like, fix the head or leave it alone, you couldn't be as specific as we need to be.

At least as is, we can only speculate when companies listen to us or not and no direct blame can be placed on collectors for changes an I think it should stay that way.

Another issue, those of us here wanting changes agree on the need for them, but we've seen multiple takes on how to fix this but don't all agree on the one to follow. Products like this should really stay in the model, a manufacturer offers a product and you buy it or not. You can't do custom to each person's wishes and it's a risky path to listen to the wishes of a few and have it impact the final product for many.
Are the PS fixes the right expression, maybe not, but they look like Sly, the sculpt as is doesn't.

Doesn't look like Sly ? Get over it man. I just showed the HS to 4 coworkers and they were blown away by it and I didn't have to tell them who it was. To say it doesn't look like him is dumb.
It looks like Rambo who they know was played by Sylvester Stallone so yeah they're going to recognise him. Also most people aren't even aware that action figures can look this realistic these days, they think Action Man is as good as it gets. So the reaction of random coworkers is generally going to be one of amazement one way or another.
EB has said it's not going to change -- it is what it is... The sculpt wouldn't get released unless Stallone approved it, so he obviously thinks it's a flattering sculpt of him and liked the way it portrays his character.
EB has said it's not going to change -- it is what it is... The sculpt wouldn't get released unless Stallone approved it, so he obviously thinks it's a flattering sculpt of him and liked the way it portrays his character.

Not necessarily, without knowing the details, Stallone may have no say or involvement and just the company owning rights to Rambo 3 sign off on it. There are plenty of Rambo products without photo realistic Stallone portraits that get signed off on and sold, who knows what it takes to get a green light for a Rambo product.
Not necessarily, without knowing the details, Stallone may have no say or involvement and just the company owning rights to Rambo 3 sign off on it. There are plenty of Rambo products without photo realistic Stallone portraits that get signed off on and sold, who knows what it takes to get a green light for a Rambo product.

Yeah, again with this likeness bull____. People in this forum have to let go of the illusion that this a real issue.
Usually sculptors will have a few sculpts made and present them to the licensor/actor to choose from. Seeing how Stallone loved his HT rocky and expendables figures, it won't surprise me if he's involved in picking this sculpt personally.