DX09 KEATON BATMAN: residue in abdominal area, has yours shown signs of it?

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WTF Is This White Sheeeeet On My Boots?

quoted from the DX09 Thread

Time To Start A Thread

:gah: Why did you have to find that?

Now just me being the nice Freak that i am , i decided to takes some pics of my Boots for you and behold -

Whiteness!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :gah:
Its not noticeable to the naked eye , but with the camera flash it is.

With Flash







Amazing weathering Ecko, you are a master of your craft!!! :1-1:

Ski :love
WTF Is This White Sheeeeet On My Boots?

quoted from the DX09 Thread

Time To Start A Thread

:gah: Why did you have to find that?

Now just me being the nice Freak that i am , i decided to takes some pics of my Boots for you and behold -

Whiteness!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :gah:
Its not noticeable to the naked eye , but with the camera flash it is.

With Flash







Are you sure it's not dust or something on the boots?
Those boots are a none issue. The flash and photography is bringing that out. Mine would look the same if I took photos of them. Everyone's boots are fine and have painted weathering/texture on them. The actual boots consisted of different parts and this figure has accurately depicted that, google it. The armor shin plating, the actual shoes, etc. etc. it's all there.

Stop this madness.

I've seen disintegrating plastic in person that often looks like "gray dust". Mattel is INFAMOUS for this. The limbs of their action figures will turn all gray and even bone white with this chalky residue. It's wipes right off but you can tell there's some bad chemical reason behind it, possibly dangerous.

That's not the case here.
Point being, it's just too soon for people to write this off. Again, as we saw with the DX02, leaking started anywhere from straight out of the box, to a year or more. I'd hate to see someone just blow this off because others are quick to dismiss it and then suddenly, well after the return policy has expired, wind up having a leaky figure.

So people should return dry figures?

So... I too have now discovered the dreaded oil beneath the belt on my DX09. Unlike the thinner oil on my DX02, this was a thick, sticky, oil-like substance which was difficult to wipe away and left a bit of a shine even after being cleared away. For now, the location seems to be isolated to the right side of the abdomen, beneath the magnet/tape strip. I've left the belt off until I decide what to do or this thread provides any insight. What a joke.

I'm just too bummed to even complain right now. I'll save my rant for later I guess. ____ing Hot Toys.

You sure this isn't the tape residue that has been talked about, in tandem with the oil?

Yeah, that sounds like tape, not oil.

List updated.

It doesn't sound like Master Wayne belongs on that part of the list.

Damn it, I like the way I have my cape posed, now I have to go mess that up to check for oil again. :gah:

His belt is staying off permanently, as if he went out crime fighting after eating a big meal and the belt was too tight making him uncomfortable.

Yeah, that works.

:lol :lol :lol
Simple enough, why can't HT just use the same or similar material that is used by Medicom? Medicom TDK suit stinks but it clearly doesn't leak.

Maybe it's not that simple:dunno?
Just picked up a second one for my friend from toys2. Not sure with my first one but this one has some thin black paper wrapped around the tummy to separate It from the belt so no oil ATM and this one the chest is pretty puffy and not hollow.
As for dx02 I was amongst the first to get replacements directly from HT and neither of the two have yet to leak from the abs at all. The shoulders were initially leaking a little but after applying vodoun's trick (I think it was him, soo loong ago) of adding a bit of paper under the shoulder pad to prevent it from adding pressure to the arms, nothing ever surfaced again.
It certainly was and still is something to keep an eye on but considering my observations of my I think 2+yr old dx02s I would remain cautious but not all conspiracy theorist
Oh and I hope my rep is good enough to be believed :(

So people should return dry figures?

Now you're starting to see the issue. Essentially you're paying $250 for a figure that only has to maintain it's quality standard for 30 days. Your short little "venture" into the DX02 thread didn't end well :lol, but suffice to say, if we go by what we already know, most will likely start leaking well after that 30 day return limit. :monkey1
after seeing this ive decided to play it smart and cancel this and pick up Jack Sparrow DX instead... Batman is going to be around for a long time still and this gives me more time to watch the leak issue... Ill give at least 3 months before I pull the trigger on Batman ether way... Ill be keeping my PO for Joker he is far to cool to pass due to this...
I had plans to buy this, but not now and it has more to do with the way HT has been handling the situation rather than there being a serious issue with the suit. A nonchalant attitude toward your customers' concerns is a big no-no in my book.
LIFE's A GAMBLE nothing is guarenteed ...BUY the ticket take the ride so sit down shut up and hold on .... and i'll let ya know when something leaks but for now my deon warwick pschic ODA MAY BROWN say's dont worry be happy bats is ALL GOOD .........
So what's the answer then? Return dry figures right?

Stores won't compromise their return policy. That opens up a whole different bag of worms. And as we've seen, you can't even barely get HT to acknowledge the issue let alone address or even fix it. Do you see an alternative?