Does Rogue One detract from A New Hope?

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Does Rogue One detract from A New Hope?

  • Yes, RO detracts from ANH

    Votes: 11 13.9%
  • No, RO neither detracts from nor enhances ANH

    Votes: 18 22.8%
  • No, RO enhances ANH

    Votes: 49 62.0%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 1 1.3%

  • Total voters
I'll be honest, I don't like kids enough to give a **** that Anakin killed them. It just seemed like something Lucas threw in to make his transition to a Sith more shocking. Go to a daycare sometime and see if you think those kids should be trained in The Force. It's a horrible idea.

They were paper Jedi kids too so that's another reason to not give a flying **** about them. I almost wish we saw him slice them down with Benny Hill music.
That's why I think people, myself included, should probably cut the Jake Lloyd/Hayden Christensen/Sebastian Shaw portrayal of Vader outside the suit some slack.

You had a well meaning, smart kid that genuinely liked to help people, taken from his mom at a young age by the Jedi. He was sad about it, like any normal child (or human really) would. Instead of being comforted by the evil Jedi, he's constantly chastised for missing his mom and friends. The Jedi tell him it isn't natural to fear losing his loved ones. They tell him it's wrong to love. Obi-Wan hates him as soon as he's introduced to him ("Why do I sense that we've picked up another pathetic life form?" = equating this poor kid that just helped win them a new generator to continue their mission to Jar Jar ****ing Binks), Mace Windu and Yoda chide him from the very beginning.

Then the only Jedi that believes in him as well as his potential to do good, dies. He's then stuck with this weird cult of robed space weirdos who don't believe in him at all. Then on the crux of adulthood, all the poor guy wanted to do is bone his nabooian childhood crush like any normal hormonal teenager, but you got Obi-Wan, Yoda, Windu and the other Jedi bitching him out 24/7.

People call Christensen's performance wooden, but think about it, this is a man who was born into slavery, separated from his mother at 9 years old, had to hide his emotions, marry in secret and essentially shamed himself for having kids with his wife. His outbursts are those of frustration. Every rant against Obi-Wan, the sand people, and the Jedi are justified ones.

He wasn't just killing younglings in that scene, he was killing a part of himself. The child that couldn't save his mother or friends anymore. The child born into a life of pain and suffering.
That's why Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru wanted young Luke to stay far away from Obi-Wan. They saw first hand what a life as a Jedi does to a normal human being that isn't born into it. It all makes sense.

I can just picture Obi-Wan trying to abduct a 5 or 6 year old Luke to make him put one of those bowls on his head and use the "force" and teach him about "certain points of view". Maybe that's what the solo Kenobi movie will be about. Uncle Owen should have shot Obi-Wan when he turned his back.
That's why I think people, myself included, should probably cut the Jake Lloyd/Hayden Christensen/Sebastian Shaw portrayal of Vader outside the suit some slack.

You had a well meaning, smart kid that genuinely liked to help people, taken from his mom at a young age by the Jedi. He was sad about it, like any normal child (or human really) would. Instead of being comforted by the evil Jedi, he's constantly chastised for missing his mom and friends. The Jedi tell him it isn't natural to fear losing his loved ones. They tell him it's wrong to love. Obi-Wan hates him as soon as he's introduced to him ("Why do I sense that we've picked up another pathetic life form?" = equating this poor kid that just helped win them a new generator to continue their mission to Jar Jar ****ing Binks), Mace Windu and Yoda chide him from the very beginning.

Then the only Jedi that believes in him as well as his potential to do good, dies. He's then stuck with this weird cult of robed space weirdos who don't believe in him at all. Then on the crux of adulthood, all the poor guy wanted to do is bone his nabooian childhood crush like any normal hormonal teenager, but you got Obi-Wan, Yoda, Windu and the other Jedi bitching him out 24/7.

People call Christensen's performance wooden, but think about it, this is a man who was born into slavery, separated from his mother at 9 years old, had to hide his emotions, marry in secret and essentially shamed himself for having kids with his wife. His outbursts are those of frustration. Every rant against Obi-Wan, the sand people, and the Jedi are justified ones.

He wasn't just killing younglings in that scene, he was killing a part of himself. The child that couldn't save his mother or friends anymore. The child born into a life of pain and suffering.

This is all dead-on correct. The problem is...George intends us to see the Jedi as the good guys.
Love what you said Difabio.

but A-dev, I think George wanted us to see the Jedi as flawed good guys, whose flaws ultimately contributed in a major way to the fall of the republic and rise of the empire
Love what you said Difabio.

but A-dev, I think George wanted us to see the Jedi as flawed good guys, whose flaws ultimately contributed in a major way to the fall of the republic and rise of the empire

Also true but the problem is...for me at least...that it's too hard to believe that this is the first time this would have happened (Anakin going dark) - really there should be a continuity of jedi kids going bad given what the jedi order does to them, the lives it forces them into.
Also true but the problem is...for me at least...that it's too hard to believe that this is the first time this would have happened (Anakin going dark) - really there should be a continuity of jedi kids going bad given what the jedi order does to them, the lives it forces them into.

I would have preferred that George simply kept continuity with the original backstory that there was absolutely nothing taboo about Jedi marrying and having children. The "real" Anakin took the "quick, easy, more seductive" path and therefore was consumed by the Dark Side. That's not at all why PT Anakin turned. PT Anakin turned because he chose the unnatural path toward powers that simply didn't exist.
Ironically it was love that caused PT Anakin to fall to the darkside and led him to do unspeakable evil acts. It was also love that saved him. The worst thing is that Anakin went to yoda for help and yoda says "learn to live without those your fear most to lose, fear not in their passing rejoice in their union with the force"(or something very close to that) other words just let the person die, even if you can help them don't, sit back let them die and rejoice in their death because they are now one with the force. If that ain't the most ****ed up thing to say I don't know what is, yes the Jedi were just as ****ed up as the sith. It's the same ******** yoda tried to do to Luke in ESB but thankfully Luke rejected the little evil green freaks messed up advice. Yoda was good at training sith, dooku and Anakin were perfect examples. Obi wan was a messed up old dude too, he was trying to trick Luke into killing his own father which is why he lied to him from the beginning. He knew Luke couldn't kill his father, which is why he said then the emperor has already won... he never leaned from his mistakes in life he took all of them with him to force ghosthood. He never considered the idea that Luke could pull his dad out of the darkness without killing him. Had Luke listened to obiwan the emperor would have won, he would have slaughtered his father and took his fathers place by his side
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It was really just with ROTJ that things started to go off the rails. ANH Ben clearly wasn't in "kill Vader at all costs" mode or he would have gone down fighting. But he wanted things done the right way even if it cost him his life. Then in ESB Yoda was all about Luke NOT going off to fight Vader especially before his training was complete. Then in ROTJ Yoda *and* Obi-wan were all "yeah you're still not a Jedi but just go fight him and see what happens. George wants to make Howard the Duck so we need to wrap this up."
Ben: "Luke, you need to leave Dagobah at once. Everywhere you go in this movie teddy bears and muppets show up." (looks at Yoda) "Oh, bloody hell..."

"I'm endangering the merchandise I shouldn't have come."

Now we know why he was on the island. To keep Han from having to acknowledge that he's now part of the Porg tribe.
It was really just with ROTJ that things started to go off the rails. ANH Ben clearly wasn't in "kill Vader at all costs" mode or he would have gone down fighting. But he wanted things done the right way even if it cost him his life. Then in ESB Yoda was all about Luke NOT going off to fight Vader especially before his training was complete. Then in ROTJ Yoda *and* Obi-wan were all "yeah you're still not a Jedi but just go fight him and see what happens. George wants to make Howard the Duck so we need to wrap this up."

He always wanted Luke to kill Vader he knew he couldn't kill Vader himself he was too old to battle him and win. Which is funny cause when obi wan had the chance to kill Vader he let him live too. He deliberately waited until Luke could see Vader strike him down so (1) luke would see Vader for what he truly was and (2) he was hoping that it would get Luke pisssed off enough at Vader that he wouldn't care about who Vader really was when he ultimately leaned the truth about his heritage. Obi wan had to assume that either emperor or Vader would have told Luke at some point so he wanted Luke to literally hate Vader. It's also why he told Luke vader killed his real father
He always wanted Luke to kill Vader he knew he couldn't kill Vader himself he was too old to battle him and win.

Ah yes because he knew how badass Vader was in RO.



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