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I hope they're not dragging poor old Tom into the 50th show. I'd rather remember him in all his slender, brown curly haired glory.
I am almost more excited about the Doctor Who Docu-drama than I am about the anniversary special:

Wow, at first I really thought that was a pic of Hartnell. I'm looking forward to this as well. It'll be nice to see David Bradley in a meatier roll than his usual character rolls.
Originally it was going to be Philip Madoc until his untimely death playing Hartnell, there was even a few rumours around that time that it was part of the 50th episode.......

Wonder if they'll use David Bradley to play #1 at some point? I think we've been robbed of multiple Doctor's episodes for far too long.
Wonder if they'll use David Bradley to play #1 at some point? I think we've been robbed of multiple Doctor's episodes for far too long.

Just me personally, I hope not. It's fine for something like a docudrama, but I hate the idea of fake Doctors in proper episodes. The blink and you'll miss them cameos in The Name of the Doctor is as far as I'm willing to go. I still haven't seen The 5 Doctors more than once specifically because it has a fake Doctor in it.
Just me personally, I hope not. It's fine for something like a docudrama, but I hate the idea of fake Doctors in proper episodes. The blink and you'll miss them cameos in The Name of the Doctor is as far as I'm willing to go. I still haven't seen The 5 Doctors more than once specifically because it has a fake Doctor in it.

Depends on the choice of actor, whether they'll be doing a simple impression and the reason why the character returns.

Personally i think theres plenty of milage in #7 and Ace than any of the other Doctor/companions.
I am finally getting around to watching Matt Smith run; up to Ep 4 of series 6 and loving it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He really is a brilliant Doctor Who
Hey, watching that now... yup every single Doctor of the new series is brilliant... so I'm not worried about the new Doctor
Just me personally, I hope not. It's fine for something like a docudrama, but I hate the idea of fake Doctors in proper episodes. The blink and you'll miss them cameos in The Name of the Doctor is as far as I'm willing to go. I still haven't seen The 5 Doctors more than once specifically because it has a fake Doctor in it.

They're going to tell the story of the time Robb Stark promised to marry the
Doctor's graddaughter Susan and backed out. The first Doctor then orchastrates the Red Wedding.
I am almost more excited about the Doctor Who Docu-drama than I am about the anniversary special:


I'm more excited as I think it's going to be better then the special. Moffat starts with good intentions, but of late all his stories end up being overly complicated and lacking any sense of real pacing.
Yeah, I agree with you. I am not sure why Moffat can't deliver for Doctor Who the way he does for Sherlock.
I'm preparing myself for Peter Capaldi to be announced (even though I thought they'd go about ten years younger) but still wondering if someone else will suddenly appear on the stage.
I just hope we get someone a bit more low key. Tennant and Smith were fun, but it's time to take it down a notch.