DC RELAUNCHING entire Universe in September

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I agree with Irish.. he does seem a Little over confident in Batman. All the "I know all the tricks" etc etc along with refusal to believe there was an actual court. Especially when he talks to grayson
I don't know......confidence and strong will might just be the only thing to get him out of that maze alive. Court of Owls might be real but we'll see how the story wraps.
This is good news!

He's done gangbusters for DC Comics, taking C-list character Animal Man, whose return to the DC Universe from DC Vertigo had been lacklustre at best, and turned him into a surprise critical and commercial hit as part of the DC New 52.

So it's only natural that DC might tap him for any other bright ideas.

I understand, from a well placed source, that the current tittle tattle around the Batbooks is that Jeff Lemire will write a new series entitled The Robins, starring Damien, Jason, Tim and ____ Grayson.

Batman And Robin has recently specialised in featuring as many Robins as it can - but The Robins will do all that but with a lot less Batman.

Jeff Lemire :rock

Hopefully this will replace Batwing. :monkey1
____ yes. I love the idea of a book focusing on the Robins and a top notch writer to boot.
Meh. Its just going to be a bunch of whining and "Bruce is mean" and pouting. It sucks to be a Robin :lol

Not with Lemire writing, dude. He's easily one of the best and right up there with Snyder, if not better. Animal Man is all kinds of amazing, Frankenstein is 10x more fun & interesting than it had any reason to be, and his Vertigo book Sweet Tooth (which he also draws) is one of the most original works in years. Any major DC title he gets is a must-read, especially when it's in the Bat family.

____ yes. I love the idea of a book focusing on the Robins and a top notch writer to boot.


Also, he's close with Snyder and they work well together. They're currently co-plotting a major Swamp Thing/Animal Man arc. I bet with Lemire on this Robins book they'll come up with a big Batman arc that has the potential to be one for the record books. :yess:
Each of the Robins has their own feelings or relationships with Bruce and it's been fairly established so far. I'm interested to see when they get together how that all relates especially between Jason and Grayson and even Jason and Damien.
All hail Darkseid!!! What a badass he is. I wonder if Batman is gonna do the same thing as the Superman/Batman Apocalypse animation, which is somehow hack into the Planet system and force Apocalypse to retreat. Or just save Soup cause he's not as invincible as people think he is. Even his new suit isn't gonna save him. Lmao!

Batman The Dark Knight is such a snoore. Great artwork but the storyline is dragging.
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Uh, I assume you mean Darkseid? Yeah, he's as tough as he ever was here... but the comic? BLECH.

God the writing in Justice League is just horrible. The dialogue in Issue 5 is the worst yet, and key characters do/say things that should never happen in a "canon" DC book. Seriously, is this a joke? This is supposed to be the flagship title of the whole thing. So far, it's junk.
Uh, I assume you mean Darkseid? Yeah, he's as tough as he ever was here... but the comic? BLECH.

God the writing in Justice League is just horrible. The dialogue in Issue 5 is the worst yet, and key characters do/say things that should never happen in a "canon" DC book. Seriously, is this a joke? This is supposed to be the flagship title of the whole thing. So far, it's junk.

Well three things are at play here. With a relaunched universe these characters aren't the same as they were literally last year. I think Superman is supposed to be "edgier" and "younger" nowadays.

Two, this first story is set in the past with characters who aren't as developed as you're getting in some of their own books. Here they're just meeting each other, hence why nobody even knew Batman was real, etc. They don't have the familiar relationships they'll have in a few issues. March solicitations indicate issue 7 jumps to the present day Justice League, with some new members.

Three, this book is designed to initiate DC fans into the new universe while also being aimed at new readers (to DC or comics in general). The story is an extremely basic origin and team up adventure that's full of action and explosions. Not much brain is required, if any. It's doing exactly what DC intended for it to do.
Uh, I assume you mean Darkseid? Yeah, he's as tough as he ever was here... but the comic? BLECH.

God the writing in Justice League is just horrible. The dialogue in Issue 5 is the worst yet, and key characters do/say things that should never happen in a "canon" DC book. Seriously, is this a joke? This is supposed to be the flagship title of the whole thing. So far, it's junk.

Opps, LOL Darkseid. I love Apocalypse too....
Well three things are at play here. With a relaunched universe these characters aren't the same as they were literally last year. I think Superman is supposed to be "edgier" and "younger" nowadays.

Two, this first story is set in the past with characters who aren't as developed as you're getting in some of their own books. Here they're just meeting each other, hence why nobody even knew Batman was real, etc. They don't have the familiar relationships they'll have in a few issues. March solicitations indicate issue 7 jumps to the present day Justice League, with some new members.

Three, this book is designed to initiate DC fans into the new universe while also being aimed at new readers (to DC or comics in general). The story is an extremely basic origin and team up adventure that's full of action and explosions. Not much brain is required, if any. It's doing exactly what DC intended for it to do.

That's all well and good but none of those are excuses for the book being so poorly written. I mean, it's terrible. Johns' work here sucks so bad that it even makes me forget how pedestrian and unimaginative Jim Lee's art is.
Yeah, Justice League is becoming quite a joke. It costs $4 and takes me 6 minutes to read, I don't even feel like I'm reading it, just skimming it and then it's done. Plus, it's not well written at all.

Batman & Robin is more annoying than it is enjoying, getting ready to drop it. I already dropped Batwing (which was also awful).

And this weeks The Dark Knight was bad as well, took me less time to read than Justice League.

Swamp Thing, Animal Man, and Batman remain at the top of my faves. Nothing else comes close IMO.
Well three things are at play here. With a relaunched universe these characters aren't the same as they were literally last year. I think Superman is supposed to be "edgier" and "younger" nowadays.

Two, this first story is set in the past with characters who aren't as developed as you're getting in some of their own books. Here they're just meeting each other, hence why nobody even knew Batman was real, etc. They don't have the familiar relationships they'll have in a few issues. March solicitations indicate issue 7 jumps to the present day Justice League, with some new members.

Three, this book is designed to initiate DC fans into the new universe while also being aimed at new readers (to DC or comics in general). The story is an extremely basic origin and team up adventure that's full of action and explosions. Not much brain is required, if any. It's doing exactly what DC intended for it to do.

1. This isn't entirely accurate. While Superman and Wonder Woman may be different via continuity,it's not so simple for The Flash, Green Lantern or Batman. They are the same, having undergone the same issues before New 52, only "younger" although artists like Reis aren't exactly drawing them any different than they had been. Green Lantern within 5 years was supposed to endure most of "Rebirth" although they haven't said what actually happened or didn't, Sinestro Corps War, Rage of the Red Lanterns, Agent Orange, Blackest Night, Brightest Day and The War of the Green Lanterns (where Issue #1 picks up). Theoretically all that to have been endured with five years is hard enough to swallow but that Hal would be this "green" pardon the pun and all of sudden be as seasoned, although Johns is playing up his immaturity a bit in his own title is even harder to swallow. Batman on the other hand has endured everything from Hush onwards. Also this Justice League arc only takes place 5 years before present time. It doesn't exactly add up really if you look at the "in time" incarnations, many of them are acting so immature even considering what they've endured already.

2. While you are right about them not meeting each other, they are still adults. They are supposed to be in their mid-20s and superpowered heroes. Action Comics takes place before this even and Superman is more mature there than he is showing in Justice League. Detective Comics is supposed to be before this as well and Batman is got more of a personality than is being given. Johns is simply phoning it in or there isn't any collboration about these heroes which if it's the latter is amazingly reckless considering the goal was to pull in new fans.

3. Let's not get into the whole thing that if this is supposed to be the flagship showing off these heroes to new readers that they are being written like the Teen Titans instead of the Justice League AND that it doesn't exactly mesh with the other titles which this is supposed to be a gateway for. If I read JL and then Johns' own Aquaman, it doesn't mesh at all. The character is completely different. Synder's Batman, Perez's Superman, Johns' own Green Lantern, they don't even have an inkling of what they characters are supposedly five years later. That of course is ignoring the continuity ____ they laid on us by having some heroes freshly rebooted and some completely unchanged.

I like Lee's art, which keeps me coming back but as one of Johns' biggest fans back when he was on The Flash and initially on Green Lantern, I have to shake my head at this product especially considering the stock of writers and artists knocking it out of the park on their own books. Synder and Capullo are doing more in their arc in terms of endearing me to the new DCU than Johns and Lee ever did in a flagship multi-heroed arc.
It's been a long time since I've read anything as laughably dumb as the dialogue in Justice League... or scenes like Bruce's reveal to Hal in the middle of a battle. In a city. In broad daylight. Which itself was presented with yet more embarrassing dialogue. :slap

I guess this book is just written for 5 year olds. 5 year olds who have $4 to drop on a crappy comic book.
Wow. Sounds like I'm really missing out not reading dc any more.
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