DarkArtist's End of the Line Thread

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Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

I can sense the mood, maybe it's time for me to disappear...

I'm not sure what mood it is you think you're sensing, Josh, but all I see is overwhelming love and support... Even the folks who are expressing some disappointment in the promise vs. deliver category are doing so in an extremely positive light with much respect.

If after reading through all of these posts all you're getting is a negative or critical vibe, and your response is to commit yourself to all-nighters to meet self-imposed and (once again) unrealistic deadlines, then I'm thinking you are just in a rut. Maybe even a little depressed.

If that's the case, then I urge you not to make any big life direction choices in this state. Get some distance, man! Re-evaluate and let us know what you come up with. I you do that and still decide you need to withdraw, you will do so knowing that the decision came from the right place - and no one will argue with that.
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

Thanks a million everyone... the comments everyone has posted have helped to alleviate the darkness I had swirling around in my skull.

I've had my bouts with depression in my day, and it's been a long time since I was hit hard with anything that would set it off. These past few days you have all witnessed the mental meltdown of a guy who really put too much on himself and tried to get too much done too fast.

It is time for a revamp for me, but not as drastic as flat out leaving this site. I've thought about it, don't get me wrong. I've almost left several times, but didn't. You guys keep me coming back. I started doing this 3 years ago for me, but it evolved into less me and more you. I do this for you guys now. I rarely repaint my own stuff when it arrives anymore, I leave it on the shelf until later...which ends up being never. :lol

I don't even have my own Myers, Roy, Jason VIII or Dream Jason figures... I've sent them off to fulfill commission obligations. Because I feel like those who have paid should have them first, not me. I've flat out taken heads off my own figures and sent them out to satisfy repaints... just to be done with a commission. It's pretty funny crap...

I just like knowing that someone got the piece they paid for. I don't like being the dude who held on to someones head, leaving them with a headless figure on their shelf for a year. That sucks.

I really appreciate the support guys, and for sticking with me, most of all keeping me sane these past few days. I got really down... further down than I have been for years, and it was the PM's and comments here that helped keep me from really losing it.

Tonight I finished dremeling the Roy masks, weathering the clothes and also did the weathering and hair for all but 2 of my Myers figures. Progress will continue to move forward and I will continue to try and finish this enormous backlog... because that's my job...and I owe it to you guys.

Once I get back on my feet again with this stuff, true... I won't accept repaints anymore.. But I will take on the occasional project here and there. But nothing big. I won't go away altogether either, that wouldn't be fair to anyone.

Anyway, enough of my rant... I have work to do.
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

Thanks for the support guys... and the words of wisdom.

This whole situation has taught me a valuable lesson. I'm not cut out for this stuff anymore. It started out simply as an effort to help as many people as possible. With my low fees and cheap repaints I tried my best to just do anything I could for anyone who asked. It got away from me. A hectic year and a rough school schedule added to that and now I am where I am today.

So consider me out of this, I'm not doing it anymore. There are plenty of artists on this site, and with the new Chris Howes machine plunging along and sucking all custom requests to it like some artistic black hole... you guys have everything you could ever want, or ask for. I'm no longer needed.

I will honor all of the contracts I have entered into, I will get the commissions and repaints done as fast as I can. After that, I'm out. I will still do my figures, but I'm done with customs here. It's just become too stressful for me. The mood of this site has become increasingly demanding, fans expect delivery faster and they want things to be perfect all the time. I can't meet that demand anymore, it's just not feasible. Even if I caught up and had a clean slate, things would get backed up again with my first announced project. It's just the way this stuff goes.

I can sense the mood, maybe it's time for me to disappear...

Just want to say for the record, when you do work for others, its high stress, we can not always have things work out like we want. Both time and real world factors in.

I am part owner of tri-gate creations, and we make custom heads and parts for the 4 inch crowd. And let me tell ya, I spent many of hours trying to please and help others, what I got was a big old empty feeling. Why because when you are being creative, in any form, you can not be rushed or put on schedule, it kills you creative flo.

Best advice, do it on your terms, anybody have an issue, they will have to deal with it.People or members who have an issue with that, will have to understand or hold a grudge.

Dont ever walk away from something you like, find a way to walk down the path that works best for you. Can you please all people, Hell NO. But if your not at least making yourself happy, then your doing it for the wrong reason.

I joined up the site, mainly cus of your work, and the hard work I seen you do for so many. I lurked for a while, and then thought now is as good as any. I would really hate to see ya go. I am new and dont have the friendship with ya as others do, but man you need to just vent and shoot the breeze, shoot me a pm, I can tell ya of the hell years I had. Nobody said it was going to be easy, and from what I have gathered from your threads, your a stand up guy with alot of talent, I dont think anybody wants to see you go.

Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

Hey Josh, I don't know you very well personally, but I do know from some of the discussions on this board that we are on the same page on alot of things. I too often lead with my heart, never having that cut-throat business mentality needed when dealing with large parts of the public. I used to sell some of my customs from time-to-time but I never take on commissions for the reason I just mentioned.

When I first came to this board, I actually began to feel less like a freak (ironic, right?). I mean, My figures are all movie/comic/tv based (I'm all about sci-fi, comics and horror!) and most of the custom boards out there were like 90% Military stuff which I have zero knowledge or interest in (WTF is DEVGRU?). This place had alot of love for the things I love back then and I spent weeks soaking it in, downloading pics for reference & giving people props for their works. It inspired me me alot and made my figures better. I didn't even venture into the other sections here for quite a while as I'm not a collector, I'm a customizer. the customs section was what it was all about for me.

Over time though, this place has become more about commissioning work & less about learning and cheering each other on with our individual works. The sad thing is, we seriously have some amazing artists on this board now, things should be better than ever. You, Les & Darren are all awesome artists & VERY quick to share tips and I mean no disrespect when I say this, but it seemed like all people cared about for the longest time is what you guys are doing and if they can buy one. There could be 30 pages in Les' thread dedicated to what he had for supper last night while an actual custom figure somebody else took the time to share gets zero feedback.

You guys who take on commissioned figures (Chris Howes included with the sculpts) have definitely bitten off more than you can chew alot of times & I don't envy you for it but I applaud your skill & effort for sure. Take the criticism as constructive criticism and you'll become stronger. I think people should be allowed to voice their criticisms to you guys (as they've got feelings to express too) without fear of the pile-on from alot of your customers ( who may really mean well). You've definitely beaten yourself up enough for it though. You should get back into making things for yourself. It can really crush your spirit when you have to think about making fans happy or meeting a demand above expressing yourself. I always look forward to seeing your work & I'm happy to give you my honest input.
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

Glad to hear that you are staying here Josh. After knowing you for so long and if you left here, I would never have contact with you and that just wouldn't be kosher with me brother!! Not at all!!

Sending you a PM, but if you have a full Inbox, just send me one in the next couple of days when you have time man! I love you brother!!
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

Glad you're feeling better Josh. It would be horrible for you to leave let alone never do any more of your creative work. Can't wait to shoot you on Gears. :rock :lol
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

man, i really need to get into this gears thing - seems everyone is playing it right now and i'm missing out. i would love to shoot some people i know. looks like i'll have to stick to rocky on the ps2 though. probably for the best, i get my azz whooped on shoot-em-ups anyway.
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

Dont leave Josh, you are a Kurgan and a Kurgan never runs from a fight!!!!!

:rock :rock :rock :rock :rock :rock :rock :rock

Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

man, i really need to get into this gears thing - seems everyone is playing it right now and i'm missing out. i would love to shoot some people i know. looks like i'll have to stick to rocky on the ps2 though. probably for the best, i get my azz whooped on shoot-em-ups anyway.

COD4 > Gears
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

Thats just cause you guys suck at gears. :lol :p
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

I have to agree... I like COD4 better too. :lol

Gears is still great, but COD4 was better all around.

Oh, and update... last night Roy hocks were dremelled and ready to paint, Roys and Myers jumpsuits were weathered as well as Joker coats. Myers hair is finished as well. Today I will do the knives and finish the Roy Hocks. Also trying to finish the Rorschach heads so I can send out a few of them.
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

I have to agree... I like COD4 better too. :lol

Gears is still great, but COD4 was better all around.

Oh, and update... last night Roy hocks were dremelled and ready to paint, Roys and Myers jumpsuits were weathered as well as Joker coats. Myers hair is finished as well. Today I will do the knives and finish the Roy Hocks. Also trying to finish the Rorschach heads so I can send out a few of them.

I just wanted to chime in to let you know I still think you are a ^^^^ing America hating commie artistic hack *********. You're welcome.
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

I have to agree... I like COD4 better too. :lol

Gears is still great, but COD4 was better all around.

Oh, and update... last night Roy hocks were dremelled and ready to paint, Roys and Myers jumpsuits were weathered as well as Joker coats. Myers hair is finished as well. Today I will do the knives and finish the Roy Hocks. Also trying to finish the Rorschach heads so I can send out a few of them.

Just for that I shall kill you in gears now every time. :lol
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

Well last night I needed some therapy to help clear my mood, something non commission... so here it was...







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