Chris Howes' Sculptural Creations

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I fail to see how this excuses Howes from his obligation? If captdan is diver4 and the recaster (ok we all know about diver4) AND Howes was aware of this, then don't sell to him, refund his $ and get on with servicing the rest of the folks that commissioned you.
First it was everyone here was rude, impatient and whatnot. Then, it was Russian spammers being added in. Now, its captdan's fault. C'mon, no blame in any of this lies with Howes? And moreso, he refuses to accept any?
Chris, be a man. Don't blame others. Don't ignore the other customers who asked for updates and/or refunds and don't go into hiding and wanting others to post for you. That is part of YOUR job when you took on the commissions.
If you truly want to make good on all of this YOU need to start the healing process. Not anyone else. And you need to accept blame where it lays if it comes to rest on you.

True. In my previous point I clearly said that because diver4=dan, he is used as a scapegoat by Howes to explain why he didn't sent the heads or refund those who preordered. However, as others said, things does not automatically become okay just because captdan=diver4. I guess Howes believed that ppl would forget that the uproar was not because of captdan's comments but rather, because of how Howes handled the situation
Let me just say that I don't think Chris intended to rip anybody off. And I think in his own mind, he still hasn't. He no doubt intends to come through at some point.

But it's obvious that we are at the bottom of his list of priorities. At the top are the companies that give him "professional" work, and then his ebay sales. It's clear that he's not seriously tackling these commissions, and that's a problem. If nobody had paid, then that would be forgivable (if a little annoying). But a lot of people have paid a sizable amount of money with the expectation that he would be working on them regularly. Nobody expects these things to be done overnight. I could easy wait as long as I have if I had the sense that Chris was working steadily down the list of commissions. But as it is we have no idea what's going on. No progress appears to have been made. I don't know how many more ways we can say this, but communication is the key.

And no, communication does not mean dropping in every few months to say that "quality takes time" or "I will come through eventually." It means actually giving progress reports, and yes, apologizing if something takes longer than expected. Has Chris ever apologized for how things have ended up? I don't think so. You'd think that would be the first thing he would do. Words don't cost anything, after all.
I am not this infamous diver4 recaster selling 100's of stolen heads nor am I Chris.....I am not the one that has taken 1,000s of dollars from people and have not sent them anything in return.....

Hi Diver4,

Can I also get a refund from you? I bought several poorly made pitted casts from you back in the day when I didn't know any better. They still sit useless and unused in a box marked CRAP. :D

On a more serious note: Chris the members here have made valid points in regards to not receiving their House heads yet when Ebay members are not having a problem getting theirs. I do believe that you do want to make good. Just send out the House heads as you promised a few weeks ago. It would really show you have the best intentions and I wouldn't be surprised if the tone here changed a bit for the better from it.
I have sent him another email asking for a refund and still nothing. I ordered an item that has already been made on May 6th it was not an in progress item and I never received it. I was told 1-2 weeks it would be delivered after I ordered it and nothing.
But why didnt he explained how comes he's selling and sending stuff on ebay before sending them to those who already paid here..:duh

A HUGE GIANT MFING PLUS ONE. Wish I could trust Chris, but just like the OJ Simpson case I think the situation can be muddled by a dumb ass (captndan taking the place of Mark Fuhrman) I still think Chris is being supremely unforthright with his actions including, ignoring refund request and selling finished items on ebay prior to fulfilling obligations for EXACT SAME items.

I believe 2 things in this case.
1 Captndan has an agenda and
2 Chris Howes is untrustworthy

Neither actions negate each other.

until he addresses refund requests i'm considering him a con man would love to be proved wrong.
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i also want to question why if upon legal council C. Howes is going to avoid the community why he didn't include a reference to his lawyer in the open letter? I want to say BS to it all. If Howes wants to refute the challenges to his character, address what I believe to be dozens of refund requests.

Who is your lawyer so that I may contact them in attempt to seek an address to the unanswered refund requests?
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Honestly I dont know how much money Chris has from me... And somehow I really do not bother. Do you know that feeling when you KNOW things will have a happy ending? Am I annoyed by the lack of updates and contact? Yes of course! But am I worried that I be screwed? I was thinking about that for a week or so and had my serious dubts. But no, I refuse to believe Chris will cheat on us. I do even think that I will continue doing business with him in future when everything cleared up.
Just my 2 cents. :)

I agree. Whilst generally distrustful by nature, my instinct tells me he will come through and deliver everything in the end. I do not think this is a scam in any way, just frustratingly slow.
I'm still baffled how ebay guys are getting sculpts before the people who paid him over a year ago.
I'm still baffled how ebay guys are getting sculpts before the people who paid him over a year ago.

If you are referring to the house heads, nobody paid over a year ago. The interest thread for house wasn't even started until the end of Nov 08. If I'm not mistaken the only person who has been waiting more than a year was Captdan and the unknowns he said emailed him. Though I agree the Ebay people shouldn't be getting theirs first.
One thing for sure, If I had been con by this man, I would have been even more Harrassing than Capt Dan...I would have made his life hell.
I agree. Whilst generally distrustful by nature, my instinct tells me he will come through and deliver everything in the end. I do not think this is a scam in any way, just frustratingly slow.

Hey if you'd like to give me some money right now, I'll take sculpting lessons and get you a head sometime in the next 3-4 years. :rolleyes:
If you are referring to the house heads, nobody paid over a year ago. The interest thread for house wasn't even started until the end of Nov 08. If I'm not mistaken the only person who has been waiting more than a year was Captdan and the unknowns he said emailed him. Though I agree the Ebay people shouldn't be getting theirs first.

Sorry. My bad. Make that 9 months ago..:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
:lol Oh I get it now, he's obviously seeked legal advice and as a result he "legally" has to "make an appearance" to discredit any complaint of abandonment. :D

He will do this randomly to "prove" everything is on the up and up and that he is "obviously" not a scam artist as the complaints claim him to be.

Clever Chris, very clever but unfortunately for you not even your lawyer will be able to outsmart myself and some other members here.

So next this is whats up and pay close attention ................ Chris will make his next post (if he has any brains he will not wait this long) in about a month from now, stating the same thing. You see he can do this for a good year and hell by then most of you will have "let it go" because (and here is the best part) there is nothing written in stone along the lines of a delivery date.

Do NOT "let it go"
I have no horse in this race, but I will remind you that abusive, name calling posts will be deleted.

I would also remind you that asking for a refund in this thread is even less effective than emailing Chris about it. So just stick to emailing and keep it off the forum.
I would also remind you that asking for a refund in this thread is even less effective than emailing Chris about it. So just stick to emailing and keep it off the forum.

But its ok for Chris to advertise his wares here and not deliver? :confused:

totally agree with deleting name calling as that is simply not on but surely you must understand that people are very frustrated and posting on here is there only way of talking to anyone and getting any reply
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i also want to question why if upon legal council C. Howes is going to avoid the community why he didn't include a reference to his lawyer in the open letter? I want to say BS to it all. If Howes wants to refute the challenges to his character, address what I believe to be dozens of refund requests.

Who is your lawyer so that I may contact them in attempt to seek an address to the unanswered refund requests?

He can't give out the lawyer's name because his lawyer was actually retained thru a russian spammer.
C'mon folks. No lawyer would tell him to avoid the community. They'd tell him to fulfill his obligations either thru the community or by emailing each customer directly.
This last post of his is just another empty promise to show what he said he would show in 2 weeks a month ago.
i'm no lawyer, but i'm pretty sure "I'm busy" and "customs take time" as excuses he hasn't delivered goods is completely negated by the fact some of those sames goods are selling on ebay and being delivered. I 100% believe he has no legal leg to stand on.

Also, I wonder that perhaps a legal firm that supposedly is giving him advice to avoid answering email requests for refunds is potentially party to the crime and might be namable themselves in a lawsuit?
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