Captain America movie is next

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rw23 said:
Good choice Ill Jedi!!! :clap
IronFingaz said:
Nice choice, i liked him in Band Of Brothers.
To me he's the perfect choice, he's got the all american look, the build, he's already been in something set in the WWII era (Band of Brothers) which no doubt be shown at the beginning of the movie. He's the right fit for the part, not an unknown and not too famous, cool enough for the guys and hunky enough for the girls. :D Neil McDonough SHOULD be Captain America!!!
Buttmunch said:
I too prefer the original Nick Fury, but at the same time I like the Ultimate Nick Fury. They are two completely seperate characters to me. Theatrically, I can understand them using Sam Jackson since the Ultimates comic version is based on him. Can't get any more comic accurate than that right? I still like the classic version with the white streaked hair. Either version, I'd be fine with.

Modern Captain America NEEDS to be classic cap though, wings and all. The WWII not so much. Maybe Ultimate style there since it is a bit more realistic.

I just can't accept him as Nick Fury.. to me the grumpy guy with the white streak in his hair and the cigar will always be Nick grew up on seeing him that way. Was always a favorite character of mine.
And as long as they have his Howling Commandos in the movie also!

Best comics I read featuring Nick was the Garth Ennis series Fury. In fact it was the only way I could look at him again without thinking of Hasselhoff.

But I agree with Buttmunch. I see them as two different kick ass characters. And excepting when Ennis is pening him, I prefer the Ultimate version.
DarthNeil said:
I wish they do the entire movie set in WWII and have it end with his freezing

I agree as well, I had this idea too and told my brother about it. The whole movie should be filmed during WW2-era and hopefully in that same "grainy/ gray" film quality they used for "Saving Private Ryan" and "Band of Brothers". His outfit shouldn't exactly be the "modern-day" Cap either. But something inbetween a the traditional outfit and a military uniform much like he had it during the first issues of "The Ultimates" that showed the Cap backstory. But of course he'd have his shield!And Red Skull is a must too!

Heck...they might as well put Samuel L. Jackson in there as Nick Fury as well. I loved the Ultimate portrayal of Fury and wouldn't mind that transfering that to the big screen. Oh and Bucky too perhaps!

And like you said it...end it with him freezing and leave his "resurrection" for the AVENGERS movie.
FlyAndFight said:
Where are you from? North Korea? Iran? :monkey3

just because I think different does not mean i am from a different country, (Unless you consider minnesota a foreign country)

I mean, captain america has a big "A" on his forhead and little wings. And his mid section is red/white strip and he wears red pirate boots.

The design might pass as a comic book character,(the colors works well in print) but in real life, you gotta admit that would look very silly. (ref previous cap america movie and TV appearance) Not to mention the colors makes him an easy target, what military makes a soldier uniform that make him stand out in a crowd? Its like,

hey! here I am! can you see me! No? let me make its easy for you, I am wearing red, white and blue, and I got a big "A" on my forhead, you cant miss it.

And while we are on the subject, I dont think cap is a bad character, the comic is fun to read and it does have its moments. its the costume design that I have a problem with. As for the name, I think its silly because its not very imaginative. And I bet you would probably think that too if that name is used with other country's name. captain canada, captain france, captain iran, captain north korea, captain mexico, captain ivory coast, captain
thailand..... I mean, that's the best you can do?
I've really never understood the little wings on the side of his head either.
The ill Jedi said:
I always thought of them as Eagle Wings, the eagle being a symbol of freedom and America.

probably, though they look more like tiny dove wings. (america's eagle symbol dont have white wings, again, its a color choice that match the rest of his outfit.)
A little more info on the Captain America movie...

CAPTAIN AMERICA is the next Marvel Movie after HULK
Posted by Frosty

Earlier today I did a set visit for the upcoming movie “Iron Man” and was able to participate in a pretty long press conference with Kevin Feige – the President of Production at Marvel. While I’m under embargo for anything “Iron Man” (so please don’t ask) I’m allowed to write up anything else that we were told about the various other Marvel projects in development.

So here is some great info on the upcoming “Captain America” movie.

It seems that they’re aiming to get the Captain into theaters in 2009 and he's definitely the next Marvel movie after "The Incredible Hulk."

I’ll be working on transcribing more quotes so check back for more great stuff from today’s set visit.

Robert (IESB): Now the fact that Marvel is controlling Thor, Captain America and Iron Man is there a possibility of an Ultimate Avengers storyline in the future?

Kevin Feige: I would love, yeah…the idea that what was preventing certain characters from crossing over in the past was the fact that they were all divvied up with different studios with big giant gates in between them and they couldn’t play in the same sandbox and now that we have Hulk and Thor and Cap and Iron Man and Ant Man, certainly would indicate to me that it might be fun to see them all in the same sandbox at some point. But certainly we’re introducing them and building them into their own franchises first.

Ryan Rotten: So no Marvel Zombies.

Marvel Zombies is pretty cool.

Frosty: Is there a certain priority in what you want to do next after Hulk?

Captain America. For sure.

Robert (IESB): How will you tackle the challenge that America is not perceived so well across the world and you’re putting the champion of America…is it going to be traditional red, white and blue spandex, shield - the whole thing?

Well I think we’ll certainly have to play with that and play with Captain America being this patriotic propaganda machine on one hand but also being a very human Steve Rogers – interesting, fascinating hero in his own right. The good news is Marvel is perceived pretty well around the world right now and I think putting another uber Marvel hero into the worldwide box office will be a good thing. The script that David Self is writing, the director that we end up hiring, and certainly we’re going into it with our eyes open and these are all things that we have to deal with much the same way that Captain America when thawed from the Arctic Ice entered a world he didn’t recognize and had to deal with changes… whether it was when Stan did it in the early 60’s and that world that Steve Rogers was coming into or the world of 2009.

Robert (IESB): So no chance of a period piece for Captain America?

Right now what we’re developing would be half and half.
alright we need to contact Neil's agent and get him to fight for the role. i thought he would be a perfect captain as well. he just needs to work out a little bit and he'll be golden.
~~does anyone remember what thomas jane used to look like before he started working out??? go rent the crow city of angels and you'll see what i'm talking about.
I'm really down with this... unless it turns into a "Captain America vs. The Terrorists" type deal. I'm assuming Marvel is not stupid enough to have one of their flagship characters wander into the current political situation except maybe (as in Civil War) through allegory.

I'm assuming the WWII/modern storyline would preclude that, but it's still something I'm concerned about. I love Cap because he always stands for the American ideal, and I think it would be a terrible mistake to suck him down into the American reality. He is, and should be, above all of that.
I'd like a movie that's 1/2 past, 1/2 present. If they do it right, they could blend in a kind'of "Raiders" feel to it. The costume, I admit, would be a challenge, but I'd prefer the current Cap costume (wings) to the Ultimates version. The wings, while maybe outdated, have a nostalgic feel to them and is part of Cap's heritage. A couple other hero's in comics had those little wing things. All the Flash's from the golden age on up through the modern version kept them in some form or the other. I guess that's just how they liked to draw characters back then. Ever notice Sub-Mariner had them on his ankles.

Anyway, everytime I look at Ultimate Cap, his head just looks kinda plain and reminds me of the basement "gimp" from Pulp Fiction!
minivader said:
probably, though they look more like tiny dove wings. (america's eagle symbol dont have white wings, again, its a color choice that match the rest of his outfit.)

How appropriate that my first post is on one of my favorite characters.

His wings are actually wing tips, if I’m not mistaken--one of Cap's nicknames is ol' wing tips. And MOST eagles do have white wing tips. Not to be picky, but I just wanted to add that bit. As for Cap's name (Captain America), Minivader, it was the 1940's, generic was in. On a side note, I think that the "generic" name has added a sort of "everyman" quality to the character.

Not to be hostile, you have some good points.
Hew said:
How appropriate that my first post is on one of my favorite characters.

His wings are actually wing tips, if I’m not mistaken--one of Cap's nicknames is ol' wing tips. And MOST eagles do have white wing tips. Not to be picky, but I just wanted to add that bit. As for Cap's name (Captain America), Minivader, it was the 1940's, generic was in. On a side note, I think that the "generic" name has added a sort of "everyman" quality to the character.

Not to be hostile, you have some good points.

No offense taken. Just my opinion of the character.

Not sure if I agree with the "everyman" quality since it only applies to "americans" (For better or worse, the name "captain america" carries a lot of baggage.)
minivader said:
No offense taken. Just my opinion of the character.

Not sure if I agree with the "everyman" quality since it only applies to "americans" (For better or worse, the name "captain america" carries a lot of baggage.)

Agh, you got me. I'm showing my centrist bias--I live in America, having a discussion about the character Captain America, with a large group of people who live in America as well (mostly). I thought context would help me a little.

He he. I didn't want to actually deconstruct the character, so how about I rephrase: Captain American has an "everyman" American quality (don't want to marginalize any group now do we). But since the name can be used in a nearly universal fashion as you mentioned in one of your post, maybe the actual rank is what is important. For example, Captain Britain. To Brits, he's not as iconic as Union Jack, but it does illustrate the use of the title Captain, which is more of the direction that I was headed.

You still have a great point, Minivader. This whole symbolism can get very complicated though.
metaphorge said:
I'm really down with this... unless it turns into a "Captain America vs. The Terrorists" type deal. I'm assuming Marvel is not stupid enough to have one of their flagship characters wander into the current political situation except maybe (as in Civil War) through allegory.

I agree completly. That's why Steve Rogers stop being Cap in the early '90s. If I get my trivia right, he was being used by the government for shady practices.

This is not Wikki here people, just what I remember from my younger days.
The political landscape can change alot by the time the movie comes out. I would think the writers etc would want to stay away from the current scene just because it may not really fit by the time the movie comes out. Plus there's no point alienating fans by making Cap side on the liberal or conservative side of the fence. I would say Cap fighting Red Skull in WWII and then when he comes back in the present find out that Red Skull is still around and doing some sort of nastiness that Cap takes care of.
Agent0028 said:
The political landscape can change alot by the time the movie comes out. I would think the writers etc would want to stay away from the current scene just because it may not really fit by the time the movie comes out. Plus there's no point alienating fans by making Cap side on the liberal or conservative side of the fence. I would say Cap fighting Red Skull in WWII and then when he comes back in the present find out that Red Skull is still around and doing some sort of nastiness that Cap takes care of.

I agree.... just stay away from it for now.... If you want to touch on CA being a little disappointed with the way our country has changed, that's ok.. but no "Cap on the hunt for Bin Laden" or anything. :lol

And as far as an Avengers or JLA film.... I will be happy ONLY and I mean only... if they include the actors from those respective film series. No standins or replacements for those two movies.... we need RDJ as Iron Man, Norton as Hulk, whoever as CA and whoever as Thor. And the original Nick Fury.

As for JLA... it damn well better be Routh, Bale and whoever else... just would feel pretty off to have film series like that going alongside the other two stories but with different actors and faces in those roles.
You can't judge Captain America by todays standards. Lets face it, pretty much everything in the modern age is more shallow. He comes from a time when morality was a primary focus, when people could commit to something. He was a symbol, he stood for what was best about the country and what is still true today. We are the land of freedom and opportunity. He is a symbol like the flag that he wears, and flags are supposed to attract attention. Not too many countries have a nice grey and khaki national symbol. He is a comic character after all, he isn't supposed to be so 'realistic'.
I think it should be set in WWII and maybe at the tale end he is seen floating in ice.
I hope they don't have him fighting the terrorists because Hollywood will never get it right, but the reality is that the Islamic Fundamentalist movement is the arch enemy of the American ideal of freedom. The entire ideology is one of restricting and eliminating freedom. Do it this way or we kill you. It is politically incorrect to call it evil, although if you look at the actions they participate in, it is pure evil. Terror, murder, intimidation.
There never has been and never will be a government that doesn't have a dark side, however that darkside is necessary sometimes to preserve the freedoms we have. There is a certain amount of ugliness in life that we don't want to look at but it has to be there. There will always be corruption everywhere in the government, the workplace, even in your own home. People argue all the time about Bush's ties to the oil industry and no one spoke a word this week when Hilary sold off a large part of her portfolio that contained lots of stock in the companies she criticizes.
Captain America doesn't embody the government, but the principle that this country stands for. I personally do not agree with the popular notion that the world hates America. Look at France who just elected a PRO AMERICAN prime minister. Look at the amount of people who risk their lives to come HERE every year for the opportunities that are present here. Who does most of the world look to when they need help?
The reason Captain America seems 'generic' is because he has been copied so much, but the original is always the original.