Captain America: Civil War (May 6, 2016)

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No. When did he become mega critic? Just cuz he dislikes alot of things doesn't mean his word is law lol. However it is good to see he likes somthing for once.
Just watched a bootleg copy, loved it. Can't wait to see it on the big screen this Thursday night.
You guys are making me lose patience. I blame Disney for releasing a freakin American superhero movie in other countries first.
Lol. Almost everything is made in China, but I mean those stupid licenses they grant to companies like XM Studios and Imaginarium Art that prevents them from distributing in the United States.
No. When did he become mega critic? Just cuz he dislikes alot of things doesn't mean his word is law lol. However it is good to see he likes somthing for once.

Hes not mega critic, he is very hard to please

And the airport fight pleased him:lol
Just got back from Civil War.
I liked it, it's a fun movie in the usual Marvel vein.

I wish there had been a bit more quiet times to develop the story (what little there is of it), instead of all that non-stop furious action, but I suppose Marvel have got it down when it comes to a "kick-ass" action-movie crowd pleaser.

Anyway, the action was great, lots of very cool choreographies, but I was never really that involved in the action. I'm not sure why, it's just that a lot of it was just too cartoony. It was just too set set up to look cool to suspend disbelief. I think my son nailed it when he said "why was Hawkeye running in the showdown at the airport? He's good from a distance, why was he running? Oh yeah, because it looked cool..."
That kinda sums it up for me regarding the action sequences: too much of it was just posing to look cool versus actually fighting in a "believable" (if there's such a thing in a comic book movie :lol ) way.

As for Cap's and Stark's motivations, I actually didn't have a problem with it, but both were a bit too stubborn IMHO. It was easy to understand where each was coming from, but they were just too stubborn. But oh well, this being a comic book movie, I suppose it's to be expected. At any rate, both the airport showdown and the final battle seemed a bit forced. Cap's entire sense of urgency felt forced to me regarding Zemo's plan.

Stark's reaction to Bucky's past missions, and Cap's blind devotion to Bucky were the kind of over-reaction that just irks me when I haven't really connected with a character, and I was surprised to find that I haven't connected with either character. By now I thought I cared for and understood theses characters, but alas, it is not so.

Spidey was great, and fun to watch, while Ant-Man was his goofy self, but Vision seemed a bit of a letdown.

So, anyway, lots of cool action (maybe a bit too much action), but, as often happens to me with Marvel movies, there didn't seem to be much of a story or soul in the whole thing. There's really not one moment that stands out for me. But hey, it certainly is a fun, disposable ride.
To be honest, I thought it was fine but nothing special really. TWS highway fight I thought was much much better, and even the earlier chase between Black Panther, Cap, and Bucky I enjoyed more. There a lot of action in the airport scene and a good amount of the scene I realize some characters are just standing by themselves doing nothing during the fight. There wasn't much tension in the airport fight, especially when you see Warmachine using all his weapons to evaporate a car Antman was trying to throw at him, and then put those weapons away and go back to fist fighting. There was no real sense of peril in that scene, reading reviewers saying that it's arguably the greatest action scene ever [emoji38] That scene wouldn't crack my top 10 superhero fight scene list and I expected some cooler Spidey action, but nothing I saw came close to the Spiderman Doc Ock train sequence in Spidey 2.
Well they weren't trying to actually kill each other at the airport, Team Iron Man just wanted to stop them getting away with Bucky and Team Cap wanted to get away. BP was really the only one there to settle a score. It all just got out of hand with what happened to War Machine at the end.
As for Cap's and Stark's motivations, I actually didn't have a problem with it, but both were a bit too stubborn IMHO.

Me and my brother thought that Cap was a bit stubborn too. Stark though, had conviction, but he was willing to see the facts. At that point it was too late for him though.

The two main heroes' stubbornness made me like Black Panther even more. He had the conviction and insight to be flexible with his views. It's a subtlety that I thought made him fit as a nation's leader.

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I asked that question earlier but on retrospect...

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I asked that question earlier but on retrospect...

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I just figured it out

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