Buffy PF Alternate Version!

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The shirt can be fixed, i think. The pants would look better when the shirt is over the top of them. As for her hair, i love it. It doesn't matter if she didn't have hair her that way when wearing that outfit to me, she looks good. My only problems are her eye brows and the outfit which seems they might be fixable. I hope the lazy eye thing doesn't occur with this one though
Like I had said before, not everyone got the lazy eye with the original. Myself being one of them.

Having said that, if she was sporting a season six to seven outfit I would be so on this!
I ordered her because I had major issues with her hair in the first version.
This version makes me very happy.
She and Spike will look very nice on my shelf when they get here.
I have the first one.. don't have room for this one. especially since its the same pose/face different clothes/hair.
I still may get her and commission a new outfit and make a different weapon for her to hold. I still think the sculpt is great - as it was on the other PF, and they hair will look much more natural than on the original. But she's so much hotter with the hair down, especially in that photo that this outfit has the same colors as...
It's a pass for me too. Have the original and love it (no lazy eye here). I would have been swayed if they'd done something really nice with the outfit, but all that is new is a pair of pants, the "shirt" is the top of the dress from the first one, that's really lame.

Heck, Sideshow loves to make 4 versions of Spiderman's PF and Grey Hulks of different kinds out the wazoo, how about doing the same for Buffy and making a few dozen DoubleMeat Palace Buffy PFs.

You could easily use this exact pose but put her in the DoubleMeat Palace outfit holding a spatula instead of the stake. The "sad" look would fit her mood in the episode perfectly, making the outfit loose would be more appropriate than giving her the loose red pants they did on this PF and I think it'd be fun. Most of all it'd be creative. There seems to be little to no creative juice flowing with these two Buffy PFs so far. No, it's not something that'd sell 500 units, but I'm sure there are 50 or 75 Buffy fans who would snap up that kind of exclusive, I know I would!
ffl1940 said:
It's a pass for me too. Have the original and love it (no lazy eye here). I would have been swayed if they'd done something really nice with the outfit, but all that is new is a pair of pants, the "shirt" is the top of the dress from the first one, that's really lame.

Heck, Sideshow loves to make 4 versions of Spiderman's PF and Grey Hulks of different kinds out the wazoo, how about doing the same for Buffy and making a few dozen DoubleMeat Palace Buffy PFs.

You could easily use this exact pose but put her in the DoubleMeat Palace outfit holding a spatula instead of the stake. The "sad" look would fit her mood in the episode perfectly, making the outfit loose would be more appropriate than giving her the loose red pants they did on this PF and I think it'd be fun. Most of all it'd be creative. There seems to be little to no creative juice flowing with these two Buffy PFs so far. No, it's not something that'd sell 500 units, but I'm sure there are 50 or 75 Buffy fans who would snap up that kind of exclusive, I know I would!
:rotfl :rotfl :rotfl
And yes, I would buy it.
y'know, come to think of it Sideshow could have done SO much better, SO much more with a re-release of this PF instead of the insipidly uninspired version they are offering.

If they're just going to re-hash the body and alter the hair and not stick to any particular theme fine, but they could have done so much more with this same pose and a new hairsculpt than they chose to do.

How does the Punisher, Hellboy, LOTR, Star Wars. John Wayne, heck, even Spike (and so many other PFs) get a really nice, highly detailed outfit with many layers, well researched fabrics accessories etc and Buffy gets treated like crap outfit wise on two different PFs!!!???!!!!

Ok, so I'll give you the little black dress for the first one, but show us something with the second PF, how lame is it essentially just adding a pair of red pants over the dress?

Can't believe it but I'm honestly po'd about a collectible right now. :rotfl Look at the line of PFs that Sideshow has released and tell me you don't think Sideshow took about the cheapest possible route designing this figure. They were probably all laughing in R&D, it was probably a joke at first to all of them. "Hey guys, what if we took the exact same Buffy, but put the other hair on her and a pair of red pants... I bet 300 people buy it, that's $75,000!!!" "No way, they'd be real lemmings to do that"..."Hey, let's post it at ToyFair and see how it goes, y'know, just for laughs"

We were fed the story with the first Buffy PF that they put the money into the figure sculpt and that left little for the outfit. First off I didn't believe that, (surely Hellboy cost as much to sculpt but he got the overcoat, gun, belt etc. and cost $250, same with others) so what's the excuse with this version Sideshow?????

Yeah, I know, don't like it don't buy it, but the thing is I want to buy Buffy PFs, I want to support the line so more stuff is released. I'll buy a re-hash of the sculpt even, I'm that big of a fan. But please, don't insult us, that is a half-a$...no, make that quarter a$$ effort. We've seen Sideshow PFs that blow us away, we know you're capable of so much more, why does Buffy get the short end of the stick when it comes to PF costumes??????
Yep, well said.
The more I think about it this is just insulting to the fans.
Meaning they think, these chumps will buy ANYTHING as long as it's Buffy...
At least the first one took some thought and they were going for the promo pic. look. This is just BS.
Couldn't afford to make a new shirt? Jeez. For $250...?
I might have been born at night but it wasn't last night.
ffl1940 said:
Yeah, I know, don't like it don't buy it, but the thing is I want to buy Buffy PFs, I want to support the line so more stuff is released. I'll buy a re-hash of the sculpt even, I'm that big of a fan. But please, don't insult us, that is a half-a$...no, make that quarter a$$ effort. We've seen Sideshow PFs that blow us away, we know you're capable of so much more, why does Buffy get the short end of the stick when it comes to PF costumes??????

I say Amen. Perfect way to sum it all up. I feel the exact same way. I feel bad I'm not getting this PF statue, because I've purchased every Sideshow figure that has been made (except for D'Hoffryn, that's another story), and I have the urge to buy everything they release, even though I'm not completely happy with it, just to support the line so that we can get many more characters. But this, this is just too much. I love Sideshow and all the people that work there, but this time, they are not treating us as we deserve, they must think we're stupid, and that hurts...
darth dyp**** said:
I seem to be the odd one out, except for BD..Maybe it's an Aussie thing...We like it Sideshow!..:eek:

Youre not the odd one out:D Plus the thing about this is, that might not have been taken into consideration is that some people didnt buy the first, so this is fresh to them. While I do understand all the frustration and its rightly so but Im grateful they've tweaked the original to this alternate edition that to me sums up Buffy far more as a character and in presentation, and it looks fantastic.
There's no way everyone would be pleased with this move, but I myself definately am, as I'll now have a definitive Buffy in my collection:D
Dave mack said:
Yep, well said.
The more I think about it this is just insulting to the fans.
Meaning they think, these chumps will buy ANYTHING as long as it's Buffy...
At least the first one took some thought and they were going for the promo pic. look. This is just BS.
Couldn't afford to make a new shirt? Jeez. For $250...?
I might have been born at night but it wasn't last night.

While I don't think SideShow thinks of us as chumps, I could understand why someone could think like that. They are giving us the same outfit, but just with pants. All we're getting here is a new hair sculpt (which looks great but the thickness of the eye brows throws it off), and an ugly pair of tacky pants that don't even fit her right. An outfit that isn't episode or promo shot specific. All I can say is if you thought the original was way off but this one is a hit... I got four words for you.... What are you smoking?

C'mon SideShow, if you really want to test the waters and see where this line is going in terms of success in sales, don't release a half-assed Buffy alternate version, but give the Buffy collectors a whole new character all together! You're still my favorite company, but this is why DST annoys me. They come out with 10 different versions of the same character, instead of giving us whole new characters. Yes it's cheaper to produce figures of the same sculpt, but I like many others don't want the same character shoved down our throats like that. Still waiting for a lot of monsters from that line, and a Gunn! hehe

Anyway, I need to get out of this thread. I am a broken record!
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I think some of you may be missing the point with this release. I am getting alternate Buffy because I missed out on the first one and honestly was underwhlemed by the first one. This new one has a more Buffy feeling to me and looks better in my opinion.

Just sit still guys, I know there are more Buffy PFs in the future. Plus Spike looks amazing.
Even if that is the reason (which some of us know), we are still not happy with the lack of love put into this piece. It still doesn't take away from the fact that the outfit on this is poorly done and looks rushed and isn't specific to anything. So even if it was for those who missed on the first Buffys, atleast the second release of the Sean Connery Bond is specific to a scene(s) in a film, like the alternate Punisher is to Tim Bradstreet's design of the skull.

Hopefully they fix up some issues before the new Buffy PF comes out.
Eli26 said:
Even if that is the reason (which some of us know), we are still not happy with the lack of love put into this piece. It still doesn't take away from the fact that the outfit on this is poorly done and looks rushed and isn't specific to anything. So even if it was for those who missed on the first Buffys, atleast the second release of the Sean Connery Bond is specific to a scene(s) in a film, like the alternate Punisher is to Tim Bradstreet's design of the skull.

Hopefully they fix up some issues before the new Buffy PF comes out.
I see what you are saying and I agree with you. Hopefully the outfit will undergo some major fixing. I would have loved a different pose too. However, with all this being said, I bet that she will look amazing when she is released.