Bootleg Patient Zero on eBay!

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Anzik Hayes said:
Who are you kidding Shai? You want one to sell in the freaks classifieds just to be a ball buster.

I would even sell it like for 20$ just to piss off the snitches.Seriously.I'd do it.
Shai Hulud said:
I would even sell it like for 20$ just to piss off the snitches.Seriously.I'd do it.

I'd be the one to buy it off you then I'd sell it for $350 and buy a "real" one. :lol
Shai Hulud said:
I would even sell it like for 20$ just to piss off the snitches.Seriously.I'd do it.

Better watch it, you are going to get the word SNITCHES censored on here!
Anzik Hayes said:
I don't understand this. If the guy recasts, and custom paints it and puts it on ebay its wrong. If someone commissions it, its recasted with a little is shaved off the chin, and custom painted its ok.

I agree, it is no different than modding a existing sculpt and selling it as your own. If people want to get technical, Phake Zero is not a 100% copy, look at the clothes, they are fit the figure better and are not baggy like the original. That is change one from the original. Second it is painted better.

This figure is different than the original. It is NOT like the dude passing on fake Iron Man exclusives. They are made to look just like the real dead and are being passed off as real.
This is one argument in which I can see both sides. I'm personally not bothered by this particular seller since he is up-front about what he selling; A recast figure he cobbled together. If you buy it you know what you are getting.

However, there are of course people how are not honest and will try and sell their fake figures and pass them off as the real deal. That of course is not right and does hurt people, especially the ones who buy them.
Also, Lonnie was asking what the diff is between this and the guy who was selling IM.

1) IM was 100% sideshow product that was taken illegally and sold with no profit to sideshow. It also had fake numbering. PZ-X was a custom job. Didn't include DEAD packaging and didn't include the accesories SS's PZ came with. This guy was selling IM in Sideshow packaging numbered and everything.

2) There are still open wait lists for IM. Not so with PZ

3) Sideshow still stands to potentially lose money with a guy selling 20 defective IM. PZ is sold out. Whatever happens in the after-market will not touch sideshow with the sale of 1 guys PZ-X.
galactiboy said:
This is one argument in which I can see both sides. I'm personally not bothered by this particular seller since he is up-front about what he selling; A recast figure he cobbled together. If you buy it you know what you are getting.

However, there are of course people how are not honest and will try and sell their fake figures and pass them off as the real deal. That of course is not right and does hurt people, especially the ones who buy them.

Exactly. What happened here was reactionary. Pure and simple. A few opinionated people who felt like they needed to ruin someone elses chances (mine).
pixletwin said:
Also, Lonnie was asking what the diff is between this and the guy who was selling IM.

1) IM was 100% sideshow product that was taken illegally and sold with no profit to sideshow. It also had fake numbering. PZ-X was a custom job. Didn't include DEAD packaging and didn't include the accesories SS's PZ came with. This guy was selling IM in Sideshow packaging numbered and everything.

2) There are still open wait lists for IM. Not so with PZ

3) Sideshow still stands to potentially lose money with a guy selling 20 defective IM. PZ is sold out. Whatever happens in the after-market will not touch sideshow with the sale of 1 guys PZ-X.

:lecture :lecture :lecture

100% true.
Never understood all the commotion (real or fake) around Patient Zero.

Ok, it is a rare figure, but nothing special imo.
I think a lot of the draw is how Sideshow created a buzz about the line with a and cover-up story that added to the intrigue and interest in the line. And it doesn't hurt that its the first release of a line with a small edition size.

I know I completely was unaware of the figure until he was long sold out. Sadly at the time I learnd about him I thought $120 was "too pricey" to pay for a figure :lol :monkey2 :monkey2
galactiboy said:
Sadly at the time I learnd about him I thought $120 was "too pricey" to pay for a figure :lol :monkey2 :monkey2

Yes and I fear with all the hype a price drop is not to be expected...

Just image how many nice(r) figures you can buy instead (hope you are not a completist)
galactiboy said:
This is one argument in which I can see both sides. I'm personally not bothered by this particular seller since he is up-front about what he selling; A recast figure he cobbled together. If you buy it you know what you are getting.

However, there are of course people how are not honest and will try and sell their fake figures and pass them off as the real deal. That of course is not right and does hurt people, especially the ones who buy them.
yeah thats kinda how I feel.

.. the first thing that pops into my head is, if the guy is this talented, why doesnt he just make his own OOAK Zombie rather than ride SS's coat tails :confused:
lcummins said:
It helps prevent one sale of a re-caster; if everyone did it, that would turn into completely stopping recasting for profit. I'm sorry you guys don't see the problem with this auction (and others like it) but I will continue to do what little I can to help prevent this kind of thing.

Have you ever tried to buy a Japanese Anime PVC figure on eBay? Virtually every single figure has been copied and faked (mostly in China where the originals are made) and it is near impossible to be sure what you are getting if you don't deal with well established people. Nearly all resin garage kits have been copied and faked, making it tough to tell if you are getting the real thing. Now, even Sideshow polystone pieces are being salvaged and sold when they should have been destroyed... how much longer before true copies turn up? Do you see the trend here? As a collector I want the original item put out by the original company, not some faked, copied item. If this trend keeps going in the direction it is going, your collectibles will be worth nothing, because people will either not care about whether an item is a copy or not and just get the cheaper item, or they will be worried about getting a copy so they will be afraid of purchasing from unknown sources.

Seriously, after the stink most of you made with the guy in China selling the Sideshow factory rejects, I find your current attitudes a little disturbing! If you don't see this auction as the same thing or worse actually, that is fine; you are entitled to your opinions, but so are we, and if we choose to try and put a stop to something that is blatantly wrong, then how about just letting us do it... hmmm???

Well said Lonnie. :clap

I can see how some people think this is OK since the person is admiting that it is a "fake" but that still doesn't make it right. The general feeling I am getting here is that since the seller is up front with the fact that it is a fake then it's OK. That's insane!!

Just because the figure is sold out and SS isn't going to loose any sales because of this "copy" doesn't mean it's OK to sell it. The IM exclusives were sold out too and look how many people were upset about those fake pieces.

If somebody on ebay was selling fake Balrogs, X-men dioramas, or maybe Doom chalices; members would be furious. I don't see the difference. :confused:
galactiboy said:
I think a lot of the draw is how Sideshow created a buzz about the line with a and cover-up story that added to the intrigue and interest in the line. And it doesn't hurt that its the first release of a line with a small edition size.

I know I completely was unaware of the figure until he was long sold out. Sadly at the time I learnd about him I thought $120 was "too pricey" to pay for a figure :lol :monkey2 :monkey2

Yeah, I HAD a Zero... and was tempted at that time to redress the figure as I thought the clothes to be a bit plain, but did not want to devalue it. But if I had that sculpt.... would make Zero as he was meant to be, at least in my eyes.

Just want that damn sculpt. :monkey2