BobbyC 1/3 scale Joker

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The fact that you guys would sell your WHOLE collection for this amazes me....

me too. I absolutely love what bobby has created here, but I have much more respect to those guys who are selling all their stuff to get one bobby head :D
damn, that's really dedication and you guys deserve it to own that perfect head.

I couldn't sell all my figs and the tumbler PLUS batpod for a head :monkey3

can't wait to see some more pics and the pics of the shelves of those lucky guys with this joker version :)
Well they're getting more than a head, they're getting a full 1/3 joker! And the best 1/3 piece ever made in all likelihood.

I'm totally focused on 1/6 though and want to build a high quality complete collection of the BB / TDK / 3rd Nolan Batman series...

But congrats to those getting this, i'm sure it'll never stop amazing you how good the piece is once you have it in your display
I didn't sell my collection for it. Most people would be surprised if they sat down and actually calculated their finances weekly to see where their money is going and where they could be saving. It's really not that hard.:dunno
I would admire anybody that would show that level of dedication to sell everything they have collected for one masterpiece!

Congrats to all who will get this, cant wait to see pics
I have sold allot to get some things in my collection, I have even sold things to be able to make this Joker .
at the end of the day the guys that get this will never regret the decision.
Personally I would rather have something that a handful of people own
then something you can get from the comic store down the street.
Just my personal opinion.
This was the main reason I sold my collection, but my Lotr statues and p.f.s have been gone awhile. I recently sold what was left of my collection (mostly Hot Toys figures) because I knew I was going for this piece. This Joker piece is my grail and will never leave my collection.

The whole experience of my phone conversations with Bobby and emails, he has shown me a high level of professionalism, friendliness, and dedication to this piece, which will only add to how much it means to me....

That said, if I still had my Lotr statues and p.f.s , you can bet your boots they'd be gone so I could have this piece...
Heck, believe me. If my collection would have created 90% enough funds to spring this, it would have gone in a heartbeat. Alas, it wouldn't have.

SO glad you made that 1/6 Bobby so that I could at least have the honour to own that masterpiece.
Heck, believe me. If my collection would have created 90% enough funds to spring this, it would have gone in a heartbeat. Alas, it wouldn't have.

Ditto. Besides that, I'm also in a tight spot right now, but I'm so glad fellow Joker nuts will get this amazing statue. :) I know that one day I will finally be able to get to own something made by Bobby.
Sure I can start getting dimensions, I have to make sure the base is clean looking and not to much just simple, for instance when i do reeve I do not want a over exaggerated base just clean to show the art work.
unless anyone has any good ideas, always willing to listen.

I'm also looking to get a case for mine as well, so dimensions would be nice. Though I'm sure I'll be one of the last to receive these (hopefully), barring any unfortunate financial situation. While I love my detolfs, this piece deserves its own case.

While I understand the idea of a clean base to focus on the quality of the piece, got to say I was hoping for something that represents the craziness and darkness of Heath's Joker. Either way, base or whatever.......this shall be my holy grail!
I'm also looking to get a case for mine as well, so dimensions would be nice. Though I'm sure I'll be one of the last to receive these (hopefully), barring any unfortunate financial situation. While I love my detolfs, this piece deserves its own case.

While I understand the idea of a clean base to focus on the quality of the piece, got to say I was hoping for something that represents the craziness and darkness of Heath's Joker. Either way, base or whatever.......this shall be my holy grail!

Yeah, I can't wait to see how the base turns out as well.

So tell me. I've never had a piece made of silicone like this (I know, just the head), so I was wondering if there is anything I need to do to keep it preserved well. Obviously, climate control and no direct sunlight. But is a case necessary, or are people doing it for aesthetic reasons? (and to keep dust off of it) I like my stuff open. Kind of like how I'm not a fan of museums and big zoos because most things are behind glass.
I agree, I do not like cases as well, just use a small feather duster or
air in a can . very durable stuff.
the base will be the most tricky part for me.
I agree, I do not like cases as well, just use a small feather duster or
air in a can . very durable stuff.
the base will be the most tricky part for me.

Thanks for the info.

I would not want to be doing all that tailoring. That has got to be time consuming. Can't wait to see some more updates in that department.
I wish I had the time and the means to do something like this. As much as I love tinkering with my 1/6 and customizing little parts or heads here and there, I'd love to just have a studio/workshop to do this stuff all day in.