bhutto assassinated

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i loved rambo when i first seen it...classic film

the british equilivant is a film called "for queen and country" staring denvel washington?

check it out.
In Canada we stand for peace not taking 90% of tax payers money to support a military for the primary reason of conquering and controlling the world...............illegally.

Hey hows your health care? Running out of oil and stealing it from the middle east? :D

are we keeping Iraq? No. Sounds like your news channels are misleading you. Health care is great, no problem here. even if you don't work and don't pay taxes you will still get patched up...i just pay for it. how's Canada's? A socialist anything does not work, period...fact.

Stealing oil? wtf are you talking about. If we were doing that, between Saudi Arabia and Iraq we would own like 60% of the world's oil and be paying 2 cents a gallon. :rotfl just trying to get the middle east in check....i said "trying"' because it will be a LONG time before that happens and my guess is it never will.

anyhoo, differences of opinions.
are we keeping Iraq? No. Sounds like your news channels are misleading you. Health care is great, no problem here. even if you don't work and don't pay taxes you will still get patched up...i just pay for it. how's Canada's? A socialist anything does not work, period...fact.

Stealing oil? wtf are you talking about. If we were doing that, between Saudi Arabia and Iraq we would own like 60% of the world's oil and be paying 2 cents a gallon. :rotfl just trying to get the middle east in check....i said "trying"' because it will be a LONG time before that happens and my guess is it never will.

anyhoo, differences of opinions.

Oh right I forgot, guys like Bush would pass on the savings to you once the oil has been controlled?..........:rolleyes:

Wow. Whatever dude, no hard feelings here, I just think we both agree to dissagree.
You cannot use blanket statements that say all religious fanatics. When was the last time Christians, Buddhists, Hasidim or Hindus blew anything up? This is an issue unique to one major religion that needs to be addressed and condemned by them.
Need an example? How about a cartoon of Mohamed causing riots, fire bombings and death threats, while a crucifix in urine is 'artistic expression' and there were some peaceful demonstrations of objection.

All religion is primitive period.I would have thought man would have figured that out centuries ago.It only took me 5 tears or so to know that religion was for those people back in the stone age and not for me,all though a lot af the middle easterners are still living in the stone age.We on the other hand are not and should move on to something more intelligent and tangable then these so called spiritual beliefs.The last thing I'm going to beleive is something someone wrote 3 or 4 thousand years ago written an distributed by Man.The universe could be more complicated than the bible would lead you to believe.We could all be jacked into a computer simulated dream world who the hell knows.I beleive in the here and now and I'll worry about what happens in the next life when I die.
You guys have obviously never listened to a discussion of martial arts styles.
are SST 1:6 figures too big, or are Medicom's too small?
are SST 1:6 figures too big, or are Medicom's too small?

SS figure's are most likely too big.If you think about where SS got their licence from (Hasbro).Hasbro is known for ditinguishing/branding thier figure's from the other companies especially thier own Reissues.So I'm sure thier is some agreement between SS and Hasbro about that.And that's probrably the reason SS made thier figure's a bit bigger.
Those that TRULY understand it convert! Islam in todays day and age has next to NO "Missionaries" and its still the fastest and soon to be largest religion in the world.

Gonna call shenanigans on you here bud.

1. There's a pretty good argument that it isn't the world's fastest growing religeon

1. There are more new Christians added to the world population than any other religion on earth every day. This data makes the entire discussion about "rates of growth" irrelevant. The fact is today, that Christianity is the fastest growing religion on this most critical basis. This may change, but today, in 2004 AD, Christians take the prize for being the fastest growing religion.
2. On none of the 6 continents are Muslims the fastest growing religion.
3. That Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world is pure myth at best and at worst a deliberate deception of solid statistical facts.

2. Even assuming it is, Islams growth is due high birth rates rather than conversions, and that islamic countries quite often have the death penalty for conversion from islam. The following analogy sums it up quite nicely:

Finally, the real reason that Islam is making headway in other faiths, while losing few of its own, is actually something that Muslims should feel a sense of embarrassment over, rather than pride. In truth, it speaks more to the insecurity that Muslims have in their own religion, and the banal immaturity that Islam has, compared with other faiths.

Let’s say that you are playing chess with a 6-year-old boy. Instead of following the same set of rules, however, the child is allowed to make up rules that are preferential to him. One of the rules he decides on is that you aren’t allowed to make any moves in his half of the board, but he is allowed to make moves in yours. Another might be that it is impossible for any of his pieces to be taken.

Now, if the child is winning the game – which is assured by the conditions that he has imposed - is it really something in which he can take true pride?

The rules that Muslims impose on the “conversion game” are almost exactly like this chess analogy. Other religions are not allowed to operate in Islam’s own territory (ie. preaching their faith and evangelizing) as Muslims are in others. Neither is conversion away from Islam allowed – on penalty of death.

Watching Muslims gloat over being the “fastest growing religion” is no different than watching a child delude themselves into thinking that they are smarter and better for “beating” a much wiser adult in a game played under manufactured conditions that render the artificial “victory” entirely meaningless.

Islam has been playing by its own rules since its inception. It is unlikely that Muslims will soon develop the confidence in their own religion (or the necessary social maturity) to lift the shameful restrictions to which it owes its success and risk competition with other faiths on a level playing field.

I'm sure you'll write this all off as "hate speech" rather than actually present a coherent argument.

As to Islam having no "missionaries" that is misleading at best and outright false at worst. You only need to look at how much money the Saudi's spend on exporting Wahhabism and funding of mosques. And then there are the hardline Islamists recruiting in the US prison system
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