Beren's LOTR Collection!

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great collection - i would just recommend maybe being careful where you place those statues on the shelves, some of yours are really on the edge or awkward position that may cause damage.

get some nice shelves or a curio.

plus replace those CRTs :) with Plasmas or LCD
Your LOTR collection is impressive. Congrats Beren.

PS: I love your Jack Sparrow costume.

Thanks! The Sparrow costume set me back a pretty penny and it wasn't even as high-quality as is offered out there. This is a mid-range quality costume and it still set me back a grand. Plus the time to get all the different items together from different sources and to practice the voice, mannerisms and certain phrases. The only thing I actually made were the boots. And most fun of all was being in character while in costume! :D
Great collection.

Quick question: is the top knot / pony tail missing from your Wounded Orc bust? It looks like it from the picture. I ask because mine is miising the top knot / pony tail, too, and don't remember it breaking, and I can't find the piece.
Now that is a LOTR collection! :bow

That is an absolutely awesome idea about displaying the environments chronologically. I never bought any of the old environments but am going to be a completest most likely with the new weta line and will follow your lead on display.

Yeah, I'm excited about the environments and will get the Argonath, Moria Cemetery, Prancing Pony and Bag End. Pretty much any environment Weta makes, I will get!

You know you can still get certain enviros for a good price, I think Mines of Moria is still half of retail on eBay...

What an EPIC LOTR collection :bow :bow

Awesome stuff, Beren :clap

I have that same poster on my door..its nice :D

that witchking costume is GREAT

ever thought about attending comic-con ?? :cool:

That costume was a LOT of work and money. I used up about 35 ft of cloth to make layers and layers of tattered coat and frock... obsessing about buttons for the shirt, the gold trim on the coat. Learnt sewing just for this. But it was also put to good use in my short film "The Balrog". :D And someone was so impressed when I walked around like that for H'ween '03, turns out he was a manager for the biggest downtown multiplex and asked me if I would show up in this outfit for an hour on opening day for ROTK! And gave me 15 movie passes for it! I'd have done it for free! LOL It was fantastic seeing people come up the escalator, make a right turn and BAM, ghoul king with drawn sword awaiting them! More than a few ppl were freaked out! :D And best of all, we both became good friends!

You mean San Diego? I'd love to and I've been sorely tempted a couple of times but flight from Toronto plus hotel and food and buying STUFF... that's collectibles money right there, man... :eek: I get my fix from attending the full 3 day Fan Expo event in Toronto in late August. That's a lot of fun. :rolleyes:

I cant PM you Im new!! Tell the mod about this forum cap on newbies not being able to PM as being dumb and pointless. My first plan of attack was to PM you. EPIC FAIL=system. Then email. EPIC FAIL=system.

Consider our conversation modified ;)
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Suffice it to say, as to your LOTR collection...hail to the king, baby
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great collection - i would just recommend maybe being careful where you place those statues on the shelves, some of yours are really on the edge or awkward position that may cause damage.

get some nice shelves or a curio.

plus replace those CRTs :) with Plasmas or LCD

LOL, the CRT issue was a big thing for me a few weeks back. I've had these monitors for a decade but they still work just fine so I have been hesitant to go out and buy new ones.

I actually bought a 60" plasma, was planning on getting three LCD monitor setup for my computer and wanted to get into 3D gaming. I cancelled the TV when I started reading up on 3D HDTV. Will wait a few more months and see how those pan out.

I'm aware of how I placed some pieces but as long as no one gets close (and the way my place was set up, people couldn't really get too close to the book shelf :)), it was fine. We got no earthquakes here. :rolleyes:

I really notice in other people's collections, less is more. But it became about being a completist. One thing led to another. When I got 7 Wetas from Kitfisto, that brought another boost to the whole thing and it became conceivable to get ALL OF the Wetas. :duh Also, as I moved pieces over to the house and thinned the herd at my apartment, it made the remaining pieces stand out more. If I were to display all my collectibles in curios, man, I'd need like 4 of them...

Great collection.

Quick question: is the top knot / pony tail missing from your Wounded Orc bust? It looks like it from the picture. I ask because mine is miising the top knot / pony tail, too, and don't remember it breaking, and I can't find the piece.

good eye, yeah, someone broke the pony tail off. But I glued it back on, after the pic was taken.