Battlefield 4

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Oh dear, I still haven't tried it, I will give it a go tomorrow. I couldn't be less interested in Hardline, that should have been an DLC expansion at most. Might have to find a new title for the next year or so and have a break from BF..
At this point i'm just too indifferent to even care anymore what changes were successfull or not.

I'm burnt out on FPS anyways.

I've been getting this way for about 2 years. Even though I say I'm going to take a break I end up buying one anyways. I doubt I"m going to buy Hardline though because there's finally some good games coming out for the PS4 and ONE.
Tried a couple of matches today, still found myself dying in seemingly impossible situations. Didn't really notice a huge improvement at all.
Tried a couple of matches today, still found myself dying in seemingly impossible situations. Didn't really notice a huge improvement at all.

I don't think they can fix the fundamental problems with the game. I still get "one shotted" by assault rifles, killed by dead guys and still get an inconsistent time to kill from game to game. and that's a net code issue that's not going anywhere I guess. It would require a total redesign or something.
Yeah, I think that is just it. I got fed up of being sniped behind corners, same guy 7 times on metro, not sure if he was cheating somehow but it drove me mad.. I'll try again another day, it's entirely possible I was just useless as I haven't played much at all lately. I've never been the best player anyway lol. One shot kills are a huge problem in BF4, especially when the guy that does it too you shows as 100% health after you've pummeled him... arrgh!
I actually really dug battlefield 3 so I picked this one up for ps4 before I even got the console. Cracked it open last week and I don't think I'll be spending any more time on it. I played a bit of the campaign and the AI is HORRIBLE. Watched several of my squadmates peek in and out of cover without shooting anything during whole engagements. Watched the enemy run right by my team mates diving straight for me. Got inexplicably blown up by explosions over the deck of the aircraft carrier. Looked around didnt see anybody shooting each time I respawned so I assume it was just a glitch :dunno

I put in a lot of hours on 3 so I'm disappointed with how many short cuts were taken on this game.
I played the BF4 campaign like 5 times. Not because it's good (it's mediocre) but rather the ****ing glitch that would delete my progress and medals despite dice having fixed it. Once I unlocked all the weapons for MP and got the campaign achievements, I threw a double bird at the campaign and haven't touched it since. Even if Dice comes out with the ultimate patch that guarantees it'll never delete again. I won't touch it. I enjoyed the MP when it didn't turn to **** but dice ****ed up big time on this game. I'm sure EA was equally responsible.
BF3 and BF4 have truly horrible campaigns, Bad Company 2 on the other hand.... now that is how to make a campaign!

Am I the only person who is ****e at BF4, is it just me or is it the game making me useless? I don't usually even see the guy that gets me even with my high end 144Hz monitor, spotting enemies is so hard... or am I going blind?
BF3 and BF4 have truly horrible campaigns, Bad Company 2 on the other hand.... now that is how to make a campaign!

That's because BFBC2 came out before the BF franchise decided to follow the COD mantra of a focus on MP.

I love the bad company games and hoped that we would have seen a part 3 by now.