Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Re: Man of Steel 2 (Superman/Batman--Official title to be confirmed)

My choice for Bats in this order is

1. Ryan Gosling

Re: Man of Steel 2 (Superman/Batman--Official title to be confirmed)

Heres wat happens wen studios decide to go cool, sexy, and appealing. Critics pann green lantern as a piece of crap, and the license goes dormant for a decade. Meanwhile, the gl fans who waited faithfully for a cinematic interpretation are the ones who get screwed.

Green Lantern was "cool, sexy and appealing"??!!! TO WHOM?!!! GL was a piece of crap all right, but not because it was cool, sexy OR appealing. GL was crap because the script was evidently written by a bunch of twelve-year-olds.

I thought GL was about to get a reboot, am I wrong? But regardless, we can't blame the wimmenfolk for the *****-matter sandwich the GL movie ended up being. For that, we blame the scriptwriters, the producers and everyone at DC who greenlighted that crap. But not chicks, some of whom actually wanted to see a decent GL movie. I was one of those btw :peace
Re: Man of Steel 2 (Superman/Batman--Official title to be confirmed)

Gerard Butler after a little workouts would do the trick. He's got a good voice and the square tough jaw. Perfect for a 40yr old veteran Batman in his prime. I really could see him yell in his 300 voice at Superman. He will kick asss if he did the role
Re: Man of Steel 2 (Superman/Batman--Official title to be confirmed)

My pick would be Michael fassbender. Even though he's already signed by marvel as magneto.
Not Marvel Studios though, which I could see having a problem with this sort of thing. I don't know that he would have any problems taking on a DC role. . .possibly at the same time that he continues to portray Mags for Fox.

Is that a radio station?
The Cure all day, every day? Sounds like a winner.

[inappropriate as that may be, I did not feel that MoS was very kid-friendly]
You're absolutely right. Even though the marketing guys were, the creators clearly weren't interested in appealing to kids. And for me, this is a real shame, because I think Superman, along with Spidey, are characters that really should be accessible to kids first and foremost.
Re: Man of Steel 2 (Superman/Batman--Official title to be confirmed)

I'm a huge Batman fan, and am totally stoked for this movie.

I loved Bale in the role, and I feel like whoever plays Batman next must also be relatively unknown to audiences like Bale was in Begins. It never sits well to have a high profile actor play these roles. You don't see them as the character, you see them as themselves. It's like watching Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible: sure, you know his character is Ethan Hunt, but that's just Tom Cruise up on the screen. That's not Daredevil, that's Ben Affleck (horrible movie).
Re: Man of Steel 2 (Superman/Batman--Official title to be confirmed)

I am being deadly serious. Give me a reason why any of them couldn't be Bruce Wayne/Batman

I can't see Gosling as Batman. I just don't see him being able to express the necessary intensity or having that intimidation factor. He looks like a normal guy, and Bruce Wayne is anything but a normal guy. I could see him as Flash or Green Lantern. The rest of the actors you mentioned, I have no problem with.
Re: Man of Steel 2 (Superman/Batman--Official title to be confirmed)

I could see Ryan Gosling as Flash. He's got the right build and facial structure for that role.
Re: Man of Steel 2 (Superman/Batman--Official title to be confirmed)

I see him as a perfect replacement for Bale. Gosling has the acting chops to pull it off. You need to watch Blue Valentine and see how he can play damaged. He is perfect in my opinion.
Re: Man of Steel 2 (Superman/Batman--Official title to be confirmed)

Jon Hamm can play damaged, and intimidating, and the playboy. What am I missing, again? Oh right, the fact that he's "too old" to be Batman. If age were a race, that would be racist.
Re: Man of Steel 2 (Superman/Batman--Official title to be confirmed)

Gosling is a fine actor, but I cannot imagine him as Wayne/Batman. The more I think about it the more perfect I think he would be for the Phantom Stranger, though.
Re: Man of Steel 2 (Superman/Batman--Official title to be confirmed)

I see him as a perfect replacement for Bale. Gosling has the acting chops to pull it off. You need to watch Blue Valentine and see how he can play damaged. He is perfect in my opinion.

If he's anything like Bale, then I don't want him as Batman. Bale was an absolute bore. As Batman, he didn't seem like an obsessive, unstoppable force of nature, he just seemed like an ordinary guy. No intensity, other than his laughable Bat-growl. If anything, it seemed like Nolan wished he was making a Bond movie instead of Batman.

I'll check out Blue Valentine, but if he looks as mopey as he does in the Google image search pics of it for the entire film, it probably won't change my mind.
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Re: Man of Steel 2 (Superman/Batman--Official title to be confirmed)

Eh, Gosling will be too busy with Star Wars for this. As for bulking up, after seeing Chris Pratt metamorphosis into his Star Lord shape, I believe with the right trainer you could get Melissa McCarthy into Wonder Woman shape no problem so that really isn't a factor.
Re: Man of Steel 2 (Superman/Batman--Official title to be confirmed)

Jon Hamm can play damaged, and intimidating, and the playboy. What am I missing, again? Oh right, the fact that he's "too old" to be Batman. If age were a race, that would be racist.


Hey, brah, I've been meaning to ask you - can we get some Red Bull for these things? Sometimes a guy's got to ride the bull. Am I right?

Later, skater.
Re: Man of Steel 2 (Superman/Batman--Official title to be confirmed)

I'm staying with Karl Urban as the next Batman. He is the perfect choice. And if we are looking a tv actors, I suggest Jensen Ackles. His portrayal of Dean Winchester on Supernatural is pretty good evidence that he could make a good Bruce.