Avengers: Infinity War - (warning: Spoilers)

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Re: Avengers: Infinity war - (warning: Spoilers)

for me:

#1 The Winter Solider
Everything else...
Why was Dr Strange standalone so bad?

It's not necessarily "bad" as SNIKT would have you believe, but it's just so forgettable and you can see almost everything coming a mile away. It's on par with Thor TDW.

Visuals are great though, and the soundtrack is pretty good.
Said by the guy who hasn't seen Black Panther but talked as if he knew it was overrated in the thread for it. :lol

It is overrated. Everything is nowadays, child.

Re: Avengers: Infinity war - (warning: Spoilers)

I don't understand comments like this. Those that feel this way are judging a movie by only seeing the first half. We still have lots of surprises in store for the next installment.

It has been stated that the MCU will not be the same and will be very different in Phase 4 moving forward after Avengers 4. We know those that faded away have to return as they are slated to have upcoming movies such as Spider-Man 2 & Black Panther 2. It makes sense that none of the original Avengers faded away. They are the ones that started it all, and will end it. Avengers 4 will very likely be the last time we see some of them. Who's to say some of them won't die in Avengers 4/IW Pt.2 just because they didn't die in IW Pt.1?

This is a movie version of a comic story. While obviously not 100% faithful, they are taking many cues from the original story. If the Gauntlet is used to restore the Universe after Thanos snuffed out half of existence, those that were effected will return. He needed all the Infinity Stones to accomplish his task. Restoring those that faded away doesn't mean Time Reversal because of the Time Stone. I don't believe the story moving forward will be going back in time to relive and see them retry to avert the events that led up to Thanos' Snap of his fingers. That's not what is going to happen. Those that were killed by other means may stay dead, IE Loki, Heimdall, Gamora.... Vision is an android so he may well be able to be repaired. Shuri was seconds away from being able to remove the Mind Stone from Vision while retaining his conscious. Who's to say she didn't succeed and just didn't have the time to actually remove the Stone?

We have to wait till next year after seeing Part 2 to truly determine whether there are flaws in IW. I'm not simply making up my own "Fan Fiction" in my head that some people love to throw around out there. I am basing my opinion on the established classic story from the comics, Thanos Quest & The Infinity Gauntlet, that the Russo Bro's & Feige are following as the guideline.
And here is the main reason I dislike these cinematic universes movies marvel DC or otherwise , you another movie to explain the first movie. The movie should stand on it's own and this movie actually does .

I just do not like getting teased in the trailers and having no payoff. The last jedi did the same crap and people gave it hell. Hear we are giving it a pass. The killed the side kicks and let the main characters intact . When we were teased through our the trailers otherwise.

Its marvel and they will never change. Take a risk damit. And not to mention this whole time travel nonsense it's a terrible deus ex machina it was stupid in superman and if they do intend to use it hear it will be even worse.

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Lol he looks like a puppet in this shot. I actually like this thanos more. Even though he looks like a thumb

I wonder what happened to his glowing eyes? Now he has normal human eyes.

Didn't say he was wrong (he isn't), I just said he was hypocritical. :lol

Not really. I didn't rank it for a reason, but I won't dismiss it either. When I see it, I'll added to my list. Wor disregarded Dr Strange because others don't like it. At least give it a chance.

Oh he's very hypocritical, it's a coping mechanism for his height.

Shut up, fool!!! :cuss

I've got lots of figures and....and...guns...BIG guns!! :panic:
Ewww.... you put Civil War up there where GotG should be.

TOP 5 (in no particular order):

The Winter Soldier
The Avengers
Infinity War
Iron Man

The rest don't matter. (although I do enjoy Thor 1 and Ant-Man)

Pretty much this... The rest depend entirely on my mood. I don't dislike any of them, but I don't think any of them are up to those 5 either.
I’d be so mad if I was a huge hulk fan btw. If I recall hulk never backs down and the angrier he gets the stronger he gets.
Boy do I miss 08 hulk. He was such a savage and used the environment to his advantage. Not to mention he didn’t act like an ape and looked absolutely bat**** crazy. So sad. But eh. This hulk is mediocre but he will do.