Avengers: Endgame

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Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

He really has.

Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

Is Thanos the most hated villain in movie history...at least as far big mainstream movies, not films like Schindler's List of course? The reason I say that is because in my theater, people were cheering every time Thanos was overwhelmed by the heroes, they gasped whenever Thanos had the upper hand, whether it was during the fights or when he was learning about his future. And most importantly, people clapped, cheered, and a few people shouted things like, "Good! Bye bye! and Good riddance!" when Thanos turned to ashes. There was no sympathy from the audience at all. I don't think I've ever seen a villain get that kind of reaction from an audience in a theater. The Joker in TDK didn't. Darth Vader in RO didn't. The closest thing I can think of was the villain from No Country for Old Men, but that's not a big popcorn movie.

That’s a great observation exact same reaction in both my shows and my 3rd starts in an hour lol
Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

Overall an amazing movie. Still really sad to lose Cap.

The only problems I had with it were the lack of Bucky and Cap interaction. Bucky really needed to do that last scene instead of Sam. Seems like Bucky's whole arc was building to that moment of taking over as the new Cap only to be tossed away for Sam.

Captain Marvel, even for her relatively brief appearances was still way too overpowered. Just like her solo movie, most of her fight scenes consisted of her getting hit, not feeling any pain, smirking smugly, and hitting back harder. Ok, we get it. Shes super strong. Why exactly should we care about her when nothing short of a direct hit from the power stone can even phase her? For her to suddenly get promoted to "the face of the MCU" without having earned it and a mixed at best reception still feels forced.
Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

Ok Khev and other Cap fans lets talk about how Cap is the most selfish evil character in the MCU

So Cap goes back in time to be with Peggy..

It is mentioned in the other films that she got married and had kids.

Cap erased those kids from existance and ruined what was probably a beautiful relationship between Peggy and her future husband by stepping in before they ever got to meet.

Meanwhile in is selfish happiness he laughs as he thinks of Bucky being tortured.. But hey he cant do anything about it because it will mess up the future..

and before anyone says its an alternate universe... If that is the case then why is he sitting on the bench in the present Universe.. He breaks the timeline buy marring Peggy..

But he didn't marry Peggy you might say..

Ok then take everything I just stated about Peggy and apply it to some other unknowing woman who never gets to meet her true love because Cap selfishly steps in and keeps the two from ever meeting.. She probably had a kid who found the cure for Cancer also..

But Cap don't care because he is happy now.

Evil Cap... I think he meant it when he said Hail Hydra.

Endgame was worse to the Cap character then it was to Hulk
Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

While I like the character, I felt turning to dust left me a bit unsatisfied, but I suppose it's fitting.

Hoped his army would turn to dust with just him left vs overwhelming forces.

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Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

Ok Khev and other Cap fans lets talk about how Cap is the most selfish evil character in the MCU

So Cap goes back in time to be with Peggy..

It is mentioned in the other films that she got married and had kids.

Cap erased those kids from existance and ruined what was probably a beautiful relationship between Peggy and her future husband by stepping in before they ever got to meet.
Given the rules of time travel that Hulk lays out, whos to say that Steve wasn't always Peggy's husband? We never met him. Maybe time traveling Steve settled down with her and just kept his identity on the DL.
Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

Given the rules of time travel that Hulk lays out, whos to say that Steve wasn't always Peggy's husband? We never met him. Maybe time traveling Steve settled down with her and just kept his identity on the DL.

The fact of the matter is.. I have no idea what the rules of time travel in this film are :lol
Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

Captain Marvel, even for her relatively brief appearances was still way too overpowered. Just like her solo movie, most of her fight scenes consisted of her getting hit, not feeling any pain, smirking smugly, and hitting back harder. Ok, we get it. Shes super strong. Why exactly should we care about her when nothing short of a direct hit from the power stone can even phase her? For her to suddenly get promoted to "the face of the MCU" without having earned it and a mixed at best reception still feels forced.

I'm not a fan or her either which I mentioned earlier. Luckily, she wasn't in it for very long.....

Spoiler Spoiler:
Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

Ok Khev and other Cap fans lets talk about how Cap is the most selfish evil character in the MCU

So Cap goes back in time to be with Peggy..

It is mentioned in the other films that she got married and had kids.

Cap erased those kids from existance and ruined what was probably a beautiful relationship between Peggy and her future husband by stepping in before they ever got to meet.

Meanwhile in is selfish happiness he laughs as he thinks of Bucky being tortured.. But hey he cant do anything about it because it will mess up the future..

and before anyone says its an alternate universe... If that is the case then why is he sitting on the bench in the present Universe.. He breaks the timeline buy marring Peggy..

But he didn't marry Peggy you might say..

Ok then take everything I just stated about Peggy and apply it to some other unknowing woman who never gets to meet her true love because Cap selfishly steps in and keeps the two from ever meeting.. She probably had a kid who found the cure for Cancer also..

But Cap don't care because he is happy now.

Evil Cap... I think he meant it when he said Hail Hydra.

Endgame was worse to the Cap character then it was to Hulk

Actually, I read an article that explains the time travel rules from End Game. Basically, what maintains the time lime/ reality in place are the infinity stones, which is why returning them to their place in time maintains the timeline intact. Nothing else matters or makes changes. Also, two things can coexist in a given reality, so Peggy still had those kids and married that other guy from the human perspective of time of the people in the present. However, Cap also lived a life with Peggy in the 1940's.
Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

Actually, I read an article that explains the time travel rules from End Game. Basically, what maintains the time lime/ reality in place are the infinity stones, which is why returning them to their place in time maintains the timeline intact. Nothing else matter or makes changes. Also, two things can coexist in a given reality, so Peggy still had those kids and married that other guy from the human perspective of time of the people in the present. However, Cap also lived a life with Peggy in the 1940's.

So to simplify, there's only one rule: There are no rules!
Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

Nice try Khev… Cap is evil... Sorry.. That is what you have to live with now.

:lol You wish. ;)

In my mind Peggy originally stayed single and never had kids after Cap went into the ice. Then he went back in time and married her and that's the husband she references in the updated timeline forever more. We never saw her original husband's face and he was never credited with any actions that would solidify him as a separate person so I can always assume it was Steve all along. :D

I guess there'd still have to be two timelines but only from 2014 on since the Nebula and Thanos of that time died and the Gamora of that time went permanently into the future.

I'm sure that none of this really works logically with as much screwing with the past that they did at once but that's always part of the fun of time-travel stories, lol.