Anyone making Monster sculpts from the Cantina scene in a new hope(Star Wars)

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Haven't had much time over the past week to do anymore sculpting..

Good! You're gonna leave the rest of us with no one to sculpt! :lol

Those pics Wor-Gar took are really great with the lighting, can just imagine these guys in the cantina...

Looks like lots of people want these sculpts...too bad no one wants my Nien Nunb sculpt... :monkey2

Well Dorgs does, cuz it was his idea for someone to sculpt Nunb, and I offered BHD2 one and he sez he wants one...

OH whoopsies, I'm making this all about me aren't I? :monkey3

anyway, you should be proud of yourself Bid, those pics Wor-Gar took really show them off quite nicely! :D
I would definitely be interested in a nien numb sculpt, I think I forgot to mention that when I posted there, Ive actually had his clothes on my unofficial to do list for a while (courtesy of Mark I'm petty sure :)). But either way I have so many bodiless heads sitting around I will be busy for a year, and I am still hoping a the other 4 are not lost in the mail that I am waiting for.
Hi everyone,
Sorry i haven't posted in awhile, recovering from surgeries. I would be most honered to own any of your fantastic headsculpts. I would be willing to pay for casting materials and postage. Thanks Keith
I would like a copy of each please, send me details thankyou.

Those pictures look awesome with that lighting.

I am definitely interested in a cast of each, when you have sorted out your plans for them let me know.

I think I have an idea for painting this guys eyes to match this shot.

Hi everyone,
Sorry i haven't posted in awhile, recovering from surgeries. I would be most honered to own any of your fantastic headsculpts. I would be willing to pay for casting materials and postage. Thanks Keith

Guys, these were my first sculpts and I gave the originals to Wor-Gar who kindly offered to give them a good home. I wasn't really happy with them, but I do plan on do version 2 of both and I'm gonna have a go at some more Cantina Aliens as soon as more Sculpey arrives!!
Hi everyone,
Sorry i haven't posted in awhile, recovering from surgeries. I would be most honered to own any of your fantastic headsculpts. I would be willing to pay for casting materials and postage. Thanks Keith

Welcome back.:duff

enaud has been MIA for a bit to but he's just been really busy and having PC problems on top of it. I hope when he returns and has time he puts out some more head sculpts to add to the ones that have been done here lately. I have a few of his that I wish I could show off , but I dont know if he's distributed any yet, so I would rather he post about them first.
I would definitely be interested in a nien numb sculpt, I think I forgot to mention that when I posted there, Ive actually had his clothes on my unofficial to do list for a while (courtesy of Mark I'm petty sure :)). But either way I have so many bodiless heads sitting around I will be busy for a year, and I am still hoping a the other 4 are not lost in the mail that I am waiting for.

:lol alrighty then I'll see about casting you one... ;)


You have got to recast your sculpts next time... :banghead
:lol alrighty then I'll see about casting you one... ;)


You have got to recast your sculpts next time... :banghead

:lol it's all good dude, they found a great home, I still have to impove my sculpting before I think about casting!! Couldn't get the female Sullustan at all, trying my own version of Nien Nunb at the moment will post some pics on your Nien Nunb thread when I get finished if you don't mind?....this guy's tough though..
:lol it's all good dude, they found a great home, I still have to impove my sculpting before I think about casting!! Couldn't get the female Sullustan at all, trying my own version of Nien Nunb at the moment will post some pics on your Nien Nunb thread when I get finished if you don't mind?....this guy's tough though..

Sure, go right ahead! (no pun intended! :lol)

Some advice... think bigger eyes, slightly smaller ears, heavier cheek flaps (they shouldn't stick up so much, imagine if they were sorta heavy and weighed down), and a much smoother brow line... the lips and mouth look pretty good tho!
Looking good.

Yea he does have some huge eyes doesn't he.

Yup, apparently in the original script he was described as "a mouse-eyed, jowled creature," and this was the common description of him in books for some time, and then somewhere along the line it inaccurately was changed to "a mouse-eared, jowled creature," but he has large humanoid ears...

So yup, large eyes are what God gave this creature, I mean, what George Lucas gave this creature... but he also gave the Bantha, which lives on a desert planet with 2 suns, very thick fur... :dunno

I know exactly where GL got most of his star wars words, including Jedi, Padawan, Bantha, and Sith! I don't think anyone else does, I discovered it pretty much on my own... it's evident to me that he stole them, but the original words were slightly different.... except for "sith," which he did not bother to change... I'm thinking of writing an article about it, maybe getting some $$$ for it, that's why I haven't revealed the source of these words... anybody think someone would pay for an article like that? Websites, newspapers or magazines?
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Yup, apparently in the original script he was described as "a mouse-eyed, jowled creature," and this was the common description of him in books for some time, and then somewhere along the line it inaccurately was changed to "a mouse-eared, jowled creature," but he has large humanoid ears...

So yup, large eyes are what God gave this creature, I mean, what George Lucas gave this creature... but he also gave the Bantha, which lives on a desert planet with 2 suns, very thick fur... :dunno

I know exactly where GL got most of his star wars words, including Jedi, Padawan, Bantha, and Sith! I don't think anyone else does, I discovered it pretty much on my own... it's evident to me that he stole them, but the original words were slightly different.... except for "sith," which he did not bother to change... I'm thinking of writing an article about it, maybe getting some $$$ for it, that's why I haven't revealed the source of these words... anybody think someone would pay for an article like that? Websites, newspapers or magazines?

Isn't those things from the......

Spoiler Spoiler:

If so, isn't Endor stolen from it too? I remember finding that out when searching though ebay once.

Awesome heads, been making me get the itch to pick it up. I did buy a sort of scupting set a few years back but the only thing it has been good for is collecting dust.
Bid, Nunb looks great! looks great so far.

Isn't those things from the......

Spoiler Spoiler:

If so, isn't Endor stolen from it too? I remember finding that out when searching though ebay once.

Awesome heads, been making me get the itch to pick it up. I did buy a sort of scupting set a few years back but the only thing it has been good for is collecting dust.

Thanks guys, I took The Dude's advice and made the eyes bigger and I'm making the other changes he suggested too, The Dude's got a good eye for these things. I'm gonna finish it over the weekend and will post pics then, thanks again all.
Isn't those things from the......

Spoiler Spoiler:

If so, isn't Endor stolen from it too? I remember finding that out when searching though ebay once.

Perhaps some things, like Anakin having no father... but the words Jedi, Padawan, Bantha and Sith are from somewhere else... :D

Endor might be, I don't know though... haven't actually read the entire bible... :p
:lol it's all good dude, they found a great home, I still have to impove my sculpting before I think about casting!! Couldn't get the female Sullustan at all, trying my own version of Nien Nunb at the moment will post some pics on your Nien Nunb thread when I get finished if you don't mind?....this guy's tough though..

Looking good Bid... he's one I thought about attempting as well, but didn't find the time.

I've been meaning to sculpt a head or two, I'll need to find some time this weekend :duff
Looking good Bid... he's one I thought about attempting as well, but didn't find the time.

I've been meaning to sculpt a head or two, I'll need to find some time this weekend :duff

Cool galactiboy, the more people trying their hand at sculpting the better, look forward to seeing some of your stuff.

Dude, I made he eyes bigger like you said, gonna do somemore tonight, thanks for your advice mate.
Dude, I made he eyes bigger like you said, gonna do somemore tonight, thanks for your advice mate.

You're quite welcome! The top of the head is a little flat I think, it kinda should stick up like a large lump that slopes backwards... it looks better than it first did so far though.... I think if you work hard at this you'll pull off another perfect sculpt, so in 3 months or so when you have a perfect 1/6 replica of Nien Nunb's head sitting on your desk, and you look at some of my advice and think "that's not quite right... Why would he tell me to do that to my sculpt?", you'll know I was only trying to delay the inevitable - that someone makes a better Nunb than mine... :monkey3

:lol I'm just kidding, I'm giving you my true and honest opinion, don't worry! ;)

cheekflaps still need some weight, and the brow ridges need to kinda stick out less... they seem very prominent, like some kind of primitive, cave man sub-species of Sullustan... :D

overall you're on the right path though!