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Very cool. One of the silliest early TF releases there was, but also one of the original Decepticon crew on the cartoon. I would be tempted to buy this if it was an official release.
Cheers mate and yep I got him from Kapow today. :)
If you ordered him and Sidearm at the same time they should arrive together, but they will be sent seperatly if you odered them at different times (like I did).

Very cool fig. I think Fansproject Magnus has more of a wow factor but this guy is great !!! Hope yours shows up tomorrow mate!


Thanks!, I hope so too! :)

I ordered Sidearm at the same time because I wanted the chrome spoiler pieces with it as I just have the Henkei version of Hot Rod.

I agree that Protector isn't quite as good an upgrade as City Commander and it's been somewhat overshadowed by the near perfect Masterpiece Hot Rod/Rodimus but it's still a great piece of design that adds a lot to the Classics/Henkei Hot Rod toy and looks to be worth the money.

I think I'll probably put the fully armored Rodimus next to City Commander as that's currently where Hot Rod stands on my shelf.

Have you seen the Insecticons FP are working on?

Or the PerfectEffect Reflector?

Items like these reassure me that there's still a lot of great Transformers to look forward to although a rapidly decreasing amount are from the official licensees.
Protector doesn’t have the same impact as City Commander on the shelf partially because of the size, the joy of having a “proper” Magnus homage (that isn’t just a white prime) and that much of Protectors thunder has definitely been stolen by the MP (which I think looks all kinds of awesome) but the more I fiddled with “Protector” last night the more I like him.

Where City Commander hinders the articulation of the underlying figure Protector doesn’t, and might even add a little bit. The whole transformation process is smoother and easier to put together (I hate getting City Commanders feet/boots on and off) and the gun placement/tank (with Roller) is more successful than City Commanders BFG.

I actually think I prefer him without the wing extensions in bot mode now too. I might see if I can find a way to add them to the bot mode of my Alternators Hot Rod as the lack of the fin on his back is conspicuous by it’s absence…………..

I am definitely interested in the FP Insecticons (I’m interested in anything Fansproject does if I am honest) and am eager for more pics. I am still waiting on an update on their “Collector” before I jump on the Generations/United Wreak Gar too. I’m really hoping they haven’t ditched it.

Perfect Effect Reflector will be pre ordered as soon as possible. I think it looks great and actually love how small he is. Just a fantastic update. As long as the price isn’t ridiculous the New Devy being made will be almost impossible to resist as well !!!!

I’ve got United Jazz, Wheeljack (I prefer Takara’s white plastic) and tracks on preorder and will probably pick up Kup, Scourge and Perceptor at some point when I have the spare cash. I definitely want Scout Windcharger, but know it will make me yearn for all the minibots getting done in this class.

With that I am probably done with the official lines too, as I expect we will be moving into the next Movie line after these, and I don’t collect them. So third Parties are definitely going to be the main point of my TF interest from here on in too.

Got my fingers crossed the Postie delivers your Protector today mate !!!!!!!

I hear ya, Bob. I only bought a total of two official Has/Tak releases and a total of eight 3rd party/add-on's last year and this year looks to be no different. I only have e-Hobby Kup and MP Rodimus on PO for this year so far and what looks like to be at least another bunch of 3rd party stuff.
Some good pics of DotM Ironhide. I wish they stuck with the same colors as the TF1 figure, but wow, this mold does look great. Fantastic articulation too from the looks of it. The cannon is a bit meh, but apparently you can still fit the weapons of the old Voyagers on there, so at least that's a relief.





Some good pics of DotM Ironhide. I wish they stuck with the same colors as the TF1 figure, but wow, this mold does look great. Fantastic articulation too from the looks of it. The cannon is a bit meh, but apparently you can still fit the weapons of the old Voyagers on there, so at least that's a relief.


Whoa. Nice pics yo.

But man, Ironhide is wearing some high pants.
Protector doesn’t have the same impact as City Commander on the shelf partially because of the size, the joy of having a “proper” Magnus homage (that isn’t just a white prime) and that much of Protectors thunder has definitely been stolen by the MP (which I think looks all kinds of awesome) but the more I fiddled with “Protector” last night the more I like him.

Where City Commander hinders the articulation of the underlying figure Protector doesn’t, and might even add a little bit. The whole transformation process is smoother and easier to put together (I hate getting City Commanders feet/boots on and off) and the gun placement/tank (with Roller) is more successful than City Commanders BFG.

I actually think I prefer him without the wing extensions in bot mode now too. I might see if I can find a way to add them to the bot mode of my Alternators Hot Rod as the lack of the fin on his back is conspicuous by it’s absence…………..

I am definitely interested in the FP Insecticons (I’m interested in anything Fansproject does if I am honest) and am eager for more pics. I am still waiting on an update on their “Collector” before I jump on the Generations/United Wreak Gar too. I’m really hoping they haven’t ditched it.

Perfect Effect Reflector will be pre ordered as soon as possible. I think it looks great and actually love how small he is. Just a fantastic update. As long as the price isn’t ridiculous the New Devy being made will be almost impossible to resist as well !!!!

I’ve got United Jazz, Wheeljack (I prefer Takara’s white plastic) and tracks on preorder and will probably pick up Kup, Scourge and Perceptor at some point when I have the spare cash. I definitely want Scout Windcharger, but know it will make me yearn for all the minibots getting done in this class.

With that I am probably done with the official lines too, as I expect we will be moving into the next Movie line after these, and I don’t collect them. So third Parties are definitely going to be the main point of my TF interest from here on in too.

Got my fingers crossed the Postie delivers your Protector today mate !!!!!!!


No Protector in the post yet but I did get a Supreme Dalek I'd been waiting for so it wasn't too disappointing....the recent bad weather and subsequent delays to the post has meant I'm still waiting for several packages to arrive so it's like a continuation of Christmas :)

I'm pleased to hear the transformation process is smoother as like you I had a few tense moments when trying to get the feet on CC. Clearly FP have learnt a few things since then and I think Protector does a better job of recreating the G1 vehicle mode whereas CC looks OK but doesn't do the car carrier thing very well.

I'm also hoping for an update on their Collector as Wreck-Gar was one of the new molds I was disappointed with.

I've just pre-ordered United Jazz and am trading in Henkei Megatron for Tracks at Kapow Toys.

If you have Henkei or Generations Red Alert you may be intrested in an upgrade set a guy at TFW is doing. It consists of a new headsculpt, shoulder missile and a G1 style rifle. Here's the link,
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Finally got my Protector (after what feels like a lifetime)
Hopefully getting Sidearm tomorrow too.
Just need my MP Roddy now !!!!!



Amazing Bob! Can I ask what Matrix old 'Rod is holding up? Man this makes me want to ride in style to the top of lookout mountain! :lol Also to FR that is one slick Reflector, I can't wait for iGear's. :rock
Anyone have any expierence with headrobots? I was looking at their replacement bludgeon head last night, and I really like it, but I Don't know about quality of their products.

I'm awaiting delivery of their Hothead upgrade for Universe Hardhead which has had generally good reviews although I have seen a couple of reports of molding defects as well.

I'll probably be getting the Bludgeon set as well as I don't like the stock head and the bendy swords.
Finally got my Protector (after what feels like a lifetime)
Hopefully getting Sidearm tomorrow too.
Just need my MP Roddy now !!!!!



Here's your missing parts :)

Hope you'll be able to complete your Rodimus collection.




I hear ya, Bob. I only bought a total of two official Has/Tak releases and a total of eight 3rd party/add-on's last year and this year looks to be no different. I only have e-Hobby Kup and MP Rodimus on PO for this year so far and what looks like to be at least another bunch of 3rd party stuff.

I know what you mean. I think I only bought 2 third party items in 2009 (FP City Commander and FP G3 Trailer. In 2010 I bought about 9 or 10, from different companies. A trend that looks like it’s going to continue in 2011. The best thing is they seem to just be getting better and better !

No Protector in the post yet but I did get a Supreme Dalek I'd been waiting for so it wasn't too disappointing....the recent bad weather and subsequent delays to the post has meant I'm still waiting for several packages to arrive so it's like a continuation of Christmas :)

I'm pleased to hear the transformation process is smoother as like you I had a few tense moments when trying to get the feet on CC. Clearly FP have learnt a few things since then and I think Protector does a better job of recreating the G1 vehicle mode whereas CC looks OK but doesn't do the car carrier thing very well.

I'm also hoping for an update on their Collector as Wreck-Gar was one of the new molds I was disappointed with.

I've just pre-ordered United Jazz and am trading in Henkei Megatron for Tracks at Kapow Toys.

If you have Henkei or Generations Red Alert you may be intrested in an upgrade set a guy at TFW is doing. It consists of a new headsculpt, shoulder missile and a G1 style rifle. Here's the link,

Sorry to hear you didn’t get Protector yesterday :( Glad that your Supreme Dalek turned up to lessen the pain though mate. I got my Sidearm yesterday and he is a cool little fella !!! The Gold Chrome wings look very nice too. I love me some Chrome……………….
I know what you mean about the delayed post making it feel like an extended Christmas. I’m still looking forward to My United figs, MP Rodimus and Hot Toys Mark VI Ironman to turn up which are all already paid for.

Really hoping for un update on collector. Just hope the Hasbro/takara release hasn’t scuppered it. Surely they have put to much R&D in to shelve it?

Nice one on United Jazz and Tracks. You going to get Wheeljack too?

I have Henkei Red alert and am pretty happy with him TBH. It’s a really nice upgrade but he’s not a character I care about to spend more on with all the other stuff on the horizon. Thanks for the heads up though mate!

Fingers crossed Your postie pulls his finger out today!!!

Amazing Bob! Can I ask what Matrix old 'Rod is holding up? Man this makes me want to ride in style to the top of lookout mountain! :lol Also to FR that is one slick Reflector, I can't wait for iGear's. :rock

LMFAO !!! Thanks for the giggle on a cold wet Friday morning mate!!!!
The Matrix is from my G1 Prime Matrix of leadership set. It works perfectly with Animated Roddy and was badly needed as (until the MP gets here) none of my Rods had one.

Here's your missing parts :)

Hope you'll be able to complete your Rodimus collection.





Wow some nice stuff there !!!! Unfortunately lack of space and cash mean I won't get many of those :-( Unless my numbers come up this week :pray:

Anyway, hope you are all well and 2011 is being kind to you and yours.

NICE Roddy and Magnus collection mate !:hi5:

Very envious of your Matrix of Leadership. Always wanted one but never got round to it. You think it's worth the cash??

I remember buying it for about $100 when it first came out years ago and I think that price was more than fair. It's a really nice display piece that lights up and all, but no way should it cost anywhere near what I see store's are asking for them on eBay.
Absolutely AWESOME collection photos, guys! I always love seeing these setups. :hi5:

Here's your missing parts :)

Hope you'll be able to complete your Rodimus collection.

Oh, trust me, there are far, FAR more Roddy's out there than those. I'm still trying to track down some grails, but here's my humble collection of Rodimus stuff (already outdated, since FP Protector arrived recently, Shadow Scyther is in transit, and MP Rodimus, Animated Black Rodimus, eHobby glowing Rodimus, etc. are due out in the future):

I really need to re-shoot these in the future with better lighting and such, but I'll wait for all the new stuff to come in before another "Class of Roddy High" shot. :lol







I have some weird Hot Rod OCD, what can I say? :lol
wow:eek now, THAT is a collection. great stuff, crasis. I really wish I would've gotten a Shattered Glass Classics Rodimus or Henkei Wildrider:monkey2