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I picked up the Diamond Select Skywarp and Thundercracker in the last few days :D

Can't wait for WFC. Looks like a decent game.
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Commissioned Menasor Custom Project. Thanks thyvipera for help with the build and base coats! Some little extras all up on him. red LED eyes, waist articulation ftw, improved feet, improved crotch plate (last minute upgrade), and much better proportions/articulation than the original.






Here are the galleries for the individual Stunticons :

Breakdown :

Dead End :

Dragstrip :

Motormaster :

Wildrider :

Menasor's Sword (and bonus item) :
WOWEE! This is a work of art, also for those that want a MP Skywarp they are 30 dolla at WalMart. So glad I paid 60 for mine. :duh
Where at? We're in the same state.

Found Barricade at Target on South Robert Street in St Paul. There was only one of them on the shelf.

A little disappointed that the Police tampo on the spoiler is backwards and that it is missing the 911 emergency response tampo on the rear quarter panels. My old XMOD remote control Barricade has those. A couple little nitpicky things but...


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Here's a shot of Alternity Bumblebee and Cliffjumper with my Alternators,

That really is one crappy camera then! :lol


To be honest it's not even my camera and I've never actually read the instructions so I think it must have been on the wrong setting or something.

Dubious pictures aside the Suzuki Swift mold is really nice, the transformation is nice and involved without being complex just for the sake of it like most of the Bayformers, the joints are all nice and clicky and the paint apps ( when you can see the right color :) ) are awesome, easily the best on any stock TF's I've bought.

I thought the robot modes looked a bit odd in the early pictures but if you don't fold the lower legs out all the way the proportions don't look so bad and the feet actually look like feet though you lose a couple centimeters in height which considering the characters Minibot origins doesn't really matter.

After being so impressed with these I've also ordered the silver Alternity Megatron and want to get the Vibrant Red Convoy as well as the forthcoming Carscream and Skywarp.
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<div><a style="color:#FFFFFF;" href="" title="">Video Games</a> | <a style="color:#FFFFFF;" href="/game//" title="Transformers: War for Cybertron">Transformers: War for Cybertron</a> | <a style="color:#FFFFFF;" href="" title="GDC 10: Civil War Story Interview HD">GDC 10: Civil War Story Interview HD</a></div>

<div style="padding-top: 3px;"><a style="color:#FFFFFF;" href="" title="XBox 360">XBox 360</a> | <a style="color:#FFFFFF;" href="" title="PS3">Playstation 3</a> | <a style="color:#FFFFFF;" href="" title="Wii">Nintendo Wii</a></div>


Hopefully War For Cybertron will have a lot more replayability than the two movie games which were fun for about a month.

I ordered a new TF this week, the Legends Class version of Wheelie which compared to most Movie TF's should actually be quick to transform..............most Bayformers are too complex and therefore not fun.
I wanted to but Bruticus dried up here where I live. :monkey2 But I did order a ____-ton from BBTS. I just got my Hybrid Convoy, Alternity Bumblebee & Cliff Jumper, and a Music Label Soundwave (spark blue version). AND I finally picked up a classics Ultra Magnus and I have his armor coming Friday! :rock
:drool Awesome. Btw I put together the fansproject trailer armor on my classics UM. Wow is he awesome. I think I just got sucked into the classics line. :(
TFW has some pics of Hasbro's MP Grimlock! Looks incredibly kickass! :rock Almost nearly as good as the Takara version. Very happy that there are only minor paintapp/sharpness differences. And too sweeten the deal it's only $60.





Looks good in those pics but if the QC on it is anything like both Hasbro's releases of MP Prime then it'll still be a pile of fail.
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