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Great pics Magnuz. I may pick that Prime up to go with my Japanese one from the last film.

Just got back from seeing Revenge of the Fallen at the cinema here in the UK. Disappointing IMO. I won't say any more...don't want to spoil it for the rest of you.
nice piacs, magnuz!

valfar...i agree, skids looks awesome. had to get megatron cause...well...he's megatron. but i'll grab skids next time i see him.

courtesy of the mailman and ebay this morning...encore galvatron (g1 colors)...







That looks like the original colour the Galvatron toy came as...this is what you mean by
G1?..there is the purple one that is more closer to the cartoon/movie as well.

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I think my deluxe Sideswipe is possessed. I keep putting him on top of my desk and then I'll look up in a few minutes and he'll be turned in the opposite direction. It could also be due to the fact that he is back heavy and has wheels for feet. :lol
Repainted optimus and removed his swords and rear fenders:

Looks almost as if he stepped out of the movie, very nice job! there anyway though to get at the gears in the chest?, i mean like to paint them.
Not without trying to take apart the windows/gears as they are all interconnected to have the little inside moving parts, and it was a little too complicated looking for me to try and pull them apart without fear of breaking the windows or inside parts.
that looks FANTASTIC Magnuz!! Can you please tell us how you did it? What paint you used, what techniques you used, how you did the flames if you did them etc...

I'd like to tackle one myself. Thanks!!
Well to start here's the rest of the photos to show the detail areas:








I used testors acrylics, which is what i use for everything, and the method to detail him was just drybrushing. I only did his grey areas, the parts that should be metal, and it was just basing those in black, then drybrushing silver over them to get the rough metal finish. Then gold was used to detail the little bits i wanted to bring out like the gears/springs etc just to break up the silver areas a bit.

I didn't do any paintwork to the truck body or flames, the only thing i did to the truck mode was the metal surfaces, grill, tanks, exhaust, and the little blue lights which i did with some blue pearl same for the ones on his chest and abdomen in bot mode. I also did some minor black washing and silver flashing (scratch look) on his bot mode car style parts which aren't part of the truck mode, but are meant to look like pieces of the truck just to bring out details there.

The thing was trying to get him detailed in bot mode, but keep him clean in truck mode like he is in the movie, its what i've done with all my movie TF's so far, need to do sideswipe and i'm anxious to get skids and mudflap.

Here's a little group pic with the autobots i have (minus jazz for obvious reasons)
Same as drybrushing but even lighter applications, and with no base coat, broad brush very very little paint wiped off like drybrushing and just light broad strokes across areas to get silver scratch/streak effects.
Little over an hour maybe, dunno for sure. Depends on how much you do, the black base shouldn't take too long and doesn't have to be perfect and solid for the drybrushing, just decently coated. Drybrushing doesn't take too long, then the detailing, and it depends on how much you want to drybrush the silver, if you do more coats you'll get a more solid consistant color but i didn't do too many, depends on your taste.

And no taking apart, i did pop him apart at the points he does naturally for transforming, to get to tight areas and inner spots. I was able to get to pretty much everything just doing that. Since his parts can be moved in so many ways for his transformation you can get to almost everything that way.