Alien: Isolation

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this game looks like what i wanted. i hope it meets expectations and these guys dont lie to us like what happened to the last game. what ive seen so far makes me very happy but i wont get my hopes up too high in case of disaster.
This is an example of where SEGA (and Creative Assembly by extension) have MORE TO PROVE than anything to their consumers. This game will NOT sell on name value alone.

This game undoubtedly has to become a HUGE success to put ALIEN (and Predator) back on the radar. At MINIMUM an 8/10 on most critics' scales. Similar to how Castlevania:Lords of Shadow shocked everyone with its solid gameplay, great "new" take on Castlevania and has essentially reinvigorated interest in the franchise. Alien: Isolation has to be that!

I don't have high hopes. I don't expect much seeing how SEGA has mismanaged the Alien/Predator license in the past years with mediocre and below-average releases. Their best game in recent years was the Nintendo DS one!
"This could be the game you've always wanted" "The game we've always wanted."


The game I always wanted had more than 1 single alien. That's how you can rest assured this will not "save" the franchise. How long do they think they can keep 1 alien interesting while you run away and lock it in closets? 8-12 hours of sp? This is just that "Slenderman" game in space.
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This game is going in the right direction for the Alien franchise by going away from being a shooter. A survival horror game in the Alien universe could be the change the franchise needs in order to get back on its feet (if it's successful).

If this was another shooter in the Aliens universe, it would just feel redundant regardless of quality. Plus with the recent failure of Colonial Marines, critics and gamers would be comparing this game to CM even more so.

Whether you like survival horror games or not, this looks to be a positive step forward in the Alien video game universe.

IMO, what they've shown so far looks promising. It's a simple concept with a familiar backdrop, but we've never had an Alien game like this before.
Theres nothing wrong with survival horror, it's a great genre, what's left of it that is. Having said that, there is one single Alien in this entire game. I don't want to shoot up hoards with an automatic turret or anything but I also don't want to play Hide and Seek the Video Game for 20 hours of Single Player either. That really sucks imo.

Not to mention all survivor horrors tend to franchise and leave those elements behind just like Dead Space and probably more aptly just like Alien and Aliens. Since this is already a franchise, you know the next games going to go right back to tons more aliens to shoot regardless of this one's success.

But again I'll tell you right now, if you think this is going to save anything your wrong. Most people will avoid it based on Colonial Marines alone and those that don't may based on only 1 single alien.

This concept has already been done with Slender Man the game and wasn't a huge success so this won't be anything new to gamers.

You go around trying to survive and escape while having to avoid and run or trap and get away from Slender Man. It's this on earth instead of Space.
I'm being realistic. Everyones saying this is what they've been waiting for and will save the franchise based on like 2 mins of footage that looks no better than what Gearbox showed us originally.

Trying to fix the damage to this game franchise or win back trust isn't going to happen overnight.
I am gonna be honest, if reviews come in and say, 'not a disaster' I think a lot of people are gonna try it. Myself included

For myself, this is a step in the right direction. Remember the days when Batman and 'good game' were not used in the same sentence? They are now, but it took a long, long time. Only direction is up for this franchise
Except one little problem. Remember when Alien and good game were used the same sentence?

Yes. I do. And it wasn't because there was 1 single alien to run from.

Only direction is up for this franchise

I believe they said the same about Alien 3 and AVP.
The downfall of this one will be that all eyes are on it and it is not a game for everybody.
Fortunately it is something I can get behind. I love that they are trying to bring back the fear and tension of the original movie. If they don’t mess it up I can see it being a real treat for fans of Alien.

This definitely won’t be the game to get the franchise back on track though. No matter how cool I think this one sounds it won’t do as well as a pulse rifle mowing down hordes of Aliens. In the gaming world Marines vs. Aliens will sell regardless of what Gearbox done.
I am gonna be honest, if reviews come in and say, 'not a disaster' I think a lot of people are gonna try it. Myself included

For myself, this is a step in the right direction. Remember the days when Batman and 'good game' were not used in the same sentence? They are now, but it took a long, long time. Only direction is up for this franchise
Agreed. I'm glad they're not going for the overused "PEW PEW CoD action action action pulse rifles pulse rifles pulse rifles alienz errywhere" crap again. The last few attempts have been more gimmicky and generic than ever. AvP2 did it right though. Fantastic game. It's nice to see something different that looks to have more substance. But at the same time, I can see that hindering it's popularity.

The footage shown for this so far has impressed me much more than anything from A:CM.

Seeing the player attempt to hide from the slowly lurking alien was almost terrifying. Brought me right back to Alien.
"Slenderman-type" games have been a HUGE success, and it's a genre that is still pretty relevant, it's not a concept that Slenderman came up with, there are various other games that were there 1st and do it a lot better, just about anything by Frictional games.

One Alien is exactly what this game needs for some serious scares and the gameplay mechanics also work for some not very common story telling.

People will not skip it based solely on ACM, unless they have less than half a brain.

And no, there are a few things that feel different from what GB showed at 1st, from the 1st time I saw a trailer and the spokesman overselling that game, I knew something smelled funny, this feels a very humble approach IMO.

For starters, the scoop sounds a lot more interesting than ACM as well as the main character, you already feel attached to her for Christ sake (at least I do).

I'm optimistic.
I like the overall direction and let's be clear, I'm not asking for a Call of Duty which seems to now be the stupid go to oh you must want this bs arguement. :dunno I don't like scripted sequences. Let's also be very clear that the reason the last game failed was far from it being a fps. Alot of devs seem to get caught up on replicating the look of the world but not the feel.

The biggest problem I see is not that but with one single alien. I don't really see them being able to stretch the gameplay we just saw in that trailer into 10+ hours and keep it fresh and revolutionary in a way that is "getting the franchise back on track". Alien a great 2 hour movie. Watching it 6 times in 2 days doesn't sound as fun though.

It will just be alot of do this task and avoid the alien which should honestly be pretty simple with one alien which is again my problem. You see the blip you haul *** backwards or literally any other direction. If there was even just a 2nd alien you would contanstly have to second guess just running backwards to w/e to get away because there maybe another over there. Thats one of the biggest problems with games like Slender Man as well, there he is, run any other way. The danger feels too limited and by their own admission you'll only even encounter the alien a few times, so again I ask, is that really getting things back on track? Debatable. Where do you go from here?
In regard to the motion tracker, I assume there will be a fair number of false alarms & the alien lurking motionless. So it wouldn't be that big a part of the game, more of just a plot device.

I'm interested to see if they manage to keep that tension throughout the entire game.
I like the overall direction and let's be clear, I'm not asking for a Call of Duty which seems to now be the stupid go to oh you must want this bs arguement. :dunno I don't like scripted sequences. Let's also be very clear that the reason the last game failed was far from it being a fps. Alot of devs seem to get caught up on replicating the look of the world but not the feel.

The biggest problem I see is not that but with one single alien. I don't really see them being able to stretch the gameplay we just saw in that trailer into 10+ hours and keep it fresh and revolutionary in a way that is "getting the franchise back on track". Alien a great 2 hour movie. Watching it 6 times in 2 days doesn't sound as fun though.

It will just be alot of do this task and avoid the alien which should honestly be pretty simple with one alien which is again my problem. You see the blip you haul *** backwards or literally any other direction. If there was even just a 2nd alien you would contanstly have to second guess just running backwards to w/e to get away because there maybe another over there. Thats one of the biggest problems with games like Slender Man as well, there he is, run any other way. The danger feels too limited and by their own admission you'll only even encounter the alien a few times, so again I ask, is that really getting things back on track? Debatable. Where do you go from here?

Have you played anything by Frictional games? Their games have often only one guy chasing you.

Those games are not about the enemy that's chasing you, they're about the story and how you discover it, it is FAR from boring, and it's not even a problem, I'd hardly consider it as a problem.

Have you played Outlast? That type of game, if it has a compelling story, can be pretty great, and the Alien-verse has a lot of fabric for a great story.
Everything I've seen so far from this game intrigues me. Hell, it makes me want to play it now. ALIEN is my favorite film of the series, hands down and for a game to try to duplicate what is in that film is pretty great. But then I comeback to my senses and realize two things--Colonial Marines and a string of games before that were trash and everything Fox has released with the words Alien or Aliens in them or related to this series has been less than stellar over the last decade and a half. In the video on youtube where the two reviewers who have played the game talk about it, one of them remarks that he doesn't see how this game can end up being 8 to 10 hours long and that it should be 4 to 6 and that would be fine, Hell it would be perfect he remarks. What's more, he goes on to say that the brilliance of ALIEN was the character interaction, not just the scares and the creature picking each one of them off one by one. Isolation seems to focus solely on Amanda only and trying to stay away from the Alien though there will be other characters you come across. The game comes off as once again mining the very same things that we are all used to and have seen and done before. That's fine. But ultimately I'm left with this--wouldn't it have been remarkable if they had given us a Last of Us style game with plenty of characters to interact with to flesh out the story and offer plenty of character development to go along with the all the running and hiding and trying to dodge the Alien? That's what made ALIEN so goddamn brilliant.
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