ALIEN and ALIENS Thread...

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Seaward said:
I know Sigourney Weaver used to be very reluctant to allow people to make toys based on her likeness. I think it had something to do with her dislike of guns, and she didn't want kids playing with her likeness with toy guns.

Didn't she allow Kenner/Hasbro to make a figure based on Alien Resurrection though? Maybe she has softened her stance in recent least I hope so!

This figure looks like it came down with a case of the awesomes:sick , I really hope they produce it!

You are absolutely correct re: SW and guns, it is a big issue with her but she NEVER used her weapon against people in these films so maybe she will soften -- let's face it, she's practically retired anyway. I bet if her kids didn't have a problem with it, she may be cool with it.

BTW, a buddy of mine went to private school with her in Ct. when she was Karen Weaver(?) and they were on a ski trip hanging out in the lodge with other classmates watching TV. My buddy changed the channel and Karen slugged him in the face! LOL! So much for the gun thing!
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Yeah, I sorta get the feeling that she doesn't like guns as they are a sign of weakness...:lol
Not such good news back from Felix, but maybe this will get the ball rolling :D

Strange that Weaver doesn't like guns yet she's the Mother of all Kick-Ass Queens.

Life's strange sweet fruit...
Wor-Gar said:
Strange that Weaver doesn't like guns yet she's the Mother of all Kick-Ass Queens.

Ahhhhh, the hypocrisy of the Hollywood set rears its ugly head yet again.

I love the notion that an actor sure doesn't mind collecting a pay check for a movie in which he/she have to use a gun(s) but yet when it comes to toy figures of themselves they get all freaked out because they don't want their figure to come with a gun!

Steve Buscemi (Mr. Pink) had the same gripe when it came time for the approval of his 12" Reseviour Dogs figure.

What a load of CRAP!!! :sancho
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The Aliens DVD has some commentary by James Cameron, where he describes her reluctance to be part of a script that so heavily featured firearms. He recalls a story of how he took Sigourney to a firing range, and when he saw a smile spread on her face after firing an automatic weapon, said something along the lines of "Another liberal bites the dust!"

I guess she was actually asking them to rewrite the script for Aliens to remove guns. Note their absence in both Alien 3 and Alien Resurrection, at least carried by Ripley.

I think the Kenner toy actually comes with the flamethrower, not a gun, and maybe that is why she allowed it. If that is a fine enough distinction to make!:monkey1
Seaward said:
He recalls a story of how he took Sigourney to a firing range, and when he saw a smile spread on her face after firing an automatic weapon, said something along the lines of "Another liberal bites the dust!"

That's funny. About a year ago, we had a bachelor party in Vegas for a friend (original, right?) and one of the events was to go out to a shooting range and fire guns. No one had done this before of course, and most of the group was very Liberal and kinda against it. However, as soon as we got there and the owner showed us what we'd be shooting -- a Desert Eagle and a machine gun -- we all became kids playing war again...and that same mad little smile came over each person as the shooting began. There was never enough bullets for anyone. Strange, the power of a gun. Must be from growing up with all those action heroes firing all those guns. Anyway, the big laugh was when I said: This is how they make Republicans.

There is truth in jest.
Seaward said:
I think the Kenner toy actually comes with the flamethrower, not a gun, and maybe that is why she allowed it. If that is a fine enough distinction to make!:monkey1

It is so much more humanitarian to flame your enemy as opposed to just shooting them!

And again I say Hollywood hypocritical CRAP! :sancho
Darth Kustomizer said:
It is so much more humanitarian to flame your enemy as opposed to just shooting them!

And again I say Hollywood hypocritical CRAP! :sancho

Hey lay off of Hollywood. Without them we'd be importing TV and movies like we do everything else in this country. Let's just agree that actors as a group aren't the smartest or most well ballanced people in the world. And, sure, maybe the same can be true about studio lackies. Oh, and managers tend to be short sighted sometimes, too. Ugh, and readers... I mean if they're so smart, they'd have sold their own screenplay already, you know what I mean?
gdb said:
Ugh, and readers... I mean if they're so smart, they'd have sold their own screenplay already, you know what I mean?

Some have! But I get your point GDB!

But there are very few Studio Heads out here today who have any vision like the old Studio Bosses from the Golden Days. Most Hi-level Studio Execs are Lawyers and MBA-types, what does that tell you? And the Boards of these publicly traded Media companies are run by MBAs, Accountants and yes Lawyers.

The bottom line is quite simple:

The audience always has been and always will be King on judgment day (opening week)! I just wish Hollywood would start making movies audiences want to see instead of Movies they want audiences to see.
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Unfortunately these things are still perceived as toys and many people don't want to encourage children to play with guns. Nick Cage and Steven Spielberg have also had issues with this in the past. Cage on his Dragon Windtalkers figure and Spielberg on the Capt. Miller GIJoe, which was never released because of this misconception about action figures as collectibles.

But let's not take this into a "people who hate guns are stupid" arena, okay?
Darklord Dave said:
Unfortunately these things are still perceived as toys and many people don't want to encourage children to play with guns. Nick Cage and Steven Spielberg have also had issues with this in the past. Cage on his Dragon Windtalkers figure and Spielberg on the Capt. Miller GIJoe, which was never released because of this misconception about action figures as collectibles.

But let's not take this into a "people who hate guns are stupid" arena, okay?

Agreed, but I must repeat my earlier point, Sigourney only used a weapon in that film to kill Aliens... to protect human life not take it.
pjam said:
I just wish Hollywood would start making movies audiences want to see instead of Movies they want audiences to see.

[sigh] Me, too, pjam. Me, too.
Is anyone here familiar with the Japanese SEGA Alien 12" model snap-kit?

From pictures I've seen, it looks like the BEST represenation of the original ALIEN. But...I'd like to know how it is in person.
I haven't seen it in person, but from pics it looks pretty good. The issue for me is that it is basically a statue, and it is 12"... meaning not 1/6 scale. Mcfarlane's alien is still your best bet for a cool (albeit slightly inaccurate) 1/6 alien figure.
Yeah, there are some really amazing pictures online of this piece (and even Michael Crawford includes a shot of it in his Alien review). It is a bit small, but it looks much more like the original Alien than the McF figure.

Anyway, just wondered if anyone had one. I'm still holding out for the inevitable ALIEN from Hot Toys. I'm hoping they'll do for it what they did for Predator (big head aside). I know some people who bought that Predator and its their favorite piece right now.
Yeah, I'm also waiting for HT to unveil their alien figure... I would love it if they made an alien from the first movie, but it probably should be either from Aliens or AvP...
McF's alien main problem is the undersized head, other than that, to the casual viewer, it is a pretty spot on representation. Us fan boy know better, of course!:D
Just watched AvP and a couple of the Quadrilogy documentaries again, and my need of alien figures has come back full force!
If HotToys makes figures of the AvP aliens, they should look sweet! The CGI design is pretty nice actually, kinda sleek and predatory...
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