7 quotes that would have saved the Prequels

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Awe, another "Prequel Sucks, but I still give George Lucas all my money" threads :lol

I recently sponsored Shepperton Design Studios, so uncle George can kiss my behind. :pfft: :lol In fact my 1:1 SDS Stormie's name is Gigel (it is the diminutive from George in Romanian). And Prequels do suck alas. :nana::(
That's not true prequel apologist fans do. Because they'll settle for anything.:wink1:


I like it!
The PT saber fights destroy all from the OT.

They felt too much like choreographed dancing instead of combat. Most of the time the two combatants are passing over obvious weaknesses in the other's guard and simply bringing their sabers together. Too much spinning and twirling. At one point in the big Sith lightsaber fight Anakin and Obi Wan are standing face to face twirling their sabers.

Ian McDiarmid was awesome.

Agreed. I liked him better in the prequels than Jedi. Especially his scene where he talks about Darth Plagueis the Wise

Ewan McGregor was great.

Yes. It bothers me he never had a scene with the real Darth Vader.

Jango Fett > Boba Fett

No. whatever you're smoking it's bad.

Natalie Portman was friggin hawt!!!

And wooden. I've seen her actually act in other films, and she phoned it in for the SW films.
They felt too much like choreographed dancing instead of combat. Most of the time the two combatants are passing over obvious weaknesses in the other's guard and simply bringing their sabers together. Too much spinning and twirling. At one point in the big Sith lightsaber fight Anakin and Obi Wan are standing face to face twirling their sabers.

Haha thats probably true. Fancy to look at but not real swordfighting. But then again the OT had the same problem AND they were less impressive to watch - particularly in ANH - just check out old Ben's 3 minute spin that Vader failed to capitalise on. The main thing they have over the PT is Luke is a better protaganist and Vader a better villain than anyone written into the PT.
Yeah, but that would've been cool.


George: "And when you are in the Vader suit you will talk to Ian and when he tells you you killed Padmé you will go like Frankenstein and say NOOOOO."

Hayden: "Well if you think that's cool..."

George: "Yeah people will love it!!"

The end of Sith creates yet another "ANH Ben is an idiot/lair" problem - Ben doesn't know Anakin is alive. He also doesn't know the Emperor has encased Vader in the black armor. Ben should speaking to Luke of Vader in the past tense as someone who died in a lava river. Ben also shouldn't recognize Vader in his Mask later as he's never seen it before.
i think a wise old Jedi such as ben wouldn't have a problem figuring out Vader's identity… he would have felt Anakin's presence through the force. besides, he saw the hologram of Anakin being christened Darth Vader… he was familiar with the Emperor's familiarity with cybernetics and life support (Grievous), and he had 20 some odd years to put things together.
Storytelling would have dovetailed better if Ben had stood face to face (or dueled) Vader as we later knew him.

I waited ~25 years for the return of Darth Vader and all he did was cry over a girl.
to me..
the only thing that saved episode 1 was :
-Pod racer
-Maul, Qui gon, Obi-wan battle scene..

the ONLY thing that saved episode 2 is:
-Yoda battle scene

Episode 3 is quite ok for me..

and the only thing that RUINED PT for me:
-Love scene of anakin and padme in episode 2... Yuuuuck!!!
Ep 2 was the worst IMO. The corniest love thing between annie and padme, i mean you put two people together alone on the universes most romantic looking palnet and of course they'll fall in love, hel harry knowles could've replaced anaking and padme would've gone for him, not to mention they were alone the whole time, not much sausage for padme without anakin there.

Then there was the return of Jar jar after universal hate, he even began the clone wars as representative binks, and finally obi- wans hair and beard combination was ewwwwww.

Best part of Ep 1 was the final duel between obi and maul, it was the fastest and best choreographed.

Best of Ep 3 was the order 66 and sidious wielding a lightsaber.
to me..
the only thing that saved episode 1 was :
-Pod racer
-Maul, Qui gon, Obi-wan battle scene..

the ONLY thing that saved episode 2 is:
-Yoda battle scene

Episode 3 is quite ok for me..

and the only thing that RUINED PT for me:
-Love scene of anakin and padme in episode 2... Yuuuuck!!!
Don't forget about John Williams and his awesome score! Duel of Fates=theme song for my epic life :lol

:lol This is awesome. :lol

Here's part one of a comical, but rather accurate (IMO), Phantom Menace review, for those that haven't seen it.

The whole thing (seven parts) is definitely worth watching, even if you disagree with it (and if you can stomach the narrator's ridiculous put-on voice). The same guy has done AOTC and ROTS as well:

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/FxKtZmQgxrI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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