360 or PS3??

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Bardoon said:
I will say that Playstation Network has a lot of catching up to do to X-Box Live.I like the option to continue playing games and such while you download like X-Box Live.

I agree with you there. It's not much fun when you are forced to sit and watch the progress bar when you could be having fun instead.
Not sure if this has been mentioned, but today the creator of the final fantasy series said that FF13 needed to come to the xbox360. That the game was created so it doesnt matter what hardware it runs on so it could and should be easily ported.
That;s just lame and sick if FF goes multi platform. wtf?
nash said:
Is Rainbow Six vegas supposed to come out on PS3? My idiot friend keeps talking about it to me on PC, what a nerd.
That was a good game too:lol

Actually it was too easy, I beat it in like a day, was half way thru realistic when I had to return it, A day or two longer it would have been beat on both levels.
I would not be surprised if MGS4 jumps to the X-Box 360 as well...the only thing that will keep it on the PS3 will be a WHOLE lot of money given to Kojima and crew on top of the sales.

Even so,I almost anticipate that after a while they'll release a "remix" version like they did with all the other MGS games and have that possibly be multi-platform.

Isn't GTA4 multi-platform?Didn't one of the Microsoft X-Box guys show off the GTA4 fake tattoo he had on his arm at E3 recently?

I haven't touched a FF game since FFX and even that one was crappy.I think there hasn't been a good FF since FFVII. They really need to get some new storywriters and especially new character designers.You can recognize Nomura's recent "punk-metro-rainbow" styles immediately and I hate them.
Yes, Grand Theft Auto is coming to the 360.

They would have to pay me an awful lot of money to sell my game only on the PS3 when there are 10 million 360 owners ready to spend their money.

If there is an audience five times larger on the Xbox then you would be foolish to ignore them. By the time the PS3 sells 10 million consoles, it will be far too late. All of the big names will have gone neutral by then and the 360 will continue to outsell the PS3.

But I hope Sony is happy with their decision to force Blu-ray down everybody's throat. Looks like the high price tag is really paying off with sluggish PS3 sales. (Unless, of course, it was their goal all along to come in third in the console race. In that case, they have suceeded brilliantly.)

I have a PS3 and enjoy it. But months from now, games will be coming out that I finished playing months ago on the 360. Hooray...
I am really anticipating this new game by factor 5(the guys that did rogue squadron etc. for nintendo(64 and GC)...so you know they're good. They actually use a system to the max, the graphics on the GC RS was just as good if not better than any GC game.I am a big factor 5 fan and can't wait for this ps3 exclusive.










looks amazing alright, but it really comes down to gameplay. if it doesn't play right the game still sucks. im waiting for Assasin's Creed to come out. the graphics look great and so far it looks like it will play awesome.
LOL! I am so glad Sony dropped the ball. I loved my PS2 and still will buy a PS3. If only for some games. I think this whole thing is getting out of hand. Companies are making games for all systems as well. Who cares what you buy now. I think the Wii got em by the nuts. Nintendo will ruin everything. Don't believe me read the back of Xbox mag for this month. They are destroying the competitive market. Good for the consumers and bad for true hardcore gamers.
I agree - the market's a buyers market right now and everyone should just rejoice at such a great year for gamers - Super Mario Galaxy, MGS4, Bioshock, Super Paper Mario, Lair, Halo 3, Super Smash Bros Brawl, GTA4, Assasin's Creed, FF13, Nights: Journey in Dreams, Heavenly Sword, Stranglehold, to mention but a few highlights on the horizon. A truly GREAT year for games!
anybody else playing Motorstorm online?
if so whats your UN?
me and couple friends have been playing a lot lately under "diditellya"
Was literally JUST playing Motorstorm, but not online :( Need to get a wireless router setup asap and KICK SOME ASS!!!! :)
I played a version of Lair while at CES back in Jan. The game play was so-so. It was limited but was not to impresses, the graphics where not done so I can't so much. This game did make good use of the motion portion of the PS3 controller though.