1/6 ROTS Palpatine / Sidious Image Thread

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Re: Palpatine Image Thread

Nice shots everyone! I cannot wait to get these two... It will be a very fun repainting experience, to be sure. And I think I am going to try and darken the inner robe part of Palpatine's red suit... It looked darker in the film and I think it will give the figure more depth. We will see... :emperor

Can't wait to see the results Josh. The Palpatine costume is tricky. In the film, it did end up nearly black looking, but in some of the promotional images, it's more monotone like this figure. Palpatine's pre-deformed costumes were tailored to reflect his 2-sided character by changing with the lighting, and it's to be expected that a fabric that replicates the texture but a 1/6 the size isn't going to have the 2-sided properties of the costume.
Re: Palpatine Image Thread

I guess it depends on the lighting....


Re: Palpatine Image Thread

I do wish the Palps outfit looked more like my photo below to the naked eye:


If the long "vest" was a tad lighter, and the inner tunic darker as DA says, it would really pop much more. But yes, lighting has everything to do with making it look like the movie costume.
Re: Palpatine Image Thread

OK, I don't have any pictures yet, but let me say this.










All of the pics so far (no offense) wash out the details of the faces and hide the true wonder of the sculpts. Palpatine is actually my favorite. No doubt whatsoever that it is Ian. Sidious is awesome as well, but posing the hood just right is crucial to the appearence of the figure.

And as far as accessories, I have the senate Cam with Sidious and the Holocron and Statue with Palpatine. I think they fit better that way then packaged (btw, the senate droid's stand is packed with Sidious for some reason).

Overall: **** Old Ben quality for sure. The old guys continue to so they are the best in the line.

* Until MaulFan's photos come at least.
Re: Palpatine Image Thread

OK, I don't have any pictures yet, but let me say this.










All of the pics so far (no offense) wash out the details of the faces and hide the true wonder of the sculpts. Palpatine is actually my favorite. No doubt whatsoever that it is Ian. Sidious is awesome as well, but posing the hood just right is crucial to the appearence of the figure.

And as far as accessories, I have the senate Cam with Sidious and the Holocron and Statue with Palpatine. I think they fit better that way then packaged (btw, the senate droid's stand is packed with Sidious for some reason).

Overall: **** Old Ben quality for sure. The old guys continue to so they are the best in the line.

* Until MaulFan's photos come at least.

You know I like a challenge :D Glad to see more and more content with the set.

The Josh will likely be posting his images today if all goes well for him with FedEx, and his shot should be helpful on the detail side, we have the same camera.

As for the Palpatine costume coloration and all. I think ar large part of why the film one can get so dark under some lighting also has to do with the depth of the texture. The picture posted above indicates a lot of room for shadows to fall amidst the texture, and the highlights show a matching red. You really have to give it to the costuming for him in ROTS, very nice pieces and very crafty the way the used fabrics to mirror his double life.
Re: Palpatine Image Thread

Your review, Buttmuch, makes me want to pee... :blissy :lol

Best compliment I can get :lol

OK. Here are two QUICK shots. I took them at a distance so you guys can't scrutinize the details of the face, etc.


Note the difference in Palpatine's robe coloring. It looks pretty close to this in person.


Note the droid walker can't stand, like everyone elses, without support.
Re: Palpatine Image Thread

Man I feel so lucky that I got a Holo Sid that can stand up correctly without help, I'd probably get frustrated if I had to keep messing with it.
Re: Palpatine Image Thread

Excellent pics. Reminds me that I need to rotate my display... I will get my repainted Sith Anakin/Ex. Anakin out of storage... who should I put away? I think I might put my LOTR figs away until the Hobbits get here.
Re: Palpatine Image Thread

Excellent pics. Reminds me that I need to rotate my display... I will get my repainted Sith Anakin/Ex. Anakin out of storage... who should I put away? I think I might put my LOTR figs away until the Hobbits get here.

Could be funny having Aragorn take on Sidious haha.
Re: Palpatine Image Thread

The Josh will likely be posting his images today if all goes well for him with FedEx, and his shot should be helpful on the detail side, we have the same camera.

Well, I should have him today but I have a game tonight so I won't be home till late and probably will wait till tomorrow to take pics. I want to make sure I take some really good ones for this set.
Re: Palpatine Image Thread

I acutally cleared out two shelves in anticipation of Palpatine and Sidious. My three Buffy figures gave up their shelf, and the "variant" X-Files figures gave up their second shelf. So on top of the shelves is Qui-gon Vs Maul (Tatoonie)
Below them: Anakin March to temple with Palpatine Vs Mace and Kit. Below them is the 25th Anniversary GI Joes (the shelf on this level had to be much shorter than the rest to make the stationary shelf below this one large enough for 12" figures). Then the Sidious, Walker, Asajj, Plo shelf. And below them, my two shelves of Modern Horror.

On the shelf to the right, Sith Anakin vs Obi-Wan on top. Below them my "A New Hope Shelf" with Old Ben, Holochess, ANH Leia, and Yavin Luke. Blow them (short shelf again) are my Sideshow mini-busts. Below them, Bespin/Jedi Lukes with Bespin Han and the Endor Troopers (actually doesn't look crowded though for some reason :confused:). Below them are my random shelves with Vlad the Impaler, Jaws and Moonraker Bond, SDCC Hellboy and Nazi Kroenen, Van Helsing, and Hot Toy's Jack Sparrow. Below that shelf, the two other Kroenens, regular HB, Black Knight and Conner McLeod.

I'm not even going to start on shelf three :eek:
Re: Palpatine Image Thread

Best compliment I can get :lol

OK. Here are two QUICK shots. I took them at a distance so you guys can't scrutinize the details of the face, etc.


Note the difference in Palpatine's robe coloring. It looks pretty close to this in person.


Note the droid walker can't stand, like everyone elses, without support.

Wow...those shelves look so much like my ones, it's scary...you even have Asajj's spare head and robe folded up...except mine has the exclusive displayed...
Re: Palpatine Image Thread

Wow...those shelves look so much like my ones, it's scary...you even have Asajj's spare head and robe folded up...except mine has the exclusive displayed...

*Twilight Zone Music*

That is weird. I was going to use the Exclusive head when I ordered it because it was more realistic, but the regular head was just so stunning in person I had to keep that one on.
Re: Palpatine Image Thread

*Twilight Zone Music*

That is weird. I was going to use the Exclusive head when I ordered it because it was more realistic, but the regular head was just so stunning in person I had to keep that one on.

Re: Palpatine Image Thread

Here are some great pics from RS:

msmjr2003 said:
Well, mine are here.

Just spent the last 30 mins getting 'em into shape.

Verdict for us?

Palpatine trumps Sidious.

Just our opinion, though....pics later.

Clicky clicky.... ;)

Re: Palpatine Image Thread

Those pics are great in showing what you are really getting. Here is my attempt (without setting up any lighting) with a tripod.




Palpatine was my favorite when they first went up for order. I think most people were excited for Sidious because he looks more like the Emperor, and Palpatine got overshadowed. He is the clear winner of the set although Sidious is still one of the best in the line.