1/6 Indy Customizations: Image Thread

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Question for those that have already weathered their HT jacket, how easy is it to distress and what method did you use please? My jacket looks like Indy just bought it from the store :(
Thank you guys! And thanks, Paul, for posting those pics :)

Question for those that have already weathered their HT jacket, how easy is it to distress and what method did you use please? My jacket looks like Indy just bought it from the store :(

I think some people have used a fine grade sand paper?
Thanks ! I'll give that a try and I'd love to have an Indy as cool as yours !

Thanks Paul, let us know how it goes!

That looks pretty damn good, which sculpt is this and are you selling once the wgp sculpt comes out?

That's the shrunken Premium Format Indy sculpt that was offered a while back. I'm actually going to keep it, though. :)
That's what I did with my Iindy jacket


Quick pic of my WIP Indy, just awaiting a decent head . I tried some sandpaper on the folds, overdid it a little I think. I may have to use some paint to cover and weather a bit more .
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Yeah creepy, looks like you're dressing up your, um, well, you know.
Don't be afraid to weather the ____ out of it!

This is a screen used (from the Last Crusade) jacket. It's almost overly beat up just so the cameras could pick it up.

That'd look a bit OTT if you did it on a 1/6 jacket, as you said, that was done so it'd read on camera.

The material on that looks very thin and I'm not sure pleather is an effective means of replicating that. The SSC one looks better when weathered as the thickness of the material used is better scaled.
Is that Silentsurfer paint? Looks great.

Yep, sure is!

Quick pic of my WIP Indy, just awaiting a decent head . I tried some sandpaper on the folds, overdid it a little I think. I may have to use some paint to cover and weather a bit more .

That is an excellent looking Indy you have going there! I think you're off to a great start with the weathering. WGP's sculpt will really set that off. :rock